Tuesday, November 30, 2004

>>Costa Rica News Digest<<

A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net

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*Feature Article:
Costa Rica's Coastal Challenge!

*News Digest

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*Costa Rica's Coastal Challenge!


Interview with Tim Holmstrom – November 19, 2004

<>: “This is Tim Bourquin with www.EnduranceRadio.com. Thanks

for joining us for another interview today.

We’re going to be adding to our library of Race Director and adventure racer

interviews, so we’re going to be speaking with Tim Holmstrom. He’s the Race

Director for the Coastal Challenge in Costa Rica coming up January 14th

through 23rd in 2005. So we’re going to be hearing about his unique race and

what it takes to race in this, and what it takes to put an event of that

magnitude as well.

A couple of things; make sure you sign up for the monthly audio newsletter.

We’re giving away great gear every week to continue the celebration of the

launch of www.EnduranceRadio.com, and also make sure you leave us a comment

on our Comment Board at www.trinewbies.com, we’ll link to that. Let us know

who we’re doing, what questions we should be asking and what interviewees we

should be talking to as well.

We’re going to be right back to speak with Tim Holmstrom in about 30


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<>: “Tim, thanks very much for joining us, I appreciate your


<>: “Hi Tim, how you doing?”

<>: “Alright. Well looking at your website, its fantastic, the

Coast Challenge in Costs Rica coming up here, how long have you been running

this race?”

<>: “Well, this is the inaugural race. We started working on

this and putting everything together about a year ago, or I should say in

January, so it’ll be a full year between the inception and the actual

execution of the race itself, and it was just about necessary to have that

much time to try and get the word out and realizing that people are still

learning about this event through different channels. I could use another

six months as far as promoting the race, I wish I had it, but we’ve done what

we could in that year.”

<>: “Now what made you settle on Costa Rica as the revenue for


<>: “Costa Rica is just an absolutely beautiful country with a

lot to offer both in people with adventurous spirits and people who are

competitors. Costa Ricans, by nature, are very competitive. They’re big

into running and biking, and they have a lot of events internally. They were

so happy to hear that we could possibly get some people from the US or

Canada, or other countries, to come down and compete because they feel

somewhat isolated. It’s hard for them to get to other events. Its tough

with their economy to try and come up with the money to get to international

events, so they put on a lot of events in the country itself, and we now

we’re hoping to introduce some people to those events and to the one we’re

putting on and let them see for themselves what a country like Costs Rica has

to offer.”

<>: “Now a Race Director who’s got the task of putting on event

a marathon or triathlon that comes over quite a bit of distance, I mean

that’s tough enough. You’re talking about 250 kilometers. Where do you even


<>: “Well, that’s a really good question, and for someone like

myself who didn’t really have a lot of prior experience, other than going and

covering the events as a photo-journalist. I saw how things were done, but

even so I had no idea, I just had always seen it from one side of the fence,

so being on the other side of the fence and actually trying to put something

on is completely different, and far more complicated than I had ever

imagined. The one thing that I will say is from the beginning I thought that

since this was strictly running event I’d have a better chance of trying to

manage something like this with help from key people, as opposed to putting

on an adventure race which I don’t think, without a lot of experience,

without working with people who have a lot of experience in putting on a

full-on adventure, I don’t think you could pull it off in a year, and I knew

the fact that it was a running event would help me at least get a leg up on

learning how to put on an event, and logistically speaking a running event is

not that difficult, especially the way we’re going it which is linear and we

have camps each night along the course, and almost the entire course, even

though its in a remote area of Costa Rica, there is road access mostly, dirt


<>: “OK. One of the big differences between this another type

of adventure race, is that you’re not running this start to finish, you’re

actually timed in each state, almost like the Tour De France.”

<>: “Exactly, yes, and in some respects we followed certain

patterns, and have broken away from other traditions in terms of racing, but,

yes, you do each stage and then you’re timed for that stage and then its

accumulative at the end for our winner in the solo category. We also

introduced a relay category and a team category. The relay category was to

try and bring in people who might be a little intimated by the distance and

they could down with another competitor and split the course up. They could

do that however they pleased, whether they did the first three legs and then

their partners does the second three legs or four legs, or they could do it

on and off throughout the course, but our hope was that it would let people

take this on without feeling like they’d committed themselves to seven days

of that distance.”

<>: “Will navigation be a part of this, or is everything pretty

much clearly marked about where they need to go?”

<>: “We’re marking the course because we really are making

this for runners, and ultra-runners, and although I’ve been covering

adventure racing for years, and my heart lies with how much they love

navigation. I mean, at its core, I think that’s what draws people to

adventure racing. We just thought this was really meant to be for runners,

and so they don’t necessarily like the navigation. They just don’t have the

depth of experience with navigation, and so unfortunately for the AR people

who may come and participate in this, I look at it more for them as just kind

of a training ground, or maybe a get back in shape after the holiday’s kind

of a session.”

<>: “Sure. Well, now, what kind of athlete do you think will

excel on this type of course? Is it the trial runners and the ultra-runners,

who are used to running these long distances over several days?”

<>: I think you’ll see the trial runners will excel. One of

the things that’s interesting about this event, and I think different, there

might be one or two others out there but no where, I think, in part of the

hemisphere, the way we differentiate it is that you don’t have to carry

anything other than water. We’re transporting all your gear. There are

self-sufficient running events out there where you’re carrying about 20 to 25

pounds on your back because you have to camp out at night and carry your food

and water, which really, I think, slows you down. We wanted to make a

running race for runners and let them actually run, and go at a pace that

they are accustomed to without carrying the gear.”

<>: “For a lot of people who maybe hesitant to go to another

country to run a race, this is really a good opportunity to get in there and

just concentrate on what you do best and not have to worry about a lot of

things because you’re providing most of that.”

<>: “Well, that’s it, and Costa Rica is very close. I think

people loose sight of that fact when you first mention Costa Rica until they

look on a map, and I think that central America, for some people, is a little

bit scary because if they’ve never traveled there they might think about some

of the countries that have had to deal with civil strife and other things

that would tend to keep people away from those areas, but Costa Rica for, I

would say the last 20 – 25 years, they’ve invested in education and in the

environment and stayed away from investing in any military. They’re a far

cry from the other central American countries, and also even like their

water, they have government sanctioned water supplies for each town, and in

fact the towns take great pride in thinking their waters better than the next

town’s. It’s a different kind of central American country.”

<>: “Now in terms of race directing itself, I want to talk to

you about you chose how each stage would end and where that would end, but

we’re going to take a quick break and we’ll be right back to speak with Tim


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<>: “Tim, how familiar were you with Costa Rica before you

started this? Did you have any idea where you wanted each stage to begin and


<>: “No, no, honestly. I’m working with Rodrigo Carazo, who

was born and bred in Costa Rica, lives in San Jose, and he’s an adventure

racer, done a few AR races, including the Primal Quest which is were we met,

and I spent some time with him after covering La Rosa, which is a mountain

bike race down there. We went up the coast and I just starting getting this

sense that this coast line; it’s so undeveloped, so beautiful and I just

thought, you know, it might be a good place to put on an event. We just

started talking about it and I thought ‘Wow’, if you could run down this

coast, whatever the distance may be, it would give people a great sense of

the country because it’s a part of Costa Rica; the northern part is more

farming and more agriculture, and then the southern part is more rain forest,

and it really varies, even day to day, the terrain varies, and so I saw some

of it, but then as I’ve gone back there and done some scouting, I’ve seen

even more of it, so it really was a good choice in terms of a revenue, just

because of the terrain variation. Rodrigo knew it like the back of his hand,

so he was able to set camps. In fact one of the camps is on family property

of his, its one of the more beautiful encampments that we’ve chosen, and he,

I think from the start, he had that in mind as being almost a mid-way point.”

<>: “Has this been your full time gig trying to plan this

thing? It’s quite an ambitious task.”

<>: “No really full time. Most of any available time I’ve

allotted to it and it has grown in my mind and I’ve been somewhat absorbed by

it even when I’m not working on it, I’m thinking about it, but, yes, it would

be hard for me to devote all my time to this, but I’ve devoted any spare time

to it.”

<>: “Now any surprises when you first got into this? You were

probably ready for anything, but anything notable?”

<>: “I think just the fact that I was so amazed at how

welcoming the Costa Ricans were; the more Costa Ricans I met in my scouting,

how grateful they were that we were able to try and put on an event like

this. For instance, the Logistics Director, Chava, he’d been working events

for years in Costa Rica, putting on adventure races, but again only with

local communities. When he found out we were going to try and get some

Americans and some Canadians and Europeans down there, he was just completely

gun-ho to lay out the best course, and put this together the best way

possible. In so many words, he just said to Rodrigo and to Craig how

grateful he was, so that’s gratifying. I think I was just surprised that he

and other Costa Ricans were that energized by the possibility.”

<>: “Well what advice do you have for a Race Director who is

considering putting on a new event in the US, let alone another country?”

<>: “Probably the best piece of advice I can give is get back

to people right away. I can’t tell you how often people have said to me,

either by e-mail or over the phone ‘Thanks for getting back to me right

away.’ They have their questions and so many of their decisions as to

whether they’ll go, what they’ll do, hinge on getting answers back from you

as Race Director, or someone you’ve set up to answer those questions. I mean

in my case, I’m getting back to them personally, but you could certainly set

somebody up whose knows all the answers to get back in touch with people. I

guess my point is get back to them right away because people appreciate it.”

<>: “We’ll finish up with this Tim; budget wise, for a first

event, its got to be pretty tough to really determine actual costs and to try

and get that and then set your entry fee. How did you go about doing that?”

<>: “Well one of the things we thought about when we were

setting a price for the entry fee is we wanted to get people interested in

doing this who had never typically gone on an international, who had never

raced in an international event before. For instance, a lot of AR racers

have had the opportunity to go to some eco challenges, or races that are

similar to the eco challenge and that draws an international field of

competitors. What we had hoped is that for runners who don’t typically go to

international events, that we could coax them into coming to this, and get

some of the runners who are maybe more adventurous than they give themselves

credit for. I think, in some respects, they stay inside their comfort zone

with domestic races in the US, and those races are, admittedly, cheaper than

an international race, so we thought the only way we could try and cajole

them into coming to an international race is to really set the price low,

keep the bar a little bit lower, and also we knew that we had some

competitors out there who are more entrenched than we are, and we needed to

just offer a low enough price to be an incentive to come to our race, as

opposed to one of theirs.”

<>: “Now do you seeing this being an annual event?”

<>: “We do. We actually are looking forward to creating this

as a series. We’re not sure if we’re going to create another follow-up

that’s, say, an expedition length race like this one, or we’ll possibly do a

number of different locations that are, say, well not 24 hour races, but say

one day races where its just a single marathon but in a more exotic locale,

and create a series of those. They could be, in some cases, qualifiers for

the Costa Rican race. A lot of people of really into, I think, following a

series of races and we want to try and create a situation where we’re

offering a series as well. I think peoples’ mind-set is that if it’s a

series I want to try and go to all of them, and I think psychologically it

works very well, people tend to want to put that last feather in their cap,

to really mark them off.”

<>: “Well hopefully we can follow up with you after the race

and see how it all went.”

<>: “Absolutely Tim.”

<>: “Listeners can go to http://www.thecoastalchallenge.com.

We’ll link to that race site right below the link to this audio, so you can

check out more about this. Tim thanks a lot.”

<>: “Well, thank you Tim.”

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Anti-violence bill contains some unusual clauses

Joe Frazier has not seen his children for three years. He said that he is

worried that if a new bill passes to protect women against violence he might

not ever see his children again. The bill, however, is proving difficult for

the Asamblea Legislativa to pass.

It is not only Frazier, a U.S. citizen, who has raised objections regarding

the 166-page bill. In a press release, the Movimiento Libertario said that

the bill duplicates existing laws on domestic violence and sexual harassment

at work. The political party also said that the bill shouldn't be passed

because it only applies to women.

Many women disagree, and at least 300 of them held a march Thursday demanding

the bill’s passage. They cite statistics that show 20 women have been

murdered by companions or ex-companions just this year.

Laura Escalante Monje is responsible for distributing Movimiento Libertario

ideology. She said. "The law that they are trying to pass is discrimination.

Women are not better than men. What we need is a law that is based on

equality for all sexes and all ages."

A press release by the Movimiento Libertario lists the main objections that

the party has regarding the introduction of the law. The law is specifically

related to violence against women. But Escalante said that the bill is

hypocritical in that it discriminates against men. There are three main

issues that the movement has against the bill. The first is that the law

attempts to prevent discussion between partners which could hamper the

resolution of disputes. The movement said that the bill also prohibits

reconciliation between couples. In addition to this, neighbors and relatives

are encouraged to accuse spouses.

The movement said that the bill features many details that go against the

national constitution. The party leadership also said that the bill is open

to interpretation and can therefore be abused. Their main focus is the

section titled: "Relationships of power and trust." Escalante said that just

because a man might hold a position of authority does not mean that the man

is automatically guilty. Escalante said that the bill violates the right to

be presumed innocent until proven otherwise.
The bill also states that if a woman is killed by someone they know

then that person should be sentenced to a longer term in jail then if the

assailant were a stranger. "Why should there be a difference if the woman

knows or doesn't know the person that killed them?" said Escalante. Another

detail in the bill which Escalante believes controversial is if the victim is

economically dependent upon the assailant. The bill states that if this is

the case, the length of sentence will automatically be increased by a third.

Another article states that if you insult, ridicule, or embarrass a women you

could be sent to jail for two to six years.

Escalante also said that Libertarians have requested that the concept of

femicidio be removed from the bill. The movement states that this is because

it discriminates against men. If a woman is murdered, the man is sentenced to

20 to 35 years of prison. But if a man is murdered, the sentence varies from

12 to 18 years. "Why should a woman’s life be worth more than a man’s or a

child’s?" said Escalante.

The consequences of the bill has left some men worried about what their

rights are in Costa Rica. Originally from Texas, Frazier met and married a

Costa Rican woman. He said that all was well when they lived in Texas but

upon moving back to Costa Rica her family began to get too involved. So the

couple decided to move to Panamá. Frazier said that it was then that his wife

abruptly took the children over the border back into Costa Rica. "I have not

seen Kerry or Brandon for some time now. I still have all the presents I

bought them for their birthdays and Christmas."

Frazier said that he is very disappointed and frustrated with the family

courts in Costa Rica. Kerry is 3 and Brandon is 6.

"Men have no rights at all when it comes to their children in Costa Rica,"

said Frazier. He said that he does not think that his case is moving anywhere

and that no one is interested in his plight. In addition, he said that the

children’s mother frequently fails to attend court appearances but never gets


"I am an honest man and have never hit a woman in my life, I don’t drink and

I don’t smoke I don’t take drugs, and yet I have been treated very unfairly."

Frazier said that he hopes that the anti-violence bill is not passed. If the

bill becomes law, he fears that the scales will be tipped even more in favor

of women.

*Online allegations prompts a quick meeting of officials

A quirky online publication claims the nation’s chief prosecutor is bugging

2,900 telephones and conspiring with a television anchorwoman to assume the

presidency as a strongman and shut down the legislature.

The allegations were presented as a Sala IV constitutional court appeal and a

transcript of a
purported telephone conversation between the chief prosecutor and the

television newswoman. The claims prompted top officials to hold an emergency

meeting Monday.

The television station involved, Channel 7 Teletica, issued a strongly worded

denial during both the 7 p.m. and the 10 p.m. news broadcasts.
The allegations were contained in Campanada, an online publication by Carlos

Roberto Loría Quirós.

Monday Loría published what appears to be a recurso de amparo or appeal for

aid, drawn up by him seeking intervention by the Sala IV. Loría claims the

chief prosecutor, Fiscal General Francisco Dall’Anese Ruiz, has overstepped

his authority by bugging 2,900 telephones, including some used by government


Loría also claims that an alliance exists between Dall’Anese and the

television newswoman, Pilar Cisneros Gallo, and other newspeople to supply

them with information about corruption. He further claims that Mrs. Cisneros

accepted payoff money from the French telecommunications firm Alcatel but

that Dall’Anese has agreed to overlook that fact.

Loría in his posted appeal also says that newspeople are trying to make

Dall’Anese a presidential candidate who would acts as a dictator and close

the Asamblea Legislativa.

There is no indication that Loría actually has filed the court brief or if it

has been accepted by the high court.

*OIJ Boss Accused of Sexual Harassment

Three women working at the sección de Delitos Sexuales del OIJ (sexual crimes

section of the OIJ) - the Organismo Judicial de Investigacion - have accused

their boss of sexual harassment to the point that they required psychological


The boss identified only by his last name - Ramírez Cartín - was sanctioned

with five day suspension without pay following a 10 month long investigation

that ended before the Tribunal de Inspección Judicial - an internal review


The action by the public official is a serious offence and judicial

officials, including OIJ chief, Jorge Rojas, are being tight lipped at the

events surrounding the review board's decision.

The women said that Ramírez made improper advances towards them while at

work, that included unwanted touching and messages that were interpreted with

double intention. The women felt that their jobs would be on the online at

all times as they refused their boss' advances.

Their workplace, according to the women, became a negative environment,

dreading going to work each day. The women decided to seek psychological

treatment, that resulted in their presenting formal charges against the man.

*17.000 GSM Lines Go On Sale

Did you get yours? was the most asked question around town yesterday, as the

Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) put on sale the 17.000 GSM

lines on sale yesterday and customers lining up for up to 10 hours to get


ICE decided to offer the lines that have been abandoned or have been

confiscated for lack of payment by it's customers and may be the last lines

that may be the last lines for a long time, maybe up to two years, as ICE

re-starts the bid for the expansion of it's current GSM network.

This summer, the Contraloria General de la Republica (Comptroller's office)

resufed the contract signed late last year between ICE and the Ericsson

company following allegation of payoffs and problems with the contract, that

would have seen the GSM network expanded with 600.000 GSM lines in addition

to the current 400.000 lines installed by the French telecommunications firm

Alcatel, which has been the at the centre of the ICE-Alcatel scandal.

Customers lined up for hours hours at all the ICE agencies knowing to get

their cellular telephone connected to the GSM network, some with new service,

while others preferring to switch from the older TDMA technology.

A spokesperson for ICE says that by the end of last night more than 1/2 of

the 17.000 lines were gone, with the expectation that by the end of today or

Wednesday they would be completely sold out.

In July of this year, ICE had put 15.000 GSM lines on sale and were sold out

in five days. They followed with an announcement of an additional 10.000

lines, which sold out within the following week. This time, ICE officials

knew things would be different, and were prepared with additional staff and

extending operational hours until 7:30pm.

The lines were long, some like at the Tibás offices extended up to 800

metres. At the Pavas office, the line outside was shorter, however, the

agency has the largest office indoors, which was filled to capacity.

Customers who had lined up were allowed in up to 5:00pm, being told to come

back today.

Those inside were served and according to one insider, they worked up to

8:30pm, until all customers were gone.

The situation was not different at ICE authorized dealers, as customers who

chose to purchase new equipment were able to get connected - or at least have

their application made - by an ICE agent, who have the capacity to install

new service, connected to the ICE mainframe.

*"No" To Drinking and Driving For the Holidays

Curbing drinking and driving will be the main focus for the Policía de

Tránsito (Transit Police) this holiday season. Transit officials will be out

in full force and with a firm hand against those who insist on drinking and

driving, as well as not use their seatbelts or who are intent on speeding.

Transit authorities are gearing up and beginning tomorrow, December 1, they

will start operating spot checks during the evening and early morning hours,

as all speed controls along the highways during the day.

In total, 52 major night spot checks are in the plan and 370 speed controls

with a total of 779 Transit officials on hand.

Though Transit authorities are not giving details of their operations, they

will no doubt be similar to those of the least several years, where, like in

the areas of Escazú, the entire highway is closed off to traffic controls,

where every vehicle will be stopped and the driver questioned on his or her


Transit officials have the power to confiscate licenses and vehicles of those

drivers who are too drunk to be behind the wheel, as well as of those

vehicles who don't have the proper registration papers in order, like the

Riteve vehicular inspection or the 2004 marchamo.

*US Airways Puts the World on Sale

US Airways is putting the world on sale for four days only, with fares to

Caribbean and Latin America destinations starting at $158* roundtrip and

European travel beginning at $193* roundtrip.

Under this sale, tickets must be purchased by Dec. 3, 2004, with travel

completed by Feb. 16, 2005.

Caribbean, Latin America and European travel must be purchased three days in

advance of travel, and U.S. and Canada travel requires a seven-day advance


*Sample Markets Roundtrip Fare: Albany, N.Y.-San Jose, Costa Rica(4) $341 and

New York LaGuardia-London Gatwick $193.

US Airways is the U.S.'s seventh-largest airline, serving nearly 200

communities in the U.S., Canada, Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America. US

Airways, US Airways Shuttle and the US Airways Express partner carriers

operate approximately 3,300 flights per day.

*Key high-speed Internet connection has failed

One half of Costa Rica’s international Internet cable system has been cut off

due to a failure or damage underwater.

Radiográfica Costarricense S.A., RACSA, said Monday that the Arcos 1 cable

failed Friday but the company switched to an alternate.

For most consumers there was no obvious reduction in service, at least in the

Central Valley.

In 2001 RACSA connected to the MAYA-1 submarine cable and in 2003 to the

Arcos-1 cable, which is part of the New World Global Network Ltd. Both cables

go undersea to Florida where they enter the U.S. internet system.

RACSA said that operators of the system had assured them that the cable would

be back in service within a week. However, the Internet company also said

that it had been told that the damage or problem with the cable was under


International experts are beginning the work necessary to identify the place

and to position a special ship above the area where undersea devices will be

used to make the necessary repairs, RACSA said.

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*Feature Article:
Project will help restore Costa Rica's cattleyas

*News Digest

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*Project will help restore Costa Rica's cattleyas
Saturday, November 27, 2004

On a visit to Costa Rica in Central America last spring, we saw firsthand the

fate that has befallen native orchid species around the world.

We found both Cattleya skinneri (the national flower) and Cattleya dowiana in

full bloom as we traveled the countryside, and it was nothing short of a

religious experience. It is one thing to grow these wonderful plants in

captivity using clay pots in climate-controlled greenhouses but quite another

to see them hanging from trees and subjected to the elements.

Much to our surprise, however, the orchids were not growing in the cloud

forests along with the other impressive and diverse biological varieties as

we were expecting. Instead, the cattleyas had been removed from the jungle

trees and were now blooming in local residents' yards. It seems orchid

growing is a popular hobby even in the developing world.

In Costa Rica, laws have been passed recently that make it illegal to collect

wild cattleyas. This action, though well-intentioned, is too late, because

the plants are almost extinct in the forests. We were quite moved by this

shocking realization and motivated to somehow improve the situation.

We approached a major conservation group in Costa Rica, the Monteverde

Conservation League (MCL), and asked what we, as U.S. commercial orchid

growers, could do to help bring back the cattleya species.

We looked at a number of options, including donating hundreds of our mature

plants as well as raising a new crop of seedlings just for MCL to reintroduce

into its 54,000-acre protected forest, which about 70 kilometers northwest of

San Jose. There was local concern, though, that the commercially grown

species were not from the exact gene pool as the remaining jungle plants and

would display artificially improved flower characteristics of shape, color

and size. The reintroduced seedlings had to be created using local plants.

It was decided that a new orchid production facility in Costa Rica was needed

and would be partly funded through donations and the sale of plants. The

money would be used to build a small seed-sowing laboratory and several

greenhouses near Monteverde where seedlings would be grown to maturity. When

close to blooming size, the plants would be taken to the forests and tied to

the trees by the MCL volunteers. The seedpods themselves would be made using

the few plants remaining in the wild.

Cattleya skinneri, which has been Costa Rica's national flower for 65 years,

will be reintroduced first, with Cattleya dowiana to follow.

It will be of great importance to keep the problem of overcollecting from

happening again once the new plants are introduced. To address this issue,

local people will have to be involved in the project from the beginning so

that they will have a stake in a successful outcome. Many employment

opportunities will develop, including construction of the lab and

greenhouses, growing the plants in all stages, and guarding the forests.

One possible source of revenue could be selling a portion of the young

seedlings to tourists, an action that is especially attractive since it also

lowers the demand for plants collected from the wild. Since there are a

million seeds in a single pod, there should be plenty to go around.

Overcollecting of orchid species is a threat all over the world. It is our

hope that this cattleya recovery project also will serve as a model for other

such endeavors.

. . .

The Monteverde Conservation League is a nonprofit organization dedicated to

the conservation of the tropical forest. Its mission is to conserve, preserve

and rehabilitate tropical ecosystems and biodiversity. Founded in 1986 in

Monteverde, Costa Rica, the group has purchased through donations 54,000

acres of primary and secondary forest. The Children's Eternal Rain Forest is

the largest private reserve in Costa Rica. For more information, visit


Consider spending your next vacation in Costa Rica, a nation that has 12

distinct ecological zones that are home to about 5 percent of known species

on Earth, including 1,400 orchid species. The country has one of the world's

best conservation records; nearly 25 percent of its land is protected.

Arthur Chadwick is president of Chadwick & Son Orchids Inc. Reach him at 1240

Dorset Road, Powhatan, VA 23139; 804-598-7560 or by e-mail


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*Government threatens to kick out airport firm

The government of Costa Rica will take control of the Juan Santamaría

International Airport Jan. 15 if negotiations with the airport operator fail.

That was the threat issued Friday by Randall Quiros, minister of Obras

Públicas y Transportes.

The government and the airport operator, Alterra Partners Costa Rica, are in

a long-running dispute over who should pay what.

"We are looking to make an offer to Alterra," said Quiros. "We hope for the

good of this country and all Costa Ricans that we can resolve our

differences." He was speaking at a press conference called specifically to

outline the government’s case.

The issue is important because the airport is the major entry for tourists

and business travel.

Quiros said that government representatives and those from Alterra will meet

Wednesday to put together the agenda of negotiations between the two parties.

Alterra claims the government owes it $79 million in lost income and damages.

The government stopped renovations and modernization at the airport when

officials realized that the project costs were be much higher than expected.

There also were technical problems with some questions raised whether the

original agreement provided for spending the amount of money Alterra had

Alterra lost a Sala IV constitutional court case Nov. 13. That voided

its $79 million suit against the Consejo Tecnico de Aviación Civil.

Meanwhile, the Contraloría General de la Republica, the nation’s financial

watchdog, ordered a review of airport tariffs after the agency said it found

inconsistencies. Tariffs are the fees airline companies pay to land aircraft.

The Association of International Airlines released a statement at mid-month

outlining its main concerns with the Juan Santamaría International Airport.

In the statement the association said that Alterra Partners, the airport’s

operator, must improve the service that it is providing and continue with its

contract. The association wants the Costa Rican authorities to demand that

Alterra complete the service contract that required them to finish renovation


Alterra took control of the airport in 2001 with a concession contract that

was expected to last 20 years. The deal is a public-private one with the

government receiving 50 percent of the income.

Alterra Partners was to invest $240 million during the 20 years. About $160

million of this was to be invested during the first three years of the


The business community repeatedly has expressed concerns that the Alterra

case represents another example of the government trying to dodge its

obligations under contracts with international companies.

Alterra Partners Costa Rica is part of the London, England-based, Alterra

Partners Ltd.

*Mel Gibson in shorts wows foreign ministry

The foreign ministry is crediting its promotion division for generating

interest among top actors and directors.

The ministry said that a visit last Tuesday by U.S. actor and director Mel

Gibson was one such success by its Dirección de Promoción.

Actress Cameron Díaz is supposed to visit in February, said the ministry.

The Ministrio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto is a center for diplomats, but

Gibson did not wear diplomatic garb when he arrived with his son and

technical team to meet with Roberto Tovar Faja, the minister.

Instead, Gibson wore white shorts, a pink shirt, what appeared to be a

fishing vest and a baseball cap. The ministry diplomatically declined to

mention this lapse of protocol.

There was little specific reported about the meeting except that Gibson is

interested in developing some movie projects on the pacific coast.

Ministry employee Gina Guillén heads the promotion division.

*Wednesday marks end of Costa Rica’s army

Wednesday Costa Rica will celebrate the 56th anniversary of the abolition of

its army. The Centro de Amigos para la Paz will hold a special ceremony at

the Museo Nacional at 11 a.m.

Several Costa Rican political figures will speak at the ceremony, including

Dr. Pedro León, representative of the Centro de los Amigos para la Paz, Guido

Sáenz, the minister of Cultura, Juventud y Deportes, and President Abel


Costa Rica’s army was dissolved in 1948 under the leadership of José Figueres

Ferrer. Figueres had seized power from the government of Rafael Ángel

Calderón Guardia earlier in the year. He introduced several social reforms

during his first year in power. Disbanding the army was one of those reforms.

The act had "great symbolic importance and closed off avenues for future

militarization," according to "The History of Costa Rica," by Iván Molina and

Steven Palmer.

Many Costa Ricans are proud that their country is one of the few in the world

to live without an army. Many Ticos feel that it sends a world message of

peace. They also feel that it has played a central role in the country’s

ability to advance without the violent civil conflicts that plague many other

Central American countries.

*Eight Crewmembers Rescued After Fishing Boat Explosion

Eight crewmembers from the Taiwanese fishing boat “Shin Jyi Wanq,” who had

been missing since the boat's explosion in Costa Rican waters off the Pacific

Coast on Friday, were rescued Saturday.

The fishing boat “Hsin Chi Wang 8,” with a Belizean flag, rescued the crew,

composed of one Taiwanese and seven Chinese citizens, at 9:30 a.m. ,

according to Juan Carlos Vargas, biologist in charge of operations for the

Costa Rican Coast Guard in the province of Puntarenas , on the Pacific coast.

Vargas, who said the crewmembers “are doing very well,” said the reason for

the explosion was probably a fire in the ship's machine room, although this

information has not yet been confirmed.

Coast Guard director Claudio Pacheco said the eight fishermen arrived alive

in Puerto Caldera, Puntarenas, after being rescued by the fishing boat that

picked them up Saturday in open sea, according to the wire service AFP.

Nevertheless, Pacheco complained the rescue was not reported promptly to the

Coast Guard, so the search was extended unnecessarily.

The fishing boat that suffered the accident was under the command of

32-year-old Captain Tang Wen Sheng, and machinist 20-year-old Chi Xing Chin,

of Chinese nationality, AFP reported.

According to Vargas, the boat had set sail from the Puntarenas harbor after

unloading fish and had Charco Azul Bay in Panama as its destination.

Immigration Police director Marco Badilla told AFP the group of fishermen

were not allowed to disembark yesterday, but today, an immigration permit

will be extended so they can travel to Juan Santamaría International Airport,

19 km (approximately 12 miles) north of the capital.

*Students enjoy Costa Rica trip
Brandywine group learns about economy, survives earthquake.

Brandywine Middle-High School senior Emily Whitney prepares to glide down a

zip line in the Costa Rican rain forest.

Photos provided
Brandywine Middle-High School students tour a Costa Rican coffee plant last


Some Brandywine Middle-High School students had a rude awakening on the last

day of their Costa Rican field trip when a strong earthquake roused them from

slumber about 2 a.m.

The 6.2 magnitude quake that struck early Saturday was an unexpected end to

the school's economics field trip that had its share of shake-ups along the


"The beds were shaking up and down," senior Nicole Cooper, 17, recalled.

Fortunately no one in the group of 22 was hurt in the quake. However,

according to the Associated Press, eight people died in the Central American

country and more than 500 homes were damaged or destroyed as a result of the

earthquake and a national emergency has been declared in the country.

"It was definitely not part of the curriculum," said economics teacher Ron

Bishop, a former missionary to Haiti who has led two Brandywine economics

field trips out of the country since 2000.

Both those trips were to one of the poorest countries in the Western

Hemisphere, Haiti. However, its political situation prompted Bishop to scrap

plans to take students there about two weeks before their departure.

Still, he wanted his upper-level economics students to have exposure to an

economy outside the United States. So he contacted his brother-in-law who is

a missionary in Costa Rica and put together a similar economics-oriented

itinerary that included visits to local businesses and factories.

"It conceptually had the same economic purpose, except for the kids having

exposure to extreme poverty," Bishop said. "Economically and developmentally,

(Costa Rica) is head and shoulders above Haiti. However, to our standards

it's still a poor country."

"It was a lot similar to living in a lower class area, in the projects

almost," senior Zach Bennett, 18, said of the experience.

During their trip students stayed in a suburb of the capital city San Jose

called San Francisco, Bishop said. They toured the second-largest butterfly

farm in the world, met with the marketing manager of an electric company and

learned about Costa Rica's sales tax, inflation rate and U.S.-based currency

at a small bank with armed guards stationed outside.

Other visits included a coffee factory that decaffeinates its beans by

shipping them to Germany where the extracted caffeine is sold to Coca-Cola

and Pepsi; a chayote squash producer that sends 80 percent of its produce to

major U.S. supermarket chains; a potato chip factory; the country's Kraft

snack food distributor; a 1,600-student private school; and the Gold Museum,

which contains the second-largest display of gold artifacts in the world.

Costa Rica's main industry is tourism and its second is coffee, Bishop said.

The country's tourist opportunities, which students sampled at the end of

their trip, impressed them. They glided down a zip line and went horseback

riding through the rain forest where they saw monkeys, toucans and other

wildlife, and went white-water rafting and jumped off a 20-foot cliff into

the water.

"It's very pretty," junior Chanelle Santana, 17, said.

Bennett said tourism industry workers were "really friendly and eager to

help." He theorized that if for some reason tourism fell off in the country

"the economy would really plummet."

*Eighty Nicaraguans Apprehended At Border Region Farm

Immigration officials in Los Chiles, in the Nicaraguan border region of Costa

Rica , apprehended a group of eighty Nicaraguans on Friday who had entered

the country illegally to work during the orange and coffee harvests.

The group, which consisted primarily of workers between 20 and 30 years old,

was found at an area farm.

On Friday afternoon, the workers were transported back across the border and

handed over to immigration officials in San Carlos , Nicaragua .

“Business owners who wish to hire foreign workers for the harvest should

apply to the Labor Ministry, so that the Ministry can coordinate with its

Nicaraguan counterpart to recruit interested workers,” Immigration Police

director Marco Badilla said in a statement.

“Once that has been done, the workers can ask the Immigration Police for the

necessary permits,” he added. “This allows foreign workers interested in the

harvest to enter the country legally and return to their own country without

any problems.”

*President Pacheco Visits Quake Damaged Area

Saturday, government officials, accompanied by president Abel Pacheco, took a

tour of the areas of Parrita and Damas to see first hand the damage caused by

the early morning 6.2 eartquake the Saturday earlier.

The government is committed to helping the residents of the area, starting

with the construction of a new health centre for the area.

The Ministerio de Educación (Ministry of Education) - MEP - is giving the

area school boards ¢272.000.000 colones (almost us$600.000 dollars) to

rebuild educational centres and strengthen those not damaged.

The Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Transportes (MOPT) has also made a

¢500.000.000 colones (about $1.1 million dollars) for reconstruction and

repair of roads and bridges in the area.

The hardest hit areas were buildings and roads near or around Parritta, only

about 25 kilometers from Quepos and Manuel Antonio, a major tourist area.

President Pacheco spoke to residents of the area, lending his support to help

them in their hour of need. He assured that the government will not abandon


Damage caused by the earthquake can be seen all around the areas of Parritta

as several buildings were damaged beyond repair and people have to pitch

tents in the nearby parks for temporary shelter.

The main highway that connects Parrita and Quepos evidences the damage by

earthquake with major cracks in the asphalt and uneven levels between the

road and the newly built bridges. Some sections of the road have had to be

blocked from vehicular traffic as road engineers continue to assess the

damage. Interestingly enough, the two remaining rickety bridges were not

affected whatsoever.

Government officials hope to have all the infrastructure repairs completed no

later than February of next year.

*Thieves Make Off With Heard of Cattle

The northern zone, specifically the area of Pital de San Carlos has been hit

with a rash of livestock robberies that has left farmers and the Organismo de

Investigation Judicial frustrated as they try to apprehend the band of

thieves that have stolen more than ¢5.000.000 colones (us$11.000) in cattle.

Thieves made off with 33 heads of cattle in the first robbery and then 24

hours later, another 15 young bulls from another nearby farm in Aguas Claras

de Upala. And another 7 cattle went missing in Cutris.

Police believe they are dealing with an organized group of thieves though are

left with no clues.

"Moving a heard of cows is no simple task and someone had to have seen or

heard something", one police official was quoted as saying, hoping that

someone will come forward with information that will lead them to an arrest.
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*Focus on Faith

More than 7,000 children in Costa Rica will be receiving gifts this year

thanks to those who participated in the Operation Christmas Child program

through Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church in Fargo, North Dakota.

Youth director Jason Rogness, 21, left, Kory Kowalski, 17, centre, and Matt

Scheid, 16, placed shoe boxes into larger boxes for transport at the

Moorhead, Fargo church.

A week later, the church had collected 7,130 individual shoe boxes full of

gifts for needy children around the world as part of the Samaritan's Purse

mission project which aims to bring joy to all who receive a box.

Kowalski and Scheid were among 21 American students selected to help deliver

the goods to children in Costa Rica in December.

"They are merely representing an army of young people who have Christian

character and demonstrate a heart to serve," said the Rev. Kirk Militzer. He

asked the boys to apply for what he described as the "Super Bowl" of all

mission trips.

The trip is a chance for the boys to grow in their walk with Christ by

reaching out to children and showing them God's love, Kowalski said. "Many of

them have never received a gift on top of the gift of Jesus Christ," he said.

Scheid views the trip as a chance to serve God. "Whatever God has planned, I

want to follow," he said.

*Father Minor Compares Himself to Dracula

The Spanish Language daily newspaper, Diario Extra has published a partial

transcript of the telephone conversation between Father Minor Calvo, who is

in preventive detention, accused of being the principal author of the murder

of journalist Parmenio Medina in July of 2001.

The newspaper has printed the graphic details of Father Minor's conversation

with a young woman, identified only as Kayla, both talking of their previous

night together and discussing their intimate sexual relations, including

comparing himself to Dracula, who waited for his lover to commence her

menstrual period so that he could suck her blood.

The transcript is part of the telephone wiretaps police used in their

investigations against the priest.

*PartyPoker.com Joins Poker Tour International for the Costa Rica Classic

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 26, 2004--This month kicks off

in the Poker industry with a cutting edge promotion and high energy.

PartyPoker.com, the world's largest online Poker Room, joins the Poker Tour

International for the Costa Rica Classic. The new venture came together as a

result of the successful Royal Oasis Grand Bahama Poker Tournament held in

late August. Comments Pro Player Ted Lawson, winner of this year's Las Vegas

Omaha World Poker Series ($500,000) and CEO of Federated National Insurance

Company: "The tournament was the best value for the money with most of it

going into the pot. The best man won, he played beautifully."

Recent addition and poker favorite Lee Watkinson also joined PTI to promote

and participate in the bimonthly series alongside Lawson, Producer Steve

Kates of Driftwood Ventures and the Royal Oasis Casino, Tournament Director

Burt Kravette, and Pro Player and Latin America Director Humberto Brenes.

This year alone, Watkinson has played five final tables with winnings

totaling $1,453,573 in No Limit WPT Legends of Poker Texas Hold'em

Championships, Mirage Poker Showdown, 35th Annual Omaha World Series of

Poker, No Limit Texas Hold'em Championship World Series of Poker, and the

Grand American Poker Classic No Limit Texas Hold'em. Lawson adds, "Watkinson

is probably the best in the world." Both Lawson and Watkinson will promote

PTI at upcoming events.

The second tournament of the PTI bimonthly series, the Costa Rica Classic is

scheduled for December 1, 2004. Local satellite tournaments will run

throughout the month of November at the Aurola Holiday Inn San Jose.

PartyPoker.com will also run satellite tournaments for buy-ins and

accommodations for as low as $6+ 1 a play beginning November 12.

Comments Kates, "It won't be a tournament, it will be an adventure." Prices

for the Costa Rica Classic start at $2,599 and include Texas Hold'em buy-in,

airfare from Fort Lauderdale, accommodations at Holiday Inn Aurola in San

Jose, opening/closing receptions, and refreshments. One re-buy will be

available for $400. Winnings include seats in upcoming tournaments and

$500,000 based on entries. Events will include pro players and will be


Upcoming tournaments in the Poker Tour International are scheduled for Puerto

Rico and St. Kitts. For more information, contact 1-800-432-2294 ext. 127 or

visit PartyPoker.com.

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Friday, November 26, 2004

Costa Rica Digest, Nov. 26

First off, we hope that all of our US readers had a
great Thanksgiving Day here.

I myself went to one of the restaurants serving the
traditinal meal, and it was excellent. Hope all of
you had a great day too!


Mystery Surrounds Death Of U.S. Citizen in San José

U.S. citizen Mathew Lee Stone, 26, died Nov. 19 at the
National Psychiatric Hospital in Pavas, a western
suburb of San José . The circumstances surrounding his
death remain unclear, since the San José Municipal
Police and the U.S. Embassy maintain two different
versions of the course of events.

Manuel Garro, director of the Municipal Police, told
The Tico Times yesterday that the police call center
received a call on the afternoon of the 19th from a
woman who said she was the assistant to the U.S.
Consul. The woman told police there was a U.S. citizen
wandering around the eastern San José neighborhood of
Barrio Amón, and asked police to take the man to the
Psychiatric Hospital.

Officials found Stone at approximately 5 p.m. and took
him to the hospital, Garro said. He added Stone spoke
with the officers, at least one of whom conversed with
him in English, and told them he “wanted to go have a
few beers.”

However, upon arrival at the hospital, Stone fell down
and began to convulse, and his face became discolored.
He was immediately admitted to the hospital and died
15 minutes later, according to Garro.

He added Stone's body is currently at the Forensic
Medicine Complex in San Joaquín de Flores,
approximately 40 minutes northwest of San José . The
body is undergoing toxicological exams to determine
the cause of death.

Contributing to the bizarre nature of the death is the
fact that U.S. Embassy representatives contradicted
the Municipal Police version of events in their
comments to the daily Al Día.

The embassy press office told Al Día the police, not
the embassy, made the decision to pick up Stone, and
called the embassy to announce they had Stone in
custody and wanted to bring him to the embassy.

Since the embassy has no medical facilities, consulate
staff told police to bring Stone to a psychiatric
center, according to the newspaper.

“It's a very strange situation,” Garro said, referring
to the contradictory information provided by the
embassy. He maintained that the Consul's Office, or at
least a woman claiming to work there, made the first
contact, not the police, and said police call records
would verify that fact.

Al Día also reported that embassy representatives said
they had been investigating Stone since Nov. 18, when
he tried to enter a North American company in Costa
Rica without permission. The name of the company was
not released.

Poverty On The Increase
According to a study by the Hogares de Propósitos
Múltiples del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y
Censos (INEC), 42.000 Costa Rican families were added
to the "poverty" list.

The census study took several months to compile the
data collected between 5 July and 4 August of this
year, which reveals that 21.7% of families live in
poverty, of which 5.6% live in "extreme" poverty.

That means that 42.000 more families were poorer this
year (2004) than last year, when the poverty indicator
reached 18.5%.

The numbers translate to 298.680 households -
representing 873.301 persons - that are living in
poverty in Costa Rica. Of those, 204.000 people are
living in extreme poor conditions that don't count
with the basic necessities, this according to
Elizabeth Solano, co-ordinator for the study.

The study also reveals that the highest indicator of
poverty is in the urban areas, where an increase was
detected, that went from 15.4% last year to 19.9% this
year. In rural areas the increase was smaller, going
from 23.1% last year to 26% this year.

The increase in poverty was seen in all regions except
the Central Pacific region, that includes Puntarenas.
The hardest hit areas is the Brunca region, where a 7
percentage points increase was registered.

The Pacheco government, whose priority has been to
fight poverty, criticized the methodology used in the
study. The INEC however says that the study was
carried out using the same methods as in the past

According to INEC the "canasta basica" (basic food
basket) increased by 16%, while general incomes only
rose by 12%. The Canasta Basica includes 45 staple
items that, in theory, are able to meet the basic
daily requirements of an individual.

Last year, in contrast, general income rose by 10%,
while the Canasta Basica only increased by 6%.

Health Ministry Will Distribute 600.000 Condoms
The Ministerio de Salud (Health Ministry) has made a
purchase of 600.000 condoms that it will distribute
free of charge in the coming year in it's battle to
reduce AIDS in the country.

Health Minister, Rocio Sáenz Madrigal, said that this
coming year, her ministry will launch a massive
campaign directed all sectors of society, with
emphasis on women, adolescents and those in the prison

In Costa Rica the first cases of AIDS were registered
in 1983. To date 2.546 cases have been reported.
Statistics show increase in the number of AIDS cases
was reported each year up to 1999 when a drop was

Those affected the most are between 20 and 49 years of
age of which 87.4%.

In the last nine years, the Health Ministry has been
keeping records by province and shows that the
majority of cases reported are in San José, followed
by Alajuela, Heredia, Cartago, Puntarenas, Límon and

According to the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social
(CCSS), they believe that about 12.000 persons are HIV
positive in Costa Rica, and is investing some us$4
million dollars each year in medication and treatment
for AIDS victims.

Rodríguez Is Hurt; Calderón Uses Internet For His
Former president, Miguel Angel Rodríguez, who is
preventive detention for six months for his part in
the ICE-Alcatel scandal and for receiving monies from
the government of Taiwan while in office, accused
current president Abel Pacheco for "condemning" him
before his day in court.

Rodríguez in an interview with local channel 11 news,
said he is "profoundly hurt" that Pacheco would take
the sides of the Judicial system, that placed in
handcuffs and made a circus of his arrival in Costa

"I find it hurtful that there is no respect for the
division of powers", were the words of the former

Rodríguez added that he sees Pacheco as wanting to
"earn points" by "mounting the wave of public opinion"
that has judged and condemned him already.

Rodríguez and Pacheco belong to the same political
party, the Partido Unidad Socialcristiana (PUSC).
Pacheco followed Rodríguez in the presidential chair
in the 2002 elections, that broke traditions of
alternating power with the Partido Liberación Nacional

Rodríguez said in the interview, that he voluntarily
gave up his position as Secretary General at the
Organization of the American States (OAS) and that he
voluntarily came back to Costa Rica and he is the only
one of the accused in jail. "I am worried about a
Fiscal (prosecutor) who bargains with others accused
and allows them to stay in their homes while I am in
jail. It appears there is no equal treatment"
Rodríguez said.

Rodríguez's comments were directed mainly at his
former friend and ex-minister in his administration,
José Antonio Lobo, whose testimony was key to the
detention and imprisonment of Rodríguez.

Lobo is under house arrest for his role in accepting
us$2.4 million dollars from the French
telecommunications firm Alcatel, and then distributing
a share to Rodríguez.

Meanwhile, former president Rafael Angel Calderón, who
is expected to be out of preventive detention in about
25 days (December 22), is using the internet to offer
his supporters best wishes and a thank you.

His website
talks about "No to lynching and no to the violation
of citizen rights". The website has fotos of Calderón
and his family and his message for solidarity. The
website includes letters of support from friends, who
feel that the former president has been wrongly

Calderón is also using the internet by sending emails
to his mailing list to get his message across to his
"dear friends".

Fifteen Universities Not Authorized
Costa Rica has 50 private universities and 75 campuses
that are authorized to function, however, it has been
discovered that 15 others don't, which could mean that
degrees from those unlicensed universities may be

For years private universities have been operating in
Costa Rica, however, it is only recently that the
Ministerio de Educación (Education Ministry) has the

According to Education numbers, the 50 universities
have 46.000 students enrolled. Each year between
13.000 and 15.000 students graduate, mostly in
business administration, education, psychology, law
and medicine.

Those students graduating from the 15 unnamed
universities, Education officials say their degrees
have no validity and may be practicing in the field
illegally in cases such as law and medicine.

On their website, the Education Ministry lists only
private educational centres who are authorized by the
Ministerio de Educación Pública and recommend parents
and students to contact the Ministry if they have
doubts if the school they are attending is not

Exodus and Return
With 24-hour operations at the ports of arrival and
border crossings, as well as more control at "blind"
spots used by illegal immigrants, mainly in the border
with Nicaragua, the Costa Rican Immigration Service is
making efforts to cope with the usual crisis it faces
every December and January.

This is so because thousands of Nicaraguans travel to
their homeland for Christmas and New Year, and try to
come back after their vacation, even though a large
number of them are illegally working in Costa Rica.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

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*30 Years for Murder of Little Kattia

Thirty years in prison is the sentence against the man who killed nine year

old Kattia Vanesa González Juárez last year.

The penal court announced their decision yesterday following a two week

trial, where it was shown that Jorge Edwin Sánchez Madrigal acted with

premeditation to attempt sexually violate and then killed the little girl

when he believed he would be discovered. Sánchez has a history of murder.

The story unfolded July 4, 2003, when little Kattia went missing. A week

later the little girl's body was found by police who did a complete search of

the surrounding areas where the little girl lived and was last seen alive.

Sánchez's house was searched when little Kattia first disappeared, as the

house was only meters away from the little girl's home and was part of the

initial search police made to find the missing girl. Police at this time

believed that little Kattia could still be found alive.

However, a week later, following an anonymous tip, Sánchez became a primary

suspect and a thorough search of his home revealed the body of the little

girl under the floor boards of the house.

Two men were arrested following the discovery, Sánchez and his friend, who

was later released as it was proven that the man was not in the house when

the little girl disappeared and was killed and had no knowledge of the


Police believe the little girl was murdered within hours of being abducted.

The three judge panel were fully convinced that Sanchéz acted with malicious

intent and treachery to lure the little girl. The court learned that his

intention had been to sexually violate the little girl. The court was told he

did not. However, he decided to kill the little girl fearing his intentions

would be discovered, as he only lived a few houses from the little girl's


The judges pronounced their sentence against the man, who may also face civil

action for damages by the family. Sánchez stood silent before the judges as

he heard the sentence of 30 years in prison.

Little Kattia was not the first and only victim of Jorge Sánchez Madrigal.

Twenty one years ago, the man killed another neighbour while he was a minor

and was set free when he reached the age of 18.

The little girl's family were relieved of the verdict, though it does not

bring back their little girl or take away the pain.

*Personal Loans Between Guardia And Calderón Questioned

The "Presidential" scandals seem to have faded from the daily headlines,

however, the Fiscalía has not put it aside, nor has the local media, as they

continue to dig deeper into the affairs of former presidents Miguel Ángel

Rodríguez (1998-2002) and Rafal Ángel Calderón (1990-1994), as the two men

sit in prevention detention at the La Reforma prison.

Calderón is expected to leave the prison on December 22 when an appeal judge

overturned a lower court judge's order for nine months of preventive


Meanwhile Rodríguez will go before a judge in two months for a mandatory

three month review of his detention after an appeals court judge overruled a

lower court judge and sent Rodríguez to jail in stead of house arrest.

One key player in the Calderón case, Alfonso Guardia, a cousin of Calderón,

is being linked to more and more payments made to the former president and


Telenoticias, television channel 7 news team, has uncovered a payment made by

Guardia to Calderón for us$46.000 and another of us$41.800 to former minister

for the presidency Rina Contreras, in March of 2003.

Guardia's lawyer send a letter to Telenoticias explaining that the payments

are not the only ones made my his client to his cousin and Contreras, as they

represent payment for a personal loan.

The letter continued to say that 'I have relied on the support of friends and

family, when they generously lent me money for my business ventures".

Former minister Contreras was quoted as saying to a Telenoticias reporter,

off camera, that "when he (Guardia) has been in a bad way, I have lent him

money..." However, Contreras, refused to answer questions if the loans were

documented, the amount or amounts and the dates.

Calderón's lawyer, Gonzalo Castellón, in a press statement said "Don Alfonso

and don Rafael Ángel are second cousins and there exists a financial relation

between the two for more than 25 years." Asked if documentation exists of the

financial transactions, Castellón said he cannot give a definite answer as

his client is not available at any moment for consultations while he is in


Both Castellón and Contreras were quick to point out that the payments

uncovered by Telenoticias are not related in any way to the ICE-Alcatel

scandal, are strictly a personal loan and based on friendship between the


*Caldera Road Project Set Back, Again

Another setback for the Caldera-San José highway. Twenty six years in the

planning, one bridge here, some paved road there, the project has failed

again with the announcement yesterday by the foreign contractor, Concesiones

Viales S. A. (Covisa), who was awarded the contract for the work, telling the

government it would completely stop work on the project.

The 76.8 kilometre road would go from the La Sabana to Cuidad Colon, through

Orotina and end in Caldera. It would reduce the total trip time to less than

one half hour where it takes now almost two hours to travel.

Ministro de Obras Publica y Transporte (MOPT), Randall Quirós Bustamante,

said that the project is not at a total end, as his ministry will try to

negotiate with the firm to save the project.

The Covisa contract was awarded in August of 2003 and work was to have

started in July of this year. The signs announcing the work were erected. The

cost of the work was set at us$144 million dollars.

The reason for the Covisa resignation from the contract, according to the

MOPT minister, was a rise in the cost of combustibles that have seen an all

time record high in Costa Rica. The firm felt it could not financially

complete the contract with the high fuel prices that are now part of Costa

Rican life.

*United Nations Delays Action on Human Cloning Ban

The United Nations has delayed action on a human cloning ban.

The U.N.’s legal committee was unable to break an impasse between supporters

of a comprehensive ban on cloning and backers of a proposal that would permit

the cloning of embryos for research purposes. Research cloning results in the

destruction of embryos.

Although Costa Rica, the United States and other supporters of a

comprehensive ban on cloning said they had a majority of votes, they said it

would not have been possible to defeat a Belgium-led strategy to delay action

for a year, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Costa Rica had lined up more than 60 co-sponsors for its comprehensive

prohibition, while Belgium had about 20 co-sponsors for its measure.

The legal committee agreed to receive a nonbinding resolution from Italy as

the basis for negotiations on the issue beginning in February, according to

the Tribune.

This marked the third year the U.N. has battled over human cloning without

adopting a ban, according to LifeNews.com. The legal committee debated the

issue for two days in October but had a deadline of Nov. 19 for action.

"It's our longstanding position that all human cloning is wrong, and we are

proud of our efforts to prevent human cloning," U.S. State Department

spokesman Adam Ereli said, according to Reuters. "So the fact that there

isn't any action by the U.N. to endorse cloning is a moderate success."

Countries that oppose a comprehensive ban do so primarily in order to permit

research on stem cells extracted from embryos.

Stem cells are the body’s master cells that can develop into other cells and

tissues. They are found not only in human embryos but in adult sources, such

as bone marrow, umbilical cord blood and placentas. The procurement of stem

cells from an adult source does not harm the donor.

In addition to its destructive character, embryonic stem cell research has

experienced multiple failures, including the worsening of Parkinson's

symptoms in one human test group and a tendency to produce tumors in

laboratory animals. Adult stem cell research, meanwhile, has already produced

more than 40 treatments, including the repair of damaged livers and remedies

for heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries.

United States President Bush has urged the U.N. to pass a total ban. In a

September speech to the General Assembly, he urged members to vote for the

Costa Rican proposal and thereby endorse a “basic ethical principle: No human

life should ever be produced or destroyed for the benefit of another.”

*Vacationer dies saving her husband from surf

A frequent vacationer at Playa Guiones attempted to help her husband who was

stuck in an undercurrent in the Pacific Ocean on Sunday afternoon. Her

husband survived, but the woman was unable to make it back to the shore and

drowned, officials reported.

The victim, Paula Smith, and her husband, Harvey, came from Tennessee to

vacation at their second home in Playa Guiones. They recently arrived in

Costa Rica to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, friends said.

Beate Klossek lives near the beach and witnessed the event while she was

riding her horse down the shoreline. She said she was riding down the beach

around 4:30 p.m. when she saw a woman on the beach waving her arms. This was

someone who was on the same beach as the Smith couple.

The woman appeared to have helped a man out of the water. The man she later

learned was Smith. Still in the water was Mrs. Smith.

The unidentified woman asked Mrs. Klossek to ride down beach to find people

who could help. Mrs. Klossek said she rode her horse to a group and found

several surfers who ran back to help search for the missing woman, later

identified as Paula Smith.

"The surfers helped look, but it was getting dark and many people had to go

back to their homes," Mrs. Klossek said by telephone Monday night.

The body eventually washed up on the shore about an hour later and after many

of the surfers had gone home.

In addition to her husband, Mrs. Smith, 58, is survived by three daughters.

Playa Guiones is one of the principal beaches in the vicinity of Nosara. It

is known to be in an area where many foreigners live. The beach is on the

west shore of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Man breaks both feet in waterfall accident

A U.S. citizen suffered serious injuries when he attempted to jump from a

waterfall in San Isidro de El General. The incident ocurred Saturday about

10:30 a.m.

The injured man, Richard Saint Roman, 25, from Panama City, Fla., had arrived

in Costa Rica Nov. 8 on vacation. He went on a horseback tour to the

waterfall Nahuyaca with some friends.

Roman attempted to jump from the waterfall and slipped. He said he broke both

his feet, two ribs and sprained his wrist in the fall. " I don't really

remember much, it all happened very quickly," Roman said from his hospital

bed in San Isidro.

Roman is in Hospital Escalante Pradilla but will be transferred soon to

Hospital Cima in Escazú. He said that he has not been told by doctors how

long it will take for him to recover.

Delta adds new flights connecting with Atlanta

Delta Air Lines said it will be increasing the number of flights scheduled to

Costa Rica due to the growing popularity of Costa Rica as a tourist resort.

An additional daily service will begin between Atlanta and San José Dec. 18.

This flight will offer a 9 a.m. departure from San José and a 6:15 p.m.

return flight from Atlanta. The aircraft is a Boeing 757 with the capacity to

transport 183 passengers.

"Delta Air Lines will continue to offer more to our customers, " said Jorge

Fernandez, vice president of the International relations at Delta Airlines.

" "Today we are responding to a high demand of flights to San José, with

additional services."

Delta Air Lines began operating direct flights to Costa Rica between Atlanta

and San Jose in 1998. Costa Rica began to expand its tourism base, and as a

consequence Delta Air Lines increased its services. It became the first

international airline to offer a permanent service to Daniel Oduber

International Airport in Liberia, Guanacaste. Delta Airlines is now offering

six weekly flights from Atlanta to San José.

As of Dec. 18, Delta will depart Juan Santamaría Airport at 9 a.m. and arrive

in Atlanta at 2:02 p.m. and at 3:00 p.m. with an arrival at 8:01 p.m.

Flights will leave Atlanta daily at 10:13 a.m. and arrive at Juan Santamaría

Airport at 1:17 p.m. and at 6:15 p.m. with a 9:21 p.m. arrival here. All

times are local.

*Quake toll $2.9 million

The toll for Saturday’s earthquake near Quepos is at least 1.3 billion colons

in housing alone, officials said Monday. That’s about $2.9 million.

Some 132 homes were destroyed, and 94 were in the Parrita-Quepos area,

officials said. The rest were scattered through Puriscal, Terrazú,

Alajuelita, Vásques de Coronado, Desamparados and León Cortés, said Luis

Diego Morales at a press conference.

Morales is president of the Comisión Nacional de Prevención de Riesgos y

Atención de Emergencias. He also listed 27 points of damage in roads and

highways and seven educational centers with damage, including ones in Escazú,

Acosta, Aserrí and in the earthquake zone.

*Not only is there lots of art, but train rides, too

This year’s Festival Internacional de las Artes is concentrated at the

Estación al Pacifico, the old train station that is so much part of Costa

Rican history.

Surrounded by old rail cars and locomotives, visitors will find booths, art

objects for sale and handicraft.

Earlier this station was the main transportation point for the exportation to

Europe and North America of what we know today as golden grain or coffee. It

is at Avenida 20 at Calle 2, just eight blocks south of Parque Central.

This belle époque structure helped open the doors to the exportation of many

Costa Rican products, including the bananas, which quickly developed another

important age for the Costa Rican economy.

Inside one senses the golden age of rail when trains ran from the Caribbean

to the Pacific. Today a visitor will find handcraft from all over Latin

America and Europe. Also many other art forms are represented, including

music, theater and dance.

The arts festival runs through Saturday with handfuls of events each day,

ranging from art presentations to movies to forums on art topics. Events are

all over town, but the station is the headquarters.

*Country's Hotels 100% Booked For Upcoming Holiday Season

Costa Rica's 17,000 hotel rooms are completely booked for the Christmas and

New Year's holidays because of a considerable increase in foreign tourism

here, according to official sources.

The Costa Rican Hotel Chamber announced that visitors began making

reservations two months ago and there is practically no room left in the

country's 400 hotels during the entire week after Dec. 25.

The government and business sector estimate the number of visitors during

2004 will be close to 1.5 million, an increase of 25% compared to the

previous year.

Approximately 60% of tourists in Costa Rica come from the United States ,

Canada and Mexico . Another 200,000 tourists came to Costa Rica from Europe

in 2003, and that number is expected to rise by 30% to 250,000 in 2004.

Tourism became Costa Rica 's principal economic activity during the past

decade, when the country began a successful public-relations campaign based

on ecotourism, taking advantage of its many national parks and biological


According to environmental organizations, that tourism model is threatened by

the increased numbers of hotel chains that have opened in recent years and

specialize in mass “sun-and-sand” tourism, which they say is incompatible

with conservation efforts.

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