Monday, July 02, 2007

I love you. I'm sorry. I forgive you. Thank you.

For those of you who read your email yesterday to the Real Truth list, you may recall the PEERS message I forwarded, inviting you to listen to an interview with Joe Vitale.

Joe has become pretty famous worldwide, both in his internet marketing work and also his more spiritual work, for which he was featured in the famous "The Secret" film.

But what Joe is working on now is way beyond "The Secret." In fact, it is the next logical step, which is taking personal responsibility for everything that happens around us.

That may seem bizarre, but if you think about it, it will ring true to you. I know it always has for me. We are responsible, ultimately, for what happens in our world around us.

I know this sounds rather bizarre, and if you haven't yet watched or listened to The Secret, you really should before you go on to this next level.

Joe's soon coming book, "Zero Limit" will pick up where his earlier works left off.

In the fascinating interview I listened to yesterday, he tells the story of a Dr. Len, who in the 1960's in Hawaii cured an entire ward of the criminally insane that no one else had been able to cure. He did it by taking the patient's files and saying over and over again over the file the phrases above: "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you."

Miraculously all but 2 of the patients were made well, and amazingly, Dr. Len didn't see or treat any of them. These phrases come from ancient practices in the Hawaiian religion, which I am told is the ONLY religion officially banned by the US government. In fact, according to what a native Hawaiian told me years ago, there are certain books which are banned from leaving Hawaii.

This man claimed to be the son of the Big Kohona, and claimed to be his heir. Apparently, his father was the first to travel to Tibet, and compare the ancient knowledge of both places.

His father was able to teleport himself and had other interesting abilities.

If you recall, years ago Texxe Mars wrote a book in which he dealt with the "Warrior Monks" used and trained by the Black Opps boys of the US military to conduct psychic warfare on others. This was way beyond remote viewing, and I have reason to believe that this person of my acquaintance was one of these.

I have had other strange encounters over the years with this strange type of operative, including 2 years where a high level Mason was attempting to recruit me into the upper levels of that order, skipping all of the lower degrees and just stepping off at his high level.

He tempted me with riches, political power, and other perks, but of course my commitment is to God, and he eventually gave up. This is, of course, indirect vindication of who and what I am, but that is not a topic for discussion at this time.

But I digress.

The point is that Joe Vitale has hit upon something quite real, and quite "unthinkable" for most people. It goes beyond what is said in The Secret, and makes it quite clear that, indeed, "we create reality."

In fact, Christ said the same things in the New Testament, except that His listeners were not able to understand it at that time, and it has been covered up by organized religion. But, this same theme is elsewhere in the Bible as well, if you can dare to look.

In the Psalms, it says "Ye are gods."

And Christ said, "The Kingdom of God is within you," but man has mistranslated it to say "among you."

Furthermore, as Herbert Armstrong discovered years ago, it is God's intent and design for us to, in his words, "Become god as God is god."

Yes, it's all over your Bible if you care to look. In fact, this theme is the FOCAL POINT of the Bible because that is the transcendent purpose in all human life.

God has revealed many things to me in addition to this simple truth, but it's a great place to start. I suggest, if you haven't done so already, that you read Mr. Armstrong's landmark book, "The Incredible Human Potential," which is in our Basic Literature section of our website library.

As I am learning, though, there is more to this story, and we have as yet only begun to scratch the surface. I will be writing and speaking on these important subjects in the near future.

However, one thing that is still absolutely true is that we need to have the CHARACTER to go with the power that will someday soon be ours. And we can learn that character through a study of God's way of life, which is summed up in His law of love.

But one of our first steps along the way, is to transform and cleanse our lives, and we can start with Joe's phrases.

Think carefully about what each of these means:

"I love you." Christ told us to LOVE our enemies and BLESS THOSE WHO CURSE YOU. It might seem crazy to most, but this is the first step upwards, and can have tremendous impact, as Dr. Len learned first hand.

"I'm sorry." It take REAL HUMILITY to say we are sorry and really mean it, even while we may still think we are in the right.

"I forgive you." Christ instructed us to forgive and forgive and forgive. The disciples were perplexed by this. They even asked Him, "If a brother offends me 7 times, shall I still forgive him?" And Christ's answer was, "70 X 7." In other words our ability and power to forgive should be almost INFINITE.

"Thank you." As I have discussed before, many times we have a problem because we lack an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. Today, so many people think they are ENTITLED to this or entitled to that.

And, if you are "entitled" to something, then you often forget to say "thank you."

But saying "thank you" and being truly grateful is one of the first rungs to true success. When we can give honest, sincere, humble THANKS for what we already have, or for what someone else has done for us, then the universe acknowledges that and GIVES US MORE OF THE SAME.

That is one of the fundamental principles of the Bible and of The Secret and other books like "The Science of Getting Rich," etc., etc.

It all has to do with the Law of Attraction, which God set in motion at the begining. And an attitude of gratitude actually attracts MORE of the good into our lives.

We must learn to say "thank you" and be truly grateful for what we have, and then, the universal law of attraction says we can have MORE of it.

And of course, it works the other way around. If we always think about our PROBLEMS, then we will attract more of those problems into our lives.

But of course, the "attitude of gratitude" short circuits this problem, and attracts more abundance into our lives.

I am very thankful that God is opening my eyes on these subjects more and more. As the Apostle Paul so wisely stated, we should think on "whatever things are good, whatever things are pure...." If we do that, then we will attract more of the good into our lives.

Come to think of it, Paul had another word of wisdom that escaped me until just now. He said that whatever state he found himself in, he was "therewith content," and could actually REJOICE in the midst of his adversities.

It seems like Paul knew these truths millenia ago, and only now are we beginning to rediscover them.

Which brings to mind something out of Joe Vitale's story. Joe was not always the wealthy internet marketer and success coach that he is today. At one point in his life, he was flat broke and living out of his car.

Then, he began to discover the Law of Attraction, found things to give thanks for in his dire circumstances, began to think positive instead of negative thoughts, and the rest is history.

As Mr. Armstrong said over and over again, we are to be "teachers in the world tomorrow." He said that teaching is actually the highest calling one can attain to. Especially when we are to teach the right way of life.

But, in order to become teachers THEN, we must be good STUDENTS NOW.

There is no way around it. In order to teach, we must first learn God's way of life ourselves. We can't teach that which we do not know or understand.

So, let's be good students in this life. Let's learn how to be grateful. Let's learn to love. Let's learn to say we are sorry. and let's learn to forgive.

In fact, it might be a good idea to write these phrases down. Memorize them, and inculcate them into your life. And that will be the first step upon the road of learning God's way of GIVE and forsaking this world's evil way of GET.


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