Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The US Embassy

Someone has told me of another nasty experience with
the US Embassy, and I wanted to see if anyone else has
run into this.

For those new to this situation, let me preface this
by saying that the US Embassy here has a horrible
reputation for rudeness, innattention, and

One glaring example occurred last year when the Costa
Rican mother of a US soldier killed in combat went to
the Embassy to get permission to go to her son's
funeral in the states.

One would have thought that the Ambassador could have
spared a few moments [even five minutes would have
satisfied this woman] to give his condolences
personally to this woman -- but he couldn't be
bothered. He had some kind of "important lunch" to go
to, that was more important than taking a few moments
to express the appreciation of the US government to
someone who had given their all......

Then, to add insult to injury, she was given the
bureaucratic run around by the trolls inside the
embassy, otherwise known as "support staff," who also
could have cared less, and they even charged her the
normal fee, which she did not have.

It was so horrendous and so pathetic that the marine
guards were ashamed of their own embassy's behavior,
and these service men took up a collection among
themselves to help this woman in her hour of need.
This was reprehensible in the extreme, but only one
example of how there is somthing grossly wrong with
the US Embassy here, and especially their arrogant,
aloof, uncaring attitude.

And woe to the US citizen who is mugged, has everthing
stolen, and gives his Embassy a call thinking they are
there to help -- THINK AGAIN! There is no help there,
except for the staff, that is.

Contrast this with the fact that the Embassy provides
staffers with cars and drivers to take them wherever
they have to go, and 24 hour security around their
homes, etc., while doing NOTHING for those they are
being paid to serve.

Now, here is the kicker. The little son of a bitch
[his name escapes me at the moment] who is the second
of command there [and is the guy in charge until a new
Ambassador is approved] who is running things there
right now has apparantly started telling ex pats who
have a problem here to "pack up and go home, or go to
some other country if you have a problem here -- we
can't help!"

Has anyone been told this lately? This statement was
apparantly made yesterday by the asshole in charge,
rather than doing his job and helping US citizens with
this lovely Kleptocracy called Costa Rica, as is their

Seems that nothing has changed and the rotten attitude
of hubris, unconcern, laziness, arrogance, etc. still
goes on. They haven't learned ONE THING from their
who know how to do what is right.

If this is their behavior worldwide, then this might
be one answer to the question "I just can't understand
why they hate us so much?" It is a grave
embarrassment to have jackasses like this representing
our country around the world.

Maybe the entire State Department needs to be fired
and replaced with people who care for others and are
willing to do their jobs.


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