Wednesday, March 30, 2005

From: lunarii
Date: (Date unavailable)
Subject: The Truth About Opus Dei lunarii@mailvault...

Since we have previously revealed that the mysterious Catholic
organization Opus Dei is running things in the present Costa Rican
administration, I thought that it would be appropriate to share with you
the facts about this group.

Note that this group was started 80 years ago in Spain by the fascist
dictator Francisco Franco. This group has its tentacles throughout
Latin America, but at the moment, it appears that only in Costa Rica
have they gained so much power.

They moved fast to punish their enemies here, starting in the first
months of the Pacheco regime, they moved to close down The Brothers,
which had done the most abhorrent thing imaginable to them: The Brothers
had built a nice new Baptist church, which is an affront to this group.

They were punished by being shut down and raided on trumped up charges.

But they weren't done yet by a long shot. They have brought down their
most hated rivals in the PUSC party, including former party leader and
powerhous Calderon. Then, they brought down former President Rodriguez
at the most embarrassing time possible.

This is nothing short but civil war and open warfare in the party. It
has nothing to do whatsoever with an "anticorruption campaign." That is
merely a smokescreen for their real motives, which are to gain absolute
an total power, and establish Costa Rica as a Dark Ages style

And never mind that Pacheco and his cronies probably have more skeletons
in the closet than the former presidents sitting in jail, and the third
in exile in Switzerland. These skeletons will never see the light of
day unless brave journalists refuse to knuckle under to death threats
and intimidation which this group gratuitously throws around like

time you finnish this report, you will know who the most prominent
suspects are, and have an idea of what kinds of atrocities they are
trying to hide from public view.

But, we here at Lunar News have news for these thugs and criminals. we
will not stop digging until we get to the truth and broadcast it far and
wide for all to see. This group was started by the Nazi Franco in Spain
80 years ago for the express purpose of supporting the Vatican in its
secret war to return us to the period of the Dark Ages when this whore
ruled supreme. Make no mistake about it. Unless protestants raise an
outcry worldwide along with other freedom loving people, you will not
only have no religious freedoms left, but you will have no other
freedoms left at all that this new Church/State combine on the rise
permits you, the peasants, to have.

And, they appear to be starting their assent to power in Costa Rica and
Argentina, from all indications, and only in Costa Rica have they
managed to gain control of the government.

This is a dire warning to the people of both countries that this must
not be allowed to continue if you love freedom and prosperity.

Believe me when I tell you that the closure of 80 + protestant churches
for "noise pollution" and other fantasy charges are only the beginning.

Believe me when I tell you that government invasions of churches of
which the government does not approve during church services, and
ordering the people to leave their own church, and then locking the door
behind them is only the beginning of what they plan to do if allowed.

And now they have dared to even close down a Catholic Church, the priest
of which they do not like because they disagree with his policies. Yes,
they plan to "purge" and "purify" the Catholic Church as well of all
doctrines and beliefs contrary to their own.

This is a warning of things to come in this world, unless the cold light
of truth is shown brightly and clearly upon this evil, which will cause
it to slink back under the rock from which it came.

And so now, here are the details on this radical fascist gang that has
gained control of a small defenseless country.

[Opus Dei]
Secretive sect dubbed 'Mafia shrouded in white'
The Scotsman, UK
Jan. 21, 2005
Stephen McGinty
• More news articles on Opus Dei • Item 9983 • Posted: 2005-01-22 12:47:04
It sits on a hill, a villa of honey-coloured stone in a leafy suburb on
the south side of Glasgow, and gives no hint of what goes on behind its
sturdy walls.

This is the Scottish headquarters of Opus Dei, which translates from the
Latin as "God’s work", a term familiar to the 120,000 Scots who have
bought copies of The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown’s global bestselling
novel. The thriller centres on a search for the Holy Grail which is
hampered by a villainous member of Opus Dei.

Dunreath, the house in Glasgow, is not home to a murderous monk, though
self-flagellation, as featured in the novel, is practised here.

The Catholic organisation, founded in Spain in 1928 by Josemaria
Escriva, has long been mired in controversy. It has been described by
critics as a cult and dismissed by one theologian as "the Mafia -
shrouded in white". Yet its members enjoy the personal favour of Pope
John Paul II, who made its founder a saint in 2002, in spite of his
close ties to the dictator General Franco.

In recent weeks, the media spotlight has focused on Opus Dei after the
appointment of Ruth Kelly as Secretary of State for Education.

While Ms Kelly has refused, as recently as this week, to confirm or deny
her involvement with the group, The Scotsman has established that she
is, indeed, a "supernumerary", as married members of Opus Dei are

Last week, the Archdiocese of Westminster announced that a parish had
been entrusted to an Opus Dei priest, evidence of a thaw in relations.
The late Basil Hume, the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, viewed the
group with deep suspicion.

His concern centred on what he believed to be the group’s manipulative
recruitment techniques. His official biographer, Anthony Howard, said
this week that Hume regarded them as he would the ‘Moonies’.

Yet Opus Dei has recently embarked on a PR offensive, using The Da Vinci
Code and the appointment of Ms Kelly to promote its agenda.

Jack Valero, Opus Dei’s British press spokesman, is upbeat. He says:
"Ten million people have now heard of Opus Dei thanks to The Da Vinci
Code. That can only be a good thing - 2005 is going to be the year of
Opus Dei."

Ronnie Convery, the director of communications for the late Cardinal
Thomas Winning, and now for Mario Conti, the Archbishop of Glasgow, was
a member for many years before leaving after he found it too demanding.

"As a student, I was quite taken with the idea that you could have a
vocation to work in the world, and not flee from it, which is a central
plank of Opus Dei’s message," he says.

"So it seemed an obvious step to take to join in 1990. Over the years, I
found the long daily list of prayers, devotions and customs too
demanding for me. So I left after eight years. I had read horror stories
of people being pressurised to stay in. Instead, the guy with whom I
discussed it said simply: ‘Better to be a happy former member of Opus
Dei than an unhappy member’."

The question is: what is Opus Dei’s role in Scotland, where they have
three large properties, all in Glasgow? In order to dispel the image of
a shadowy organisation, the group, when approached by The Scotsman,
opened its doors.

"We’ve really nothing to hide," said Dermot Grenham as he sat in a
comfortable armchair in one of the many elegant rooms at Dunreath, Opus
Dei’s centre for men, where, until this week, he was the director.

"Opus Dei’s role is to do God’s work out in the world. We are here to
help people become saints," he said.

The Church’s philosophy is that every man, woman and child - priest and
laity - has a universal calling to holiness and the capability to become
a saint. In Opus Dei, unlike many Catholic institutions, the power lies
with the laity. The group’s global membership is about 85,000, only
2,000 of whom are priests; the remainder are different types of

While the organisation is most powerful in Spain and Latin America,
where prominent politicians are among its number, in Britain there are
only 520 members, of whom about 50 are based in Scotland.

It is an extremely wealthy body, with a net worth in Britain of about
?20 million, largely due to its property and a chain of student halls of
residence, which help recruitment.

Tommy Burns, the former Celtic player, has, in the past, attended Opus
Dei meetings, while Archbishop Conti dined at Dunreath before

There are four types of Opus Dei member:

• A numerary, such as Mr Grenham, is a celibate member who lives in an
Opus Dei house, segregated by gender, and donates his or her full salary
to the group, retaining only what is required for clothes, etc, to carry
out the daily "civilian" job.

• An associate is, again, a celibate member but who, for personal
reasons such as looking after an elderly parent, does not live in
community. Such members continue to donate any unrequired income to the

• A supernumerary is a married member, such as Ruth Kelly, many of whom
make a monthly donation, though no amount is prescribed, and follow Opus
Dei’s spiritual formation on a daily basis.

• A co-operator is not a proper member. Instead, he or she is a
registered supporter who, in exchange for services, receives
"indulgences", or spiritual benefits.

All official members follow a prescribed process of prayer, meditation
and daily mass, and regularly read The Way, a book of 999 maxims written
by St Josemaria Escriva.

While supernumeraries offer small "mortifications", or discomforts, such
as keeping the heating low or forgoing sugar in their tea, numeraries of
both sexes induce physical discomfort by wearing a cilice - a wire band
round the thigh which irritates the skin - often for an hour each day,
and by whipping themselves with a knotted rope, known as "the
discipline", once a week.

"It may seem very strange to the outside world, but these mortifications
have been a part of the Catholic Church for centuries," says Mr Grenham,
who insists they are optional and do not draw blood.

In the past, one controversial aspect of Opus Dei’s work has been among
the young. The late Cardinal Hume issued instructions that Opus Dei
should not permit anyone under the age of 18 to join and, even then, any
admissions should be only in consultation with the parents.

In Scotland, both the male and female centres in Glasgow operate sport
and activity clubs for children. The Dunreath Club has a junior section
for boys aged between ten and 12 and a senior section for those 13-16.

Many of those who attend are the children of members, and those who are
not require parental permission. The centre’s library is available to
pupils for private study, which encourages teenagers to become more
involved with the group.

However, the parent of one teenage boy, who was pursued to join Opus
Dei, described its methods as "spiritual grooming". The man, who did not
wish to be named, said he had felt compelled to contact an Opus Dei
priest and insist he no longer contacted his son.

"I’m very uncomfortable with their methods," he said. "They are extreme
in their behaviour, in their practice, and I remain very suspicious of

In Glasgow, as in Opus Dei across the world, the men and women are
separated by more than the River Clyde.

In the drawing room of a West End town house that is home to seven
female numeraries, Eileen Cole, a member for 27 years, explained that
the sexes rarely meet and are content to proselytise among their own
gender. However, female members are expected to organise all the cooking
and cleaning for the men. This is in keeping with the founder’s view of
the role of women, which many people find deeply sexist.

"If we didn’t do it, they would be living like savages," says Ms Cole.
"Women are simply better at these things than men."

She describes her vocation as rewarding and says: "The Work [as members
describe Opus Dei] has made me less self-centred. It helps you to spend
your life being of service to others."

The vast majority of members of Opus Dei, however, are supernumeraries.
There are 21 female supernumeraries in Scotland, such as Clare McDonald,
42, a mother of six children.

The former GP says: "We live in an utterly secular society today, and
I’ve found Opus Dei a tremendous help in maintaining my own moral and
spiritual values. It’s something you can do quietly. You can turn your
daily tasks into a prayer."

Unlike many members who are angry at their group’s portrayal in The Da
Vinci Code, Mrs McDonald thinks it "cool". She jokes: "Now, if people
ask about Opus Dei, I tell them, ‘I could tell you, but then I’d have to
kill you’."


When Josemaria Escriva founded Opus Dei in 1928, "God’s Work" was
strictly for men only.

Two years later, however, the Spanish priest changed his mind and
permitted women to join. The sexes were to be kept strictly separate,
and there is no doubt which was to be the dominant partner.

Yet the organisation has more women in its number because, as one
explained: "We’ve got to look after the men."

Women in Opus Dei, as in the upper echelons of the Catholic Church,
remain second-class citizens.

Deportment and modesty are among the subjects on the curriculum for
female members of Opus Dei, while there is no equivalent for men. Opus
Dei’s new $50 million headquarters in New York has separate entrances
for men and women.

As Escriva wrote: "Wives, you should ask yourself whether you are not
forgetting a little about your appearance. Your duty is, and will always
be, to take as good care of your appearance as you did before you were
married - and it is a duty of justice, because you belong to your
husband." He also preached: "Women needn’t be scholars - it’s enough for
them to be prudent."

The most damaging charge against him was that he doubted the number of
Jews killed in the Holocaust. This charge is dismissed as a lie by his

Escriva was canonised by Pope John Paul II in 2002.


AM: Rise exactly when alarm goes off. Get out of bed. Kiss the bedroom
floor and say: "Serviam" - Latin for "I will serve."

Morning prayers followed by 30 minutes prayerful meditation.

Noon: Say the Angelus, followed by a particular "examination of
conscience". For example, "am I being lazy?" or "am I humble enough?"

Daily Mass is mandatory for members, and many fit this in during their
lunch hour. After Mass ten minutes is spent in "thanksgiving".

Evening: Five decades of the Rosary, ten minutes of spiritual reading,
five minutes of gospel reading, 30 minutes of spiritual meditation.

Before bed: General examination of conscience, followed by an Act of

Final prayer before sleep called the "Preces".

Weekly: Confession, evening prayer meeting called "the Circle".

Monthly: Evening event of reconciliation.

Annually: Five-day spiritual retreat.

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Opus Dei

Everything you need to know about the conservative Catholic

Simon Jeffery
Wednesday December 22, 2004

1. For some, 2004 was a bad year - for others, it was a good year.
Sometimes, the two were related. Take the author Dan Brown and Opus Dei.
Brown's novel Da Vinci Code was a runaway success but, in casting the
conservative Catholic group as its main villain, it perhaps made life a
little bit harder for them.

2. Devoted readers of the thriller will no doubt think Opus Dei deserve
it for the depicted peculiar devotion to self-flagellation and an intent
to suppress the secrets of the early church, but the group feels a
little misrepresented.

3. A section on its website addressed to loyal Da Vinci Code readers
(who are presumably in shock that a such secret society is online) tells
them: "These topics are important and valuable to study, and we hope
that interested readers will be motivated to study some of the abundant
scholarship on them that is available in the non-fiction section of the

4. Founded in 1928, Opus Dei has around 80,000 members in Europe, North
and South America and elsewhere. Its invite-only members are asked to
promote traditional Catholic values and prayer.

5. It is not being the sect in Brown's bestseller, but its power in the
Catholic church (Joaquín Navarro-Valls, the pope's spin doctor, is a
member), and links to General Franco, the ultra rightwing Spanish
dictator, make it an intriguing body to outsiders.

6. Its founder, Josemaría Escriv´, became Saint Josemaría. He died in
1975, but the speed of his beatification and canonisation (the process
of becoming a saint) was contested by left-leaning Jesuits, who feared
Opus Dei's growing influence in Rome.

7. So it not the type of organisation one necessarily associates with
the Blair government, and today's report in the Times that Ruth Kelly, a
former Guardian journalist and the new education secretary, is a member
seems sure to raise eyebrows.

8. The newspaper says scientists are alarmed at the impact that Ms
Kelly's beliefs may have on her job. The mother of four has
responsibility for a £1bn research budget, and is believed to follow a
strict Vatican line on contraception, embryo research, cloning and
abortion. She reportedly told Mr Blair she could never support stem cell

9. Such positions, are of course, possible to hold without being a
member of a "mysterious" religious organisation - a significant number
of those who voted for George Bush in the last US presidential election
would endorse them - but, as Brown knows, a Latin name and hints of
secret societies have a strange compulsion to them.

10. For its part, Opus Dei is not playing along. The handy FAQ insists
it is nothing more than a group for those with a similar spiritual
mindset. "For the most part [ordinary members] do their job and live
their family and social lives like everyone else, doing exactly what
they would do if they were not in Opus Dei," it says.,6729,1378794,00.html


Now, here is more. It gets better, believe me:

Subject: colman from ireland.

> Dear brother Eric, I hope you are good today, i have found 2 great
> dealing with Rome and her great corruption, the first site is,
> which has some great pictures of Hitler with
> pope and Opus Dei. The second website is, which deals
> Opus Dei alone. The former members of this Cult describe Jose Maria
> demonic ramblings and his woman hating arrogance. Did you know that he
> he could dishonour anyone he wanted to in the press. God Bless
> Colman.


Opus Dei]
The Dei today
The Independent, Jan. 17, 2005
Peter Stanford
• More news articles on Opus Dei • Item 9936 • Posted: 2005-01-17 03:15:58 •
It wields huge influence in the Vatican yet is condemned as a sinister
and ruthless Catholic sect. Now the fundamentalist group is taking
control of a British parish for the first time - and one of its members
is in the Cabinet. Peter Stanford gains rare access to the closed world
of Opus Dei

From the outside, Netherhall House in Nutley Terrace is a bland 1960s
student block, tucked away in one of the maze of streets that tumble
down the hill from London's leafy Hampstead Heath to the A41 dual
carriageway. But behind the unassuming facade, Netherhall House is one
of the few public faces of Opus Dei, the secretive Catholic sect
regarded by many outsiders as sinister and misguided.

Last week, for the first time since the organisation was founded in
1928, Opus Dei was given its own parish by Cardinal Cormac
Murphy-O'Connor, the Archbishop of Westminster. And in April, Father
Gerard Sheehan - one of 17 British Opus Dei priests in Britain - will
take over pastoral care of St Thomas More Church in Swiss Cottage, north

But this respectability within the Catholic Church has been achieved
against a background of controversy. With the publication of Dan Brown's
bestseller The Da Vinci Code last year, Opus Dei emerged as less
trustworthy than Satan and about as welcome in the wider church as the
serpent in the garden of Eden. The publicity helped to transform this
corner of north-west London into a tourist destination. You can now book
(for around $3,000 including flight from the States and accommodation)
Da Vinci Code tours.

"We've had coaches of Americans turning up outside, standing there
staring through our windows," says Jack Valero, a Spaniard with a Kilroy
tan in his early forties. Valero is the public face of Opus Dei in
Britain. "You can imagine what they must think is going on inside, but
I'm afraid they'd be very disappointed if they could see what you're

Valero is taking me on my own private tour of Netherhall House, and, as
he implies, there's not a dead body, a scheming albino monk to rival The
Da Vinci Code's Brother Silas, or a lost descendant of Mary Magdalene in
sight. Indeed there are no women at all because this is an all-male
facility. Opus Dei likes to keep the sexes apart - save for when
Netherhall needs cleaning, when female members are permitted to come in
to tidy up after the chaps.

What you do see a lot - in the chapel, in the library, in the meeting
room - are sugary portraits of Opus Dei's founder, Monsignor Josemaria
Escriva de Balaguer, a Spaniard who died in 1985 and was declared a
saint by Pope John Paul II in 2002.

The Polish pontiff evidently has a very different impression from The Da
Vinci Code readers of this 85,000-member-strong international
organisation started by Escriva in the time of Franco. For John Paul it
is a bastion of true Catholicism, accorded by him the unique status of a
personal prelature, putting it in effect above Catholic law and
structures, dependent solely on the Pope. There is an irony in an
organisation that prides itself on following to the letter Catholic
teaching being in effect given its own Get Out of Jail Free card.

Yet from the Vatican's point of view, it represents an extremely good
deal. In Opus Dei it has found, to its evident relief, a strong, mainly
non-clerical (only two per cent of members are priests) voice echoing
its own opposition to contraception, sex outside marriage, abortion,
condoms and stem-cell research amid a chorus of indifference or
downright opposition to such teachings from most Western Catholics. When
these a la carte Catholics demand reform of the official line, the Pope
has only to point to Opus Dei to show that not everyone rejects the set

And John Paul is not alone in his appreciation. Ruth Kelly, the new
Secretary of State for Education, is reportedly an associate of Opus
Dei. She is certainly listed (alongside William Dalrymple, Rocco Forte
and Stephen Pound MP) as one of the guest speakers in the Netherhall
House annual report.

In the face of protests that her links with such a conservative
religious body make her unsuitable to be Britain's headmistress, Kelly
has so far remained silent. Opus Dei meanwhile refuses to give out
information about its members - exacerbating the impression of a
Mason-like secrecy - but those who have met Kelly in private confirm
that she is enthusiastic in her praise for the organisation, anxious to
put her associates in touch with it (part of the duties of members is to
recruit among their social contacts) and utterly humourless when
challenged about its more bizarre practices. Some numinaries, as members
are known, choose for example to wear a medieval metal chain with spikes
round their thigh, with the spikes sticking into them, as a way of
mortifying their sinful flesh.

Part of the extreme reaction to Kelly's connection to Opus Dei recalls
the suspicion that lasted long after the Reformation that Catholics can
never be loyal servants of the crown, that they are in hock to an
overseas power with an agenda to force their extreme views on the rest
of society. Today, a mention of Opus Dei, thanks in no small measure to
The Da Vinci Code, plays readily to those age-old fears. It is foreign,
Spanish to boot, so virtually a second Armada. It is secretive. It is
part of the Pope's inner circle. And it has an apparently bottomless
purse for buying up prime locations around London.

It all chimes with the worst stereotypes of Catholic subversives from
Guy Fawkes onwards. In his obituaries, it was claimed that Cardinal
Basil Hume, the gentle Benedictine monk who was head of the English
Catholic Church until his death in 1999, had lain to rest such ghosts,
but the Kelly affair shows they still seem to have some life in them.

However, it is around Opus Dei's recruitment measures that the most
pressing concern is felt. Netherhall House, opened in 1967, offers
upmarket accommodation to male students at London universities. Its
residents come from 30 countries and only half are Catholics, Valero
tells me proudly, as if producing the killer fact that disproves every
allegation against Opus Dei. Yet this is accommodation with strings
attached. First, there's the sort of Catholic regulations in force that
turned Ireland against the church in the 1960s. No girls above the
bottom stair (unless they've got a mop in their hand).

And then there's the odd, antiseptic feel to the place, as if all life
has been drained out of it. Given that this is a student hostel, it is
unnaturally quiet and tidy. I can't help thinking that it looks as if it
has been arranged to look normal when really it is concealing terrible
secrets. But I've clearly been reading too many Dan Brown books. Valero,
for his part, makes no bones that the hostel is a kind of bait. Fishing
is a term commonly used within Opus Dei for its crusade to attract young
Catholics into its arms. Give them a comfortable place to live, show
them Catholicism at its best and hope that the experience will inspire
grateful residents to join up. "We hope simply being here and living as
we do will enthuse them," is how he puts it.

For Opus Dei this is simply good old-fashioned evangelisation and they
have no intention of apologising for it. Catholicism, they point out,
was founded as a missionary faith, even if most modern mass-goers
overlook the imperative to spread the Good News. For others, though,
such activities are what gives the organisation, and by association the
rest of the church, a bad name. Cardinal Hume was so concerned at its
activities in Westminster diocese in the 1980s that he issued it with
four recommendations. These demanded that no one under 18 should be
allowed to join, that all recruits should discuss fully their decision
beforehand with parents or guardians and be free at any time to leave
without pressure, and that all Opus projects be clearly identified as
such. Hume was a cautious man and would only have risked such a public
clash with the papal cheerleaders if he had clear evidence that Opus Dei
was doing all the things that he outlawed. My own experience in the
1980s was of meeting several youngsters who had arrived in the big city,
felt utterly lost and were therefore vulnerable enough to rush into the
arms of the Opus Dei student who had befriended them and offered them a
friendly place to live, only later to regret it and embark on a damaging
struggle to get free. It turned them off Catholicism for life.

Valero pooh-poohs such tales. He is a polished PR man. Before dedicating
himself full-time to Opus Dei, he ran a successful computer company. He
insists that all the mistakes of the past are now history, that Opus Dei
has changed, but the opportunism certainly remains. So, for instance,
when the Da Vinci Code trippers turn up outside, they are now invited in
for tea. Officially it is to dispel the caricature of Opus Dei produced
by Dan Brown - the courts might have been a more effective route - but
you cannot help but see the potential for a bit of fishing in such
apparently casual encounters.

Tour over, Valero ushers me into a side room with plush green leather
chairs, and produces coffee and biscuits while swatting away with a
smile the list of charges made against Opus Dei. I state these boldly,
just in case he has his fishing rod hidden anywhere. It is said, I
suggest, that you have too much money. He hands me a set of published
accounts for one of the Opus Dei trusts in the UK showing receipts of
?2.5m last year and reserves of ?12m. It is a lot, he admits, but there
is a lot to do.

What about the $50m office block you have just built in downtown New
York with separate entrances for men and women, I ask. Nothing very
secret about that, he counters, and looks straight into my eyes.

Only twice during our conversation does he avert his gaze. The first
comes when we get on to the founder. Some who knew him say that he was a
fraud who lied about everything from his real name to the extent of the
Holocaust. His diaries, they say, were written with a view to presenting
himself as saintly when the reality was that his actual interest in life
was power and advancement in the church, a process completed by his
followers after his death when they spent a lot of money on
fast-tracking his cause for canonisation in record time.

"Nothing makes me angry any more," Valero says, staring out of the
window, "but this thing about the Holocaust still does. It is all based
on the account of one man. I don't know of anyone else who heard the
founder say such things. It is a lie." The one man, it should be pointed
out, is an ex-Opus Dei member who left and is now a senior priest in
Westminster diocese. And one reason why the charge has stuck down the
years is the context of Escriva's life and work. Opus Dei rose to
prominence first in Spain under Franco's Fascist regime. Several
ministers were closely linked with it.

Later I ask Valero about his own route into Opus Dei. His father was a
member, he says, and at 15 he visited Rome and heard Escriva speak. It
made such a powerful impression on him that at 18 he joined. He is not a
priest, but has taken a vow of celibacy. Why, I ask. Again he is staring
out of the window. "Because it leaves me free to travel where I am
needed." But couldn't you do that with a family? "Not at short notice."

I cannot decide if my questions are unnecessarily prying, or perfectly
reasonable in an effort to understand the strange world of Opus Dei. Its
very name means work of God, and for members, life, work and
relationships are all tools of evangelisation. Every encounter is a
chance to make a new convert. You can see how a family would get in your
way. And how prized a Cabinet seat will be.

So, saints or schemers? Good people under attack for being out of step
with an increasingly secular society, or a cult-like sect with an
ever-increasing network of well-placed members aiming to subvert the
church and society? It may disappoint the sightseers, but it's probably

Manipulative? Yes, especially in recruitment. Zealous? Undoubtedly, and
that always unsettles us in such live-and-let-live times. Sinister?
Probably more like unpleasant and sly in its casual sexism and
determination to convert. Dangerous? Only in the same way that an
overactive teenager is dangerous. Too much enthusiasm, too many
black-and-white answers, too little tolerance. But teenagers grow out of
it, and compared to the Opus Dei I knew back in the 1980s, there are
certainly fewer pimples.

Peter Stanford was editor of 'The Catholic Herald' from 1988 to 1992

> From: lunarii
> Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 19:22:01 00200 (CEST)
> Subject: [offshoredestiny] Church Closings in Costa
> Rica more outrageous than first thought!
> Well, folks, this is even more outrageous and
> egregious than even I had
> imagined.
> They have closed over 80 evangelical churches over
> the past year, and
> the last time even had the gall to invade church
> services!
> This is probably a very high percentage of all non
> Catholic churches in
> the country!
> And the "zoning violation" they were supposedly
> guilty of in many
> cases?
> Are you ready for this one?
> I stand FIRM in my assertion that this is a Catholic
> Putsch against
> proetstant churches in Costa Rica, despite the
> pathetic token closing of
> one catholic church these Nazi pigs didn't think of.
> These assholes are part of Opus Dei, and we have
> PLENTY of information
> on these people we will be sharing with you in the
> coming days.
> So here is the belated, though much fuller story on
> this outrage from
> today's Tico Times:
> Unusual One-Man Protest Gets Results
> By Katherine Stanley
> Tico Times Staff
> A careful inspection of noise standards at the
> country's evangelical
> churches, to be conducted by the Public Health
> Ministry, Ombudsman José
> María Echandi and Legislative Assembly member Carlos
> Avendaño, is
> scheduled to begin this week – the result of an
> unusual one-man protest
> Avendaño staged March 18 before the government went
> on a week's vacation
> for Semana Santa (Easter Holy Week).
> The congressman expressed his opposition to the
> Health Ministry's
> closures of evangelical churches, not by staging a
> march or a boycott,
> but by setting a ladder beside the National Monument
> near the assembly
> building, climbing atop it, and refusing to come
> down until the ministry
> acceded to his demands.
> The National Restoration Party's only legislator and
> his supporters say
> the ministry has unfairly closed evangelical
> churches, which the
> ministry says do not comply with basic health, noise
> and parking
> requirements, throughout the past year.
> Supporter Edgar Sánchez told The Tico Times 80
> churches have been closed
> down nationwide since January 2004.
> “They are focusing on Christian (non-Catholic)
> churches,” Sánchez said,
> adding the ministry does not uphold such strict
> standards for churches
> of the nation's official Catholic religion or other
> establishments,
> including bars.
> The recent closure of a church in the northern San
> José suburb of Tibás,
> by ministry officials who entered the church during
> a service, was the
> final straw that prompted Avendaño's protest,
> Sánchez added.
> Avendaño, cheered on by his wife and a small group
> of supporters,
> climbed the statue shortly after 4 p.m. March 18,
> just before the
> assembly closed down for Easter Holy Week. As
> darkness fell, a curious
> crowd gathered. So, too, did a large contingent of
> police officers,
> rescue teams, ambulances and even a crane, for a
> total cost the daily Al
> Día estimated at ¢850,000 ($1,824).
> Red Cross workers took Avendaño's blood pressure –
> he suffers from
> hypertension, Sánchez said – and brought him water
> and coffee, with
> Avendaño never letting go of a handmade sign
> reading, “No More Church
> Closings.”
> Meanwhile, on the ground, Ombudsman Echandi, who
> told The Tico Times
> Avendaño called him Friday morning to inform him of
> his plan, paced back
> and forth in a crowd of Avendaño's supporters, his
> hands pressed to his
> ears. In one hand, he held a cell phone on which he
> spoke to the
> Vice-Minister of Health, Delia Villalobos; in the
> other, he held a
> walkie-talkie to communicate the progress of the
> negotiations to
> Avendaño.
> Onlookers' reactions varied. Many people knelt to
> pray, while others
> simply took in the strange spectacle or cheered
> Avendaño on.
> “Bravo, diputado ,” one man yelled. “That's how we
> do it!”
> “Don't come down until gas prices get lower!”
> shouted another.
> He didn't wait that long. At approximately 9:20
> p.m., Avendaño did come
> down, after the ministry provided a written document
> outlining the
> elements of the agreement that had been reached.
> In the agreement, the Health Ministry promised to
> reopen the churches
> that have been closed, and to begin a study of noise
> levels in churches
> that will include Echandi's and Avendaño's
> participation.
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Sunday, March 27, 2005

Fwd: [costa-rica] Revolution in Alajuela?

--- lunarii wrote:
> To:,
> From: lunarii
> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 08:50:08 00200 (CEST)
> Subject: [costa-rica] Revolution in Alajuela?
> According to our man in the street, Alajuela is
> getting ready to revolt.
> The situation with the hospital fiasco has
> adversely affected the local
> economy, and is like a major depression.
> Almost nothing is functional in the new hospital, it
> is a shambles. It
> looks like more is to blame than just the Spanish
> construction company.
> Seems like everyone was squeling like pigs near this
> feeding trough!
> Equipment ordered never showed up and many other
> problems not reported
> on too much.
> The natives are restless in Alejuela. They are
> running out of medicine
> too at the hospital, and they frequently have to go
> to Hospital Mexico
> to get more.
> Looks like the Caja is in very serious trouble, and
> the people of
> Alejuela are getting really upset. They even talk
> of a new civil war
> rising up because of this and other major problems.
> On another front, it looks like Calderon has
> suddenly managed to get
> himself sent home!
> I am sure that you already heard Osvaldo was out.
> But there is now such a serious economic and
> politicl problem, that it
> is getting really explosive, at least here!
> There is also talk that Enrique will be back paying
> soon, so just hold
> on a little longer, our good friend is about to
> return!
> Seems like some people in the government finally
> realize the gravity of
> the situation, and realize that Enrique's return is
> the only hope this
> economy has of recovery. Other foreign investment
> has all but
> disappeared, considering how foreign investors have
> been treated by this
> excreble administration! The only hope for rescue
> now appears to rest
> with Enrique, and Costa Ric had better keep its
> fingers crossed, as
> under 50% of the investors remain. The majority are
> now gone to other
> parts of the world, and so Enrique's payments to
> them will be lost to
> the country.
> But, at this point, beggers can't be choosers, and
> half a loaf is better
> than no bread at all.
> I hope they finally understand this before no bread
> is left.
> Strike while the iron's hot, Costa Rica, otherwise
> your financial
> Armaggedon is almost upon you.
> ............................ LUNAR NEWS
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Thursday, March 17, 2005

>>Costa Rica News Digest<<

A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net

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This group is for the distrubution of the Digest
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*Early Morning Bank Robbery in San José

Three men, heavily armed, stormed the branch of the Banco Crédito Agrícola de

Cartago (BCAC) located across from the court house in San José and made away

with ¢12 million colones (us$25.500 dollars) in an early morning bank heist.

This time there were deaths or hostages like the failed bank robbery of the

Banco Nacional branch in Monteverde last week.

According to police, three men waited patiently in the early hours of

yesterday morning when at 6:30am they took advantage of the lack security on

the changing of the guard rotation.

Using tear gas and they overtook the guards and waited for the branch manager

to arrive, who was taken by surprise and forced to open the bank vault.

Apparently the bank did not use a timed vault system.

The three men then fled in a the bank manager's automobile but abandoned it a

short distance from the bank when they realized the automobile had a tracking

device and fled on foot.

Police are still searching for the three men.

The Organismo de Investigacion Judicial (OIJ) is looking in the possibility

that the bank robbers may have had some "inside" help, seeing it strange as

to how the three men could easily overpower the guards, knew exactly the time

of the guard rotation on when the bank manager would be arriving.

The OIJ agents got the feeling of something strang is going on with this

robbery after completing the initial interviews of the guards. An OIJ source

revealed to the press that the guards offered contradictory statements to

investigators. In addition, the bank alarm was never set off and no call was

made to 911.

Police say the action was well planned and the group knew that the bank did

not have video surveillance and nor did they take the cash that was set aside

for robberies, money that contained a dye mark system that would be visible

once it left the bank.

The Ministerio de Seguridad Pública and the Organismo de Investigación

Judicial (OIJ), along with Fuerza Pública chief, Walter Navarro, are denying

that a "bank alert" exists in the country. Aside from the robbery yesterday

morning and that in Monteverde last week, officials are denying are other

reports of any other bank robberies.

*Costa Rica Rules Out Immediate Ratification of TLC with US

Costa Rica on Wednesday ruled out the possibility of an immediate

ratification of the Tratado Libre de Comercio - TLC (Free Trade Agreement -

FTA) between Central America and the United States.

Foreign Trade Minister Manuel Gonzalez Saenz told the press that Costa Rica

will not ratify the TLC right now due to pressure from special groups.

Entrepreneurs and economic sectors of Costa Rica called for the immediate

ratification, while social sectors opposed the TLC and threatened to protest

if the agreement was presented to the parliament.

The minister said if the United States ratifies the treaty, Costa Rica will

undoubtedly feel pressure, but by now no pressure has been exerted by


The opposition party Movimiento Libertario proposed to leave the TLC to a


Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala signed the TLC

with the United States in May 2004.

El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala have ratified the agreement, and in

Nicaragua, the text has been sent to the legislature, while Costa Rica's

executive branch still holds on to the document.

*Natural Cosmetics From Costa Rica

Vista Group is to launch a new natural skin care line on the US market that

is manufactured in Costa Rica.

Rainforest Preserve utilizes features clays unique to the lava fields of

Central America – a formula that aims to feed the growing demand for natural

cosmetic formulations, writes Simon Pitman.

Vista says that it will immediately begin distribution from its facility in

Chester, Virginia from where the company will be supplying retailers

throughout the United States.

"Rainforest Preserve has been designed for up-scale consumers interested in

top-quality natural and organic cosmetics," said Rocio Kemp, director of

sales for Vista. "After three years of intense market research, numerous

focus groups, and countless revisions to refine the formulations, we've come

up with a line of products that meets this discerning customer's


Kemp added that, contrary to the no-fuss hippyish image connected with

consumers of natural cosmetic products, consumers buying these type of lines

are just as likely to now be well educated, sophisticated individual with

real concerns about the environment and the type of products that come into

contact with their skin.

"Our initial launch features three products with differing natural colors and

body uses. Red Volcanic Mask, like its name insinuates, is made of red

volcanic clays and is designed for the face. Liquid Lava is made of black

lava and is a body scrub. Natural Clay is a mild daily facial exfoliant made

from white earth,“ Kemp also added. The new range of products features

naturally derived ingredients that include aloe leaf, chamomile and mint

extract all found in the Red Volcanic Mask facial cleanser; wild orange

hibiscus, tillia and aloe vera in the Liquid lava body scrub; together with

lemon and oragne peel oil and green tea extract found in teh Natural Clay

facial exfoliant.

The ingredients for Rainforest Preserve are largely natural or organic and

are not tested on animals.

*IRS to Help Out the Costa Rican Tax Man

The Dirección General de Tributación Directa (DGT) - the Costa Rican tax man

- is getting ready to apply stricter controls to it's tax collection problem,

thanks to the help of the United States Treasury, that oversees the Internal

Revenue Service (IRS).

The U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica made public that Larry Westfall will be

heading the U.S. team to help the Ministerio de Hacienda (Costa Rican Revenue

Service) in planning, training, auditing and collecting of taxes.

Hacienda has a long running problem with it's computer system and the U.S.

will help out with that too.

The agreement was signed yesterday (Wednesday) between the Westfall and

Hacienda minister, Federico Carrillo and president Abel Pacheco.

The agreement is in preparation of the planned "reforma fiscal" - tax reform

- that has been debated for some time.

Carrillo commented that the union with, and without a doubt, the strongest

tax organization in the world, will help strengthen Hacienda and to bring

more equality and justice to the Costa Rican tax system and taxpayers.

*Semana Santa is Not A Paid Holiday

Yesterday we reported that all government offices will be closed all week

during Semana Santa, save for the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad

(ICE), FyL (electricity), Aya (water) and state bank - Banco Nacional, Banco

de Costa Rica, who will be open on Monday and Tuesday.

The move to close all government offices from closing on Friday March 18 to

the morning of Monday March 28, is to save the government money. What we

didn't make clear, that though government offices will be closed, only

Thursday and Friday - according to the Ministerio de Trabajo (Ministry of

Labour) - are paid holidays.

Government employees are given Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off, but it will

come off their vacation time. Saturdays and Sundays government offices are

normally closed.

Fernando Trejos, Ministro de Trabajo (Labour Minister), said "Thursday and

Friday are legal holidays and any worker - public or private sector - who is

expected to work on those days will be paid double the normal salary".

The Ministerio de Trabajo has made a toll free line available to employees

and employers who are not clear on the holiday rules. Callers can call

800-TRABAJO or can visit any of the 32 offices the Ministry has in the

country for a full explanation.

*Florida fugitive captured in Costa Rica:

[World News]: By LES KJOS WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.,, March 16 : A man who fled

from the Palm Beach County, Fla.,, courthouse on the last day of his

manslaughter trial in 1998 has been arrested in Costa Rica.

Ken Cojocar, 34, a former machinist from Royal Palm Beach, Fla.,, was working

at a sports gambling business in San Jose, Costa Rica, when he was arrested,

the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported Wednesday.

Cojocar was convicted of drunken-driving manslaughter in the deaths of Alice

Tyler, 46, and Heather Durkin, 15, in a head-on collision in Jupiter, Fla.,,

in 1996.A U.S. Marshals Service task force and State Department agents began

looking for him in 2003. They were getting close a year ago, when Cojocar was

mentioned on "America's Most Wanted" and he began lying low again.

They finally caught up with him Tuesday.

"It's a magnificent day," Assistant State Attorney Ellen Roberts said."I can

hardly wait to see him."

*Costa Rica Police Storm Besieged Bank, Nine Dead
Thu Mar 10, 2005 03:36 AM ET

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (Reuters) - A bungled bank raid in Costa Rica that

erupted into a bloody hostage crisis ended on Wednesday when the only robber

left standing gave himself up to police after a day of shootouts that left

nine dead.

The man was one of four or five robbers whose heist at the Banco Nacional in

Santa Elena northwest of the capital went awry when a security guard shot two

of them dead on Tuesday night.

The remaining robbers then took more than 30 people hostage, demanding

$40,000. An assault by heavily armed police failed and left one officer dead.

Television showed at least two bodies crumpled outside the bank for several

hours during the standoff. It was not clear if they were some of the five

hostages killed or hostage takers.

The only robber left eventually gave himself up, security officials said.

"It was possible to disarm him without having to offer anything," said

security minister Rogelio Ramos.

The robbers released about half of the hostages on Wednesday morning. By the

end of the siege, 19 bystanders had been injured, half of them by gunshot.

It was unclear how another of the robbers died, and police said a fifth

culprit may have escaped unseen.

The ordeal, parts of which were broadcast live on television, shocked Costa

Rica, an orderly country that is generally less violent than neighboring

Central American nations, where youth gang crime is rampant.

But the country's reputation was tarnished last year by corruption scandals

and a hostage incident when a policeman shot himself and three other people

inside the Chilean Embassy after learning he was to lose his job.

*Costa Rica: A bird lover's paradise

Nature Notes column by Beverly Overmyer

I've been described by those who've known me for decades as an "advertiser's

nightmare." Since I was a teenager, I could recite or sing every slogan or

theme song popular on the radio or television. The problem was then -- and

remains today -- that I seldom remember the business, product or show that

the jingle touted.

Recently when friends asked, "How was your Costa Rica trip?" I immediately

answered, "You should go."

I don't know what business urged customers to visit their store, but the

slogan seemed a perfect reply.

I had mentioned to my son (I don't remember this either) that we'd like to go

to Costa Rica sometime because there were so many birds there that we'd never

see otherwise. Last year we were surprised with an itinerary for a 12-day

trip to top birding spots in the tiny central American country tucked in a

Costa Rica bird book at our birthday party.

When questioned by friends, family and co-workers, we'd tell everyone what a

special place Costa Rica is to visit, not just for the birds but for the

country's efforts to save their rain and cloud forests and the natives' and

lodge owners' genuine affection for Americans even though our Spanish was

sorely lacking.

I remembered different highlights of our trip when I talked to different


Elaborating on my first answer, I'd tell fellow birders that on the first day

at Chacon Mountain Lodge with our guide Martino, we'd seen 31 species that

we'd never seen before. (And heavy winds made it a "bad birding day.")

For our gardener friends I'd tell them they should go to see the magnificent

flowers and other vegetation. My husband mentioned that there was something

growing on every available surface in the forests and on the roadsides.

Looking out our hotel window at midnight in a light drizzle, I was astounded

to see a 10-foot-high solid wall of purple, orange, red and purple

bougainvillea stretching along the side of the hotel as far as I could see.

Our guides were amazed that calla lilies growing wild along the roadsides

were the feature of pricey wedding bouquets here. Even familiar garden

annuals like impatiens and hydrangeas grow here to giant sizes in the warm,

moist air.

I tell my artistic friends about the incredible color and folk art decorating

every available surface that isn't covered with flowers. We were driven from

one lodge to another enjoying the colorful houses and stores and buses

crowding San Jose and the countryside.

The bird guide at the resort on the Pacific Ocean took us to the nearby Costa

Rican village where murals adorned the school, houses and day-care center for

the resort workers' children. He explained that the small mirrors in one

village mural allowed the visitor to become part of the picture.

For the people who are more interested in exotic, furry mammals than birds, I

whip out the pictures of the pacas, agoutis and coatis feeding close to the

lodge's terrace at dusk and sunrise. Some of these animals, as well as some

large black wild turkeys with bright light blue bills, are endangered and

protected by the resort owners. Some exist nowhere else.

One of the guide books promised a really close-up look at huge iguanas in the

treetops that could be photographed from the bridge at treetop level.

In the midmorning sun, a yard-long orange fella basked in the sun amid the

clicks of dozens of tourists' cameras.

This critter looked fierce, unlike their smaller cousins that wandered into

the outdoor dining room to be fed their lunch banana by the waiters -- again

to the delight of the tourists.

If anyone asks or not, I tell everyone about an amazing experience on the

plane ride home over cloud-covered Indiana. Out of the plane window shined a

round rainbow with the shadowed silhouette of our plane in the middle. I took

it as a sign that we'd land safely and return to Costa Rica, which was indeed

the gold at the end of several rainbows we'd marveled at during the two weeks

in the cloud forests.


Costa RicaFeb. 25 2005

Press Release - Organization of American States

Ambassador Javier Sancho Bonilla, presenting credentials today as Costa

Rica’s new Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States

(OAS), renewed his nation’s commitment to the regional Organisation and the

inter-American system as well as to the defense and promotion of human

rights, democracy and hemispheric security.

The new envoy delivered his accreditation letters to Acting Secretary General

Luigi Einaudi, conveying greetings from President Abel Pacheco and Foreign

Affairs Minister Roberto Tovar. The brief ceremony at which Ambassador Sancho

Bonilla presented credentials followed private discussions he held with

Ambassador Einaudi.

In welcoming the new envoy, the Acting Secretary General noted Costa Rica’s

contribution to the hemispheric agenda. He made particular mention of the

Central American nation’s longstanding leadership on the defense of human

rights, the promotion of democracy and in “the quest for sound

inter-Americanism based on the dignity of democratically-organized


A career diplomat, Ambassador Javier Sancho Bonilla has held a variety of

senior positions prior to this appointment, including as Director General of

Foreign Policy with his country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and as

Ambassador in Brazil, Korea and Thailand. He has represented his government

at numerous international conferences, including as head of delegation to the

Conference of National Coordinators of the Rio Group, held in Santiago,

Chile, in March 2001.

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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

>>Costa Rica News Digest<<

A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net

Also Visit the Costa Rica Page:

*Feature Article: Outrageous Internet Group Warfare
in Major Costa Rica Group

*News Digest

If you want to be successful in the years to
come, with the new technology of the internet,
you need to break free of the limitations that
bind the majority of people. ONe of the worst
problems individuals and businesses face today
are high taxes, unfair litigation, lack of
privacy in financial matters, etc.

You cannot be truly successful and free unless
you use all the tools at your disposal, which
includes being financially free, and learning
the ingredients to true success.

These secrets used to not be available to the
ordinary person. They were the guarded secrets
of the elite.

Destiny Worldwide is unique in that we not only give
you the education you need to succeed, but we also
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From e-commerce to success in your career, regular
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the many risks out there today, our constellation
of services gives you the advantages you need to

Go to these websites to begin running down the road
to your successful future today!

You'll be glad you did!
*Feature Article: Outrageous Internet Group Warfare
in Major Costa Rica Group

Just today, a letter to the editor of online publication AMCosta Rica
sparked a backlash out outrageous proportions from Chuck Leaky, the
qurky, hard headed moderator of the internet newsgroup for Costa Rica
discussions called Gallo Pinto.

As his response to one of his subcriber's letter to the editor, he
banned that member from the list.

Here are Leaky's words on the subject:

"Apparent Deterioration: From the looks of things either
the editorial policies of the morning Online News
Thingee from --- and supposedly about Costa Rica --- has
been taken over by its Hard Copy Left Wing competitor.
The Letters Section today included two frothy-mouthed
attack pieces against the United States of America. One
allowed by an unnamed source from an unnamed location
--- and the other from a one-time member of GalloPinto.
The Old Factotum can do nothing about the former, but
the latter complainer and defiler will never again be a
member of this group, at least under his own name. I am
very surprised that what could have been a very good
addition to the Costa Rica news scene has lost any
semblance of fairness and objectivity and turned at
least part of its LETTERS space into just another
second-rate-left-wing-favoring-muckmongering venue
against the United States. Perhaps those old days of
being a journalism professor make it just too difficult
to be fair-minded and objective.

Sea feliz,



Now, here are the letters that generated such a vitriolic attack by
Leaky. Do you consider any of the letter below to be "frothy mounted?"

If you do, I guess you have found a friend in Chuckie, So you should
benefit from joining his little Nazi fiefdom.

If any of you members of the Costa Rica list comments on this topic,
you are free to send your comments there. For non list subscribers,
we suggest you join the group right now so that you can be guaranteed to
receive each edition of this newsletter every time it comes out.

Now, onto the entertainment for today. Do any of you see any "froth"
in the letters below, and can you IMAGINE ever being thrown off of
an internet discussion board for writing one of these to another

OK, so on with the insanity:

"Letters to the editor
Readers think that U.S.
should evaluate itself

EDITOR’S NOTE: The three letters that follow respond to the U.S. report on

human rights published here Tuesday.

Let’s match U.S. with Costa Rica

Dear A.M. Costa Rica:

The U.S. incarcerates more people per 100,000 than any other country in the

world, including the former USSR. In addition, their prisons are so

overcrowded with non-violent drug offenders that building new jails has

become a national interest.

I wonder how the U.S. compares to C.R.? Probably much worse! Of course a

comparison wasn't included in the report. It would have been good to see some

comparative statistics in your article. It would be good for the morale of

Aaron Lagadyn
Nanaimo, B.C., Canada

Let’s clean up our backyard

Dear A.M. Costa Rica:

The US government apparently forgot to include one country in its analysis of

civil rights infractions in 196 countries — itself!!

The Bible teaches us to cast the mote from our own eye before we point out

.the splinter in our neighbors'. The Christian-oriented administration in the

U.S. seems to enjoy applying the teachings of Christ only when it serves

their own purposes. I do not condemn Christianity, only the hypocrites that

.use it, or for that matter, any other religion, to further their own ends.

Compared to some countries, I have no doubt the U.S. would score well, but it

would not fare as well as most industrial nations, in main part due to its

involvement in the Middle East and its attacks on socialist-leaning

.governments. Let's clean up our own backyard before we attack our neighbors

in our ever shrinking globe.
John French

Report is just more hypocrisy

Dear A.M. Costa Rica:

Your piece this morning on the A.M. Costa Rica Web site regarding that annual

hypocrisy known as the U.S. State Department Report On Human .Rights was

notable more for what it left out than what it included. It .never mentioned

human rights abuses in the United States — which are .becoming as egregious

as anywhere in the hemisphere. So to correct that omission, here is what

that State Department report and your description of it would have included

had it been honest:


The human rights situation in the United States continues to deteriorate. A

presidential election in which numerous and serious statistical anomalies,

nearly all in favor of the winning candidate, remain unaddressed by official

investigatory agencies, is symptomatic of .increasing impunity and a

declining respect for the rule of law.

The public pronouncements about human rights and self determination are

.increasingly belied by discussions, within the administration, of such

.possible activities as the "Salvador option" as a means of imposing its

.will in countries it militarily occupies, through the implementation of

death-squad activity and state-sponsored terror as it did in El Salvador two

decades ago. With the active encouragement and help of the administration,

the press in the United States increasingly engages in self-censorship, and

has done little reporting on these and similar domestic human rights issues.

The administration has recently been accused of stacking the White House

press corps with at least one ."journalist" who was apparently present for

the purpose of asking .questions the administration wanted asked.

Subversion of foreign governments, including those with widespread support,

continues, while private individuals engaging in foreign subversion supported

by the U.S. government remain unpunished. Many of the dissidents recently

arrested and jailed by Cuba were found to have been carrying large amounts of

cash in U.S. dollars, traced to the U.S. .Interests Section, but while the

United States continues to make angry pronouncements about the fate of those

people, the individuals who were .responsible for the bombing of the Cubana

Airlines plane in the Bahamas three decades ago, leading to the death of

dozens of people, remain at .large and unpursued.

One of the persons believed to have been part of that plot currently holds a

position of considerable responsibility in the government of the State of

Florida. Another person who operated death squads and a subversion campaign

in Nicaragua in the 1980s in contravention of U.S. law and defiance of the

U.S. Congress, is now the host of a popular national television program.

Pronouncements about the right of other nations to pursue self determination

remain unhonored by the current government of the United States. 2004 saw

the United States funneling arms to rebels within .Haiti through Grenada and

the Dominican Republic for the purpose of overthrowing a freely elected

government which enjoyed considerable .popular support, and replacing it with

a friendlier government run by persons closely associated with the FRAPH and

Tonton Macoute thugs of .the deposed "Papa Doc" Duvalier government.

Agents sponsored by the .United States engaging in subversion against the

government of Venezuela continue to be caught and arrested by that

government, in spite of the fact that the current government's support of the

people was overwhelmingly reaffirmed in a referendum widely regarded as free

and fair.

Domestic repression in the United States continues to increase. Dissidents

continue to be harassed and intimidated; those even remotely considered a

threat but who are not particularly high-profile, occasionally find

themselves jailed on trumped-up "terrorism" charges, detained indefinitely

without charge, or find themselves fleeing into .exile.

Demonstrations are frequently repressed, often violently, and .police abuses

of those arrested usually go unpunished. Officers of charities who look

after the rights of those detained for political .reasons are often harassed

and intimidated, placed on "watch lists." This year it was revealed that the

United States occasionally engages in .a process it calls "extraordinary

rendition," by which it occasionally .sends detained persons to other

countries known to engage freely in the brutal torture of persons in


At least two of the victims of .this procedure are known to have been killed,

and several more are known to have sustained permanent debilitating injuries.

For these reasons, the numbers of people fleeing from the United States for

political reasons has recently increased dramatically over the last year,

particularly since the election; an absolute minimum of 200 per .month

(possibly has high as several thousand) are known to be settling in Latin

America, Canada and Europe. In response, the United States government is

exerting pressure on the recipient nations to tighten their residency


The United States continues to detain suspects it calls "enemy .combatants,"

at facilities in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Kabul, Afghanistan, and several

locations in Iraq. Only those at Guantanamo have a legal .right to any kind

of trial, where they are offered only "military .tribunals," which are widely

regarded as being show trials, conducted only because they were required by

court decisions.

The foreign nationals who have been released from Guantanamo Bay detention

have told .stories of torture and abuse that are consistent with those that

have .been revealed from Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. administration

.continues to refuse to accept the applicability of the Geneva Conventions,

to which it is signatory, with regards to the legal status of the detainees.

The United States continues to refuse to accept the jurisdiction of the

International Criminal Court and continues to refuse to sign the Universal

Declaration of Human Rights.

If you publish this, please do not use my name or location. I am one of

those who fled under pressure, and I don't need to add to the pressure I

continue to feel. Thank you.
Name withheld by request"


OK, so just who do YOU think is nuts?


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members area, or subscribe by email by sending
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This group is for the distrubution of the Digest
as well as discussion on topics of interest to
those living or wanting to live in Costa Rica.

*Costa Rica Formally Rescinds Harken Energy Oil Contract

The Costa Rican government formally canceled the1998 concession for oil

exploration it had granted to Houston-based Harken Energy Corporation (HEC),

after years of wrangling over the deal.

"This marks the end of the administrative process and the definitive

rescission of the contract," said Environment Minister Carlos Manuel


President Abel Pacheco said that "what has happened here has nothing to with

us, rather it is due to Harken's failure to comply with several parts of the


"When they failed to comply, we simply took this measure," Pacheco said.

In 2004, the government backed away from previous plans to pay Harken Energy

a settlement as part of the contract dispute.

Costa Rican officials say that Harken was to blame for failing to present an

adequate environmental impact study on the oil project.

Rodriguez had once said the government was considering a payment of between

US$3 million and US$11 million because it was cheaper than risking a trial in

U.S. courts.

In October 2003, Harken dropped a US$57 billion claim before the World Banks'

International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes, but said it would

still pursue compensation.

Harken Costa Rica Holdings won concession rights in 1998 to explore for oil

off the coast of Limon, 100 miles east of the capital, San Jose. But the

Environment Ministry denied a permit to explore there, saying the plan wasn't

" environmentally viable."

*Three Former Presidents Worst Presidential Candidates, Recent Poll Reveals

A poll of 1.205 people by Channel 7 television news, Telenoticias, between

February 15 and 24 shows that 47.5% of the respondents have not made up their

mind on which party they will support in the 2006 presidential elections,

while 19.5% have decided on the Partido Liberación Nacional, (PLN), 9.5% for

the Partido Unidad Social Cristiana (PUSC), 4.5% for the Partido Acción

Ciudadana(PAC). 2.1% for the Movimiento Libertario (ML), 1.5% for others and

15.3 decided not to give an answer.

Asked if they were prepared to vote Oscar Arias in 2006, 54% said no, while

26.7% said yes. The group was also asked if they believed that Arias has the

election locked up, 49.5% said no, while 33.1% believe he will be the next


Asked about various personalities to have made the news this past year, the

group gave an overwhelming support for Fiscal General Francisco Dall’anese,

believing he would make excellent presidential material, while the worst of

the bunch are former presidents, Miguel Angel Rodríguez, followed by José

María Figueres Olsen and Rafael Angel Calderón.

*Recording Will Identify Calls Made From Prisons

A problem for police and jail authorities has been the number of calls made

by prisoners from public pay telephones installed at the prisons to outsiders

who have been threatened and blackmailed.

The situation has gotten so far out of hand that prisoners, working with

those on the outside, were making a good living. And getting away with it.

Basically, a prisoner would use any one of the public telephones installed in

the prison to make calls to extort and/or threaten their potential victims.

The person on the outside would pick up the payment or follow through with

the threat.

The problem was such that police have received more calls of complaints that

they can handle, leaving judicial officials scratching their heads at a


Well, Patricia Vega, Ministra de Justicia y Gracia, who operates the

penitentiary system and working with the Instituto Costarricense de

Electricidad (ICE), announced that now a recording will precede every phone

call placed from a pay phone in the prisons

The system allows that when you pick up the receiver, if the caller is

calling from a prison, a message is played telling you the call is

originating from a prison and identifying the prison as well.

This change will not stop the criminals from making their calls, but it can

help the receiver of the call by letting them know that they are potential

victim and make a complaint to police.

*Aerial Photos To Help in Property Registration
Next time you are outside, look up and smile. You could be on camera.

Say what?

The government has launched an ambitious program called "Propiedades

inscritas y seguras" by the Regularización de Catastro y Registro, which,

with the help of NASA, will photograph every inch of the national territory,

to avoid mistakes and problems with the land registry.

The first flight began this week with the area of Límon, was confirmed by the

director of the Centro Nacional de Alta Tecnología (Cenat), Pedro León, who

says they hope to cover 90% of the national territory by the project's end.

The program will cost us$92 million dollars and is party financed by a loan

from the Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID).

The program is strengthen the national registry to avoid and eliminate many

of the problems with the registration process and in the hopes of also

attracting more investment dollars to the country, by having a sound and

solid property registration program.

Many owners and buyers of property have run into problems with title and have

had to spend money and time to correct many of the problems that have gone

unchecked for years. In some cases, property owners have lost part of their

property due to mistakes in the registry.

in other cases, buyers have been left holding the bag when the property they

thought they bought was non-existent or never registered. Problems with the

property registration has been a nightmare for many.

The aerial photos will be used to verify property demarcations of the 1.2

million property registrations and plans on file at the Registro Nacional.


The aerial photography part of the program is to take about six weeks to

complete, which is expected to take about 8.500 photos in 66 flights.

*Semana Santa Closing Will Save Government Millions

Public sector employees will be off work between March 20 and March 27 for

the Easter holidays known as "Semana Santa" - Holy Week.

The government announced yesterday that all public insitutions will close at

the end of the day Friday March 19 and re-open Monday March 28.

The 10 day holiday will save the government some ¢600 million colones

(us$1.275.000 dollars)

Banks have not announced their hours for the Semana Santa, as stores and

private businesses.

This year Easter Sunday is March 27, but in Costa Rica as in most of Latin

America, Thursday and Friday during Semana Santa are the holiest of days.

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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

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members area, or subscribe by email by sending
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This group is for the distrubution of the Digest
as well as discussion on topics of interest to
those living or wanting to live in Costa Rica.

*Costa Rica May Criminalize VoIP

The growing surge in international VoIP calls has caused
the state-owned telecommunications monopoly in Costa
Rica to propose legislation that could criminalize the
use of Internet telephone calls. The Instituto
Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) said that it views
VoIP as a value-added telecom service and, as such, it
should be regulated. At its most Draconian, the
proposal would make Internet telephoning a crime. One
Costa Rican official of an agency seeking to promote the
Central American country's software industry said last
week that ICE's proposal would be "disastrous" to the
country's efforts to grow its software development and
outsourcing businesses. The official, who asked that
his name not be used, noted that Costa Rica has been
rapidly growing its outsourcing business and low-cost
telephone service is crucial to the growth of that
business. ICE is a telecommunications monopoly. While
some have criticized it for stifling competition, it has
established efficient telephone service throughout Costa
Rica, which is rapidly-emerging from third world status.
Market research studies have noted that some 78 percent
of software developers in the Central American and
Caribbean region are located in Costa Rica. The ICE
proposal was first reported in "La Nacion," the
country's national newspaper, which noted that some 20
percent of the country's international calls are made
using VoIP technology. The use of Skype Technologies'
peer-to-peer Web calling is widespread and other VoIP
services including U.S. VoIP pacesetter Vonage are also
used to make and receive calls to and from the Central
American nation. Claudio Bermudez, ICE deputy director,
was quoted by La Nacion as follows: "VoIP, which is
characterized as a telephone service, is a
(telecommunications) carrier and substitute telephone
service, and as such uses the public telecommunications
infrastructure." The question of VoIP and whether it
should be regulated as a telephone service or left
unregulated as a data service has been hotly debated for
several months in the U.S. Most governmental agencies
and courts have ruled that Internet phoning is a data
service that should not be regulated. Earlier this
month, Vonage complained to the U.S. Federal
Communications Commission that its service had been
blocked by a high-speed ISP. To date, there is no
evidence that the ICE has blocked any VoIP service in
Costa Rica.

*Some Support Cuban Five in Costa Rica

Relatives of five Cubans imprisoned
in the US since 1998 are continuing Monday their
extensive program of activities in this capital, to gain
support for the cause of their beloved ones. Wives and
mother of the five will meet today with local human
rights organizations and denounce the injustices
committed against them. Their cause has so far received
great solidarity from Costa Rica's civil society, with
the creation of a committee to support them being the
most palpable example. The Cuban Five, as they are
known in ongoing international campaigns for their
release, according to their supporters are serving
unfair and harsh sentences ranging from 15 years to
double life imprisonment, for merely defending their
country from terrorist activities by extreme right
groups of Cuban origin in southern Miami. The "5 por
los 5" campaign, consisting of protests every month in
front of the US embassies of the 83 countries where
there are solidarity committees with the Cuban Five, was
unanimously welcomed into the movement. "The US empire
can impose wars and nameless sacrifices, separate
relatives, condemn the defense of one´s homeland and
violate international human rights, but it will never
imprison people"s conscience," the Committee"s first
declaration stated.

*Alajuela Hospital Staff Incensed

Authorities at the Alajuela Hospital are incensed at the remarks made by

executives of the Spanish consortium, Obrascón Huarte Laín (OHL), that build

the hospital when it was insinuated that the staff at the hospital doesn't

know how to use the new equipment.

The kitchen equipment has failed. The kitchen staff at the hospital have had

to resort to the old pots and pans to prepare the daily meals. The new rice

cooker was burning or overcooking the rice, the soup warmer boils instead.

These are just some of the complaints of the staff at the new hospital after

the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) spend some us$40 million

dollars in a contract awarded to the Spanish company to build it.

OHL executives who fled the country short after arriving, fearing their

detention, in a press conference a week ago insinuated that the hospital

staff have not been adequately trained. The hospital director vehemently

defends the training of his staff of 700.

But the problems are not just in the kitchen. Air conditioners don't work.

Doors jam or don't open properly. Medical equipment has failed to function

and requires repair, are just some of the complaints by a staff who is trying

to keep the hospital running normally.

Last Thursday, officials of the Fiscalía de Delitos Económicos raided the

offices of OHL and detained the managing director, Hernaldo Lazo, who will be

sitting out the next three months in jail after a court dictated preventive

measures against him.

Israel Moya, a manager at the CCSS was also given the same preventive

measures for his role in what is suspected to be a case of corruption.

President Pacheco has said that he will personally contact his counterpart in

Spain to discuss the situation. He is upset that after all the planning and

spending a huge amount of the money, Costa Ricans didn't get what they had

bargained for.

*Uf Qué calor!

Is it hot enough for you?

The last few days have been unbearable in San José, that after the last two

months of cold winds, the thermometer has surpassed the average daily

temperature. And no cool breeze to offer relief.

You can feel the strong rays of the sun from the early hours of the morning,

which last well into the afternoon. And with no breeze to cool off the night,

you feel like being in a sauna.

The weatherman - the Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN) - says that this

condition may last for another few days before returning to normal highs.

Light clothing and sun screen is recommended to avoid burning the skin.

San José reached a high of 30.3 Celsius (86.5 Fahrenheit) on Sunday when the

average is 28 Celsius. Alajuela was at 32.6 Celsius, Liberia 37.3 Celsius and

Puntarenas 28.4 Celsius

Meteorologist , Norman Vega, explains that the heat of the last few days is

due to an atmospheric condition in the Caribbean that is affecting all of

Central America and weak winds off the Pacific.

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