To any investor who filed a claim against the
The judicial procedure is set to start in
February, but the process will be delayed by all
those having filed a formal claim against LEV
and/or OV thru their lawyers.
If you or anyone you know filed a claim, there
still is time to withdraw these claims by
sending a registered letter to the lawyer
canceling the contract and demanding the return
of all documents, specially if you only agreed
to be represented because of erroneous promises
to receive invested funds back shortly.
A copy of the letter must also be sent to
prosecutor Walter Espinoza at ...
Fiscal Walter Espinoza
Edificio Tribunales de Justicia - 2do piso
Ministerio Publico
San Jose, Costa Rica
For additional information, please call 296 1936
or email us at:
We are still holding information meetings for
Villalobos investors on the first Wednesday of
the month, at 7 pm, at Denny's Restaurant in
front of the Hotel Irazu-Best Western.
Our next information meeting will be held this
coming Wednesday, January 5th.
Thank you
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Friday, December 24, 2004
As many of you will have noted, there has been no digest since last week. This is because everything has slowed down here for the holidays. Therefore, there will only be this one digest this week, and probably only one next week as well. We will begin normal daily coverage on Monday, Jan. 3. Of course, if there is an emergency, we will let you all know with a special bulletin.
We wish all of you out there a safe and happy holiday season!
Destiny Worldwide
>>Costa Rica News Digest<<
A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net
Also Visit the Costa Rica Page:
Feature Article: There is no justice in the land!
*Puntarenas man to greet Christmas in prison
Feature Article II:
*Banco Elca creditors try to stave off bankruptcy
*News Digest
If you want to be successful in the years to
come, with the new technology of the internet,
you need to break free of the limitations that
bind the majority of people. ONe of the worst
problems individuals and businesses face today
are high taxes, unfair litigation, lack of
privacy in financial matters, etc.
You cannot be truly successful and free unless
you use all the tools at your disposal, which
includes being financially free, and learning
the ingredients to true success.
These secrets used to not be available to the
ordinary person. They were the guarded secrets
of the elite.
Destiny Worldwide is unique in that we not only give
you the education you need to succeed, but we also
give you access to cutting edge tools in many
different aspects.
From e-commerce to success in your career, regular
business, and handling your finances secure from
the many risks out there today, our constellation
of services gives you the advantages you need to
Go to these websites to begin running down the road
to your successful future today!
You'll be glad you did!
*Puntarenas man to greet Christmas in prison
This Christmas will not be a great one for Chuck Shannon, the real estate
agent from Puntarenas.
He is in jail there branded as a child molester. He may be, but there also is
a possibility that he is a victim of Costa Rica’s judicial system and the
current emphasis on prosecuting child molesters.
Shannon is in preventative detention after three workmen on a building in an
adjacent lot told police they saw him molesting his daughter in an upstairs
Shannon complains that the statements are not consistent, but a prosecutor
and a judge put him in jail for investigation, and representatives of the
Patronato Nacional de la Infancia, the child protection agency, put his
4-year-old daughter in a foster home. That was Oct. 19.
The same evening someone burglarized his rented home and pretty well cleaned
it out. The burglary was easy because Shannon was not there. He was in jail.
A judge has denied a third appeal of his preventative detention, Shannon
learned Thursday. He decided to change lawyers. But little can be done now
because the courts are going into recess until Jan. 17.
Shannon, in a telephone call from the prison in El Roble Thursday, was
explaining his situation when another inmate stuffed a piece of paper in his
back pocket and set it on fire. This apparently is the way one is informed he
has talked too long on the public phone.
Life has not been good in the prison for a Canadian national facing a
molesting charge.
Shannon said a group of inmates forced him from one cellblock because
of the nature of the allegations against him.
Outside the penal center his real estate business has pretty much been
destroyed. Several deals in the works have collapsed because he is jailed, he
said. One transaction lacked only papers being filed, he said. But the papers
were still sitting on his desk when police arrived to take him into custody.
Shannon has been in Costa Rica for 10 years. He has made a few enemies. He is
in a dispute with his landlord. He has complained repeatedly about a nearby
bar that plays music at a high level on Saturdays. He won a custody action
against his ex-wife. He has complained about a lawyer working for a
government agency.
He said he is surprised that he was jailed so quickly because he knows of no
evidence against him except the statements of the workmen, who say they
witnessed him taking indecent liberties with his daughter. Shannon says that
the bed in his bedroom where the act was supposed to have taken place cannot
be seen from the window.
The workmen, residents of San José, were constructing a home on an adjacent
lot. Shannon said that his lawyer was not allowed to be present when the
three men made their declaration to investigators.
He also says that two examinations of his daughter, a forensic examination
and a psychological evaluation, fail to support the allegations of sexual
abuse. Prosecutors have yet to present their full case to a judge.
Still Shannon said that this Christmas season "I still don’t even know where
my daughter is."
COMMENT: When this administration's witch hunt against middle aged gringos
began, we knew it was only a matter of time before events like this happened.
This witch hunt, along with total disrespect for foreign investors, shows the
exteme short sightedness and mean spiritedness -- if not downright repugnant
EVIL of this administration, and also shows a judicial system totally out of
control and not shy about abusing human rights. Just ask why Osvaldo
Villalobos, who never did any harm to anyone, but instead helped thousands of
people, sits in jail for over 2 years before charges are filed, yet an
insane, homicidal maniac of a woman in Alejuela who has assaulted at least
6 people, putting one in the hospital, and may also be responsible for at
least one murder, runs around free on the streets.
Give us a break. A couple of idiotic workers claim they see child
molestation going on, the police cart the poor guy away even though no
evidence of such an event exists, take the child away to a foster home, and a
short while later the guy's house is robbed? This stinks to high heaven.
Yet someone who is a deranged menace to society is allowed to roam the
streets free? What a joke this government is! The sooner a stop is put to
this outright EVIL the better off all of us will be!
*Banco Elca creditors try to stave off bankruptcy
A Banco Elca creditor group is trying to recapitalize the failing institution
before bankruptcy becomes a fact.
The group calls itself the Asociación de Inversionistas y Acreedores Banco
Elca. At a meeting last week, the lead members outlined a plan for creditors
to allocate part of what they are owed so the bank can again function
The Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras took over the bank June
29 because the institution had less cash available than the law mandates. The
creditor group consists of persons who had deposits in the bank that have not
yet been redeemed.
A number of expats used the bank, and some had on deposit there the $60,000
they need to qualify as a rentista resident. Many persons who had deposits of
$10,000 or less have been paid off by an emergency fund maintained by the
Asociación Bancaria Costarricense, the organization of private banks.
Depositors have been told by officials that, based on prior experience, that
if the bank falls into bankruptcy each can expect about from 50 to 60 percent
of the deposits to be returned within the next 3 to 4 years.
The meeting last week at a Moravia school was an effort to avoid the
bankruptcy option. The proposal is for depositors to turn over to the bank 35
percent of what they are owed. In return, they will receive a proportional
amount of stock.
Carlos Alberto Alvarado Moya, the bank’s jailed president, has agreed to
place his stock holdings, some 52 percent, into a trust, proponents of the
plan said.
Depositors would then be able to sell their shares after the bank
resumed normal business.
Earlier plans that the bank would be purchased by U.S. or South American
investors seem to have fallen through. About 20 persons attended the Moravia
meeting, according to one creditor who did.
Creditors expect the superintendencia to move ahead with bankruptcy plans
Jan. 17 when the nation’s courts reopen after Christmas vacation. The agency
had sought bankruptcy for months but has been slowed by constitutional court
actions brought by creditors. The constitutional issued are not fully
The recapitalization plan faces skepticism among some depositors. They wonder
who would run the bank since none of the depositors has bank management
One also wondered if the 35 percent rebate to the bank would be based on the
book value of the depositor’s accounts or the actual amount the bank now
holds. Estimates suggest that the bank and all its assets would cover about
80 percent of what depositors are owed, although paying back the smaller
depositors reduced this number somewhat.
A depositor not involved in the bailout plan also wondered if the real goal
of the plan is to allow Alvarado to regain the presidency.
Depositors also wonder how much the superintendencia has been spending in
keeping the bank operating. The agency says that it has cut monthly expenses
from 145 million colons ($322,000) to 104 million ($229,000) and has laid off
73 of the bank’s 158 employees. It also has reduced its own staff from 22 to
*What's Open During the Holidays?
The holiday season is upon us, with most government offices closing their
doors until January, while others staying open for most of the coming week
and then closed well into the second week of January.
Many businesses are either closing or on limited hours this week. It is best
advised to call ahead before making a visit. Banks and financial institutions
have announced their hours as well.
The telephone company as well as other utilities will close their officers on
the December 25, 26, and 31 and then January 1 and 2, back to work on full
schedule on January 3
Retailers are perhaps the only operators who will work right through the
holidays. Many will be also be open Christmas and New Year's day.
Banks have varying hours. State banks (Banco de Costa Rica (BCR), Banco
Nacional (BN) and Banco Polular, will be closed on the December 25, 26 and 31
and then January 1 and 2. Private Banks like Banco Interfin and Scotiabank
will be closed December 25, 26 and the 29, 30, 31 and January 1 and 2.
Embassies will also be on holiday schedule. The U.s. and Canadian embassies
will be closed on Decemebr 24, 25 and 26 and then on limited hours on
December 27, 28 and 29. Most embassies will then be closed between December
30 and January 2.
Emergency services will be open during the holiday season.
Following are important telephone numbers:
Emergencies: 911
Red Cross: 128
Firemen: 118
Transit Police: 222-9330
*Constitutional Court Gives Ericsson GSM Contract the Green Light
When it was finally over for the Ericsson company in Costa Rican their
contract to install 600.000 GSM lines, it appears not. That's the word
yesterday from the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), who can now
move ahead with finalizing the contract.
The turn about comes from a decision by the Sala Constitucional -
Constitutional Court - (Sala IV) that overturned a decision by the
Contraloria General de la Republica and it's Comtproller, Alex Solís, who was
removed this week.
On September 22 of this year, the Contraloria rejected the contract between
ICE and the Ericsson company, that totally lest the country with the needed
additional GSM lines that were to have been installed by this month and on
the market in a few months.
The current GSM network installed a couple of years back by Alcatel is
totally saturated with the last of the 400.000 GSM lines going on sale two
weeks ago and sold out in lest than a day and half. There are currently
30.000 TDMA lines still available to those who want cellular service.
The Sala IV decision renews the process and barring any other complications
or setbacks, the news GSM network could be on the market in several months.
The rejection by the Contraloria but ICE in a bind. Now, ICE can complete
it's original plan and not have to go through the hard and long process of
awarding a new bid, that could have taken from 18 to 24 months from start to
The decision by the Sala IV came following an appeal by the Ericsson company
against the Comptroller himself, which was removed by a Legislative vote this
past week after allegations that Solís had forged his brother's signature on
legal documents and tied to high interest loans to Costa Ricans to make an
illegal visit to the United States.
In addition to the giving the contract the "green light", the Sala IV also
awarded Ericsson costs and damages, based on the argument by Ericsson that
the Comptroller (Solís) had violated due process.
The new GSM network will also have the capacity to send photos and text
messages and possibly expanded to include internet services.
For all this to become a reality, the contract has to be sent again to the
Contraloría for approval before the purchase and installation of the network
can take place. The approval is expected to be obtained in the first weeks of
January following the holiday break and be installed and marketed within
several months.
The contract is valued at us$140 million dollars.
*Calling Nicaragua? No Answer? The Problem Isn't Your Telephone.
Well, it seems the dispute between the Instituto Costarricense de
Electricidad (ICE) and the Telecomunicaciones de Nicaragua (Enitel) is still
going on and as such Enitel has blocked all incoming calls from Costa Rica.
The dispute is over tariffs. A call to Nicaragua from Costa Rica costs
us$0.40 per minute during peak times and us$0.28 per minute during evening
hours (10pm to 7am).
There are about 1.2 million calls from Costa Rica to Nicaragua each month
which grosses ICE some us$462.000.
The dispute is over an additional payment of us$0.12 per minute Enitel wants
to calls made to it's cellular network, ICE is refusing.
The numbers affected are those beginning with:
600 to 608
610 to 611
613 to 618
623 to 629
805 to 807
830 to 840
843 to 848
850 to 856
860 to 889
893 to 899
*Possible solution seen in impasse at airport
The Contraloria General de la Republica and the Consejo de Aviacion Civil
have 45 days to decide whether any further works on Juan Santamaria
International Airport should be postponed.
After three weeks of meetings between representatives from Alterra Partners
and the government, a list of possible solutions has been produced.
Postponing the work on the airport would mean that the construction of a new
road around the southern terminal and a new maintenance building would be put
on hold until further notice.
This agreement would signify that Alterra would have to collect the necessary
funds to pay its creditors on a loan of $120 million. Once this has been
done, work would resume on the modernization of the waiting areas at the
airport. In addition to this, in accordance with a contract approved in 2000,
a percentage of any profits made would be given to the Costa Rican
The agreement also stated that the airport tariffs at Juan Santamaria cannot
affect its ability to compete with other airports in the rest of the
Alterra will make a request to the International banks that their period of
repayment of the loan would be extended by a further four years. Al Romeu,
the manager of Alterra said that this plan will be put into action Jan. 15.
"Interestingly, the problems that Alterra has faced since it started to
invest in Costa Rica have been very similar to those faced by other
international investors who responded to Costa Rica government invitations to
invest in improving the country’s infrastructure," said Romeu.
Romeu said that it is no coincidence that many companies have already left,
and that those that remain are either considering leaving or seeking to exit
at the earliest possible opportunity. Romeu said that he believes that this
is because of the lack of legal certainty in the country.
COMMENT: ALL of these foreign investments were made duirng previous
administrations who had a respect for contracts and the law. They are now
leaving under attack by an administration that has no respect for investor
rights, and has sought, instead, to steal their investments out from under
them. We see no end in sight to these abuses until the current
administration is out of office.
*Judge awards Calderón more time in prison
Former president Rafael Ángel Calderón Fournier probably will not make it
home for Christmas. A criminal judge gave him six more months of preventative
detention Tuesday.
Unless his lawyers are successful in an appeal, the former president will
remain in jail at least to June 22, according to a spokesperson for the
Calderón is being investigated for financial crimes involving allegations of
kickbacks on government contracts. He was jailed two months ago. That term
also was for six months, but an appeal judge reduced the term to two months.
The prosecutor in charge of financial crimes sought additional time Friday.
The decision was made known Tuesday.
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Echeverria, another ex-president, also is in prison
while an investigation takes place. His wife just returned from the United
States and has been visiting him.
Calderón served from 1990 to 1994 but continued in a political power role.
Rodríguez served from 1998 to 2002.
*Chang-Diaz First Naturalized Astronaut
I grew up with a fairly strong Asian upbringing,” said Franklin Chang-Diaz of
his childhood in Costa Rica and Venezuela. “I’m one-quarter Chinese and
three-quarters Costa Rican/Spanish. My paternal grandfather immigrated to
Costa Rica from Southern China - Guangchow. I still have a large number of
family members there.”
Chang-Diaz said that he has the Chinese characters of his grandfather’s name,
Win Tin Chang, a revolutionary who sympathized with Sun Yat Sen in 1910, the
founder of modern China. As with the names of other Chinese immigrants, the
family name evolved from Chen to Chang, using the same Chinese character.
The oldest APA astronaut, Chang-Diaz was born in 1950 before there were
astronauts. He recalled his introduction to the Space Age in 1957 with
Russia’s Sputnik 1. “My mother made clear that human beings could travel to
other planets. I became fascinated with space, characters in science fiction
and space explorers.”
There was no military in Venezuela then, so he never envisioned himself being
a military person in order to be associated with space exploration. His
family had defined astronauts as scientists to him.
“I wanted to be just like my father,” said Chang-Diaz of his adventuresome
father who took the family from Costa Rica to Venezuela during the
big-oil-business days to become a construction foreman building major
infrastructure for the country. “He taught me about a strong work ethic: to
be honest and to be on time.”
Graduating from high school in 1967, Chang-Diaz worked for eight months and
saved $50 before landing on the doorstep of some relatives in Hartford, Conn.
“The language barrier was hard,” recalled Chang-Diaz, who at the time spoke
only Spanish and French. “I almost failed my classes, but things picked up
two to three months before the end of the school year.” NASA’s Apollo
rekindled his sense of purpose in immigrating to the United States. He
received a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Connecticut
and a Ph.D. in applied plasma physics from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in 1977.
“All of the astronauts before me were U.S.-born white males with mostly
military backgrounds,” Chang-Diaz explained. “I am Asian/Hispanic and
foreign-born, but I felt the sentiment [underlying astronaut selection] might
change.” In 1977, he became a U.S. citizen. He felt ready to become an
astronaut: “I was a citizen, I had a science background, I was in good
physical condition and I was in good health.”
Chang-Diaz submitted an application to NASA’s shuttle program in 1980. He was
selected in May and became an astronaut in 1981. “I began to break the mold,”
he said. Chang-Diaz became the first non-U.S.-born astronaut.
As a veteran of seven space flights, he understands his family’s worry.
“Ten days after coming back from my first mission, the Challenger [disaster]
happened. By luck my crew was shifted to the earlier shuttle. It was a
realization of fragility that I didn’t recognize my first time in space. The
first time felt fun, indestructible. I approached my second flight with a
scar. I was no longer a rookie; I had battle scars that hurt.”
His most recent mission in the summer of 2002 was the one right before the
Columbia disaster.
“My wife is a physician with the space program, and it’s a hard moment when
we need to part. There’s now been two accidents, and my wife says, ‘Don’t
push your luck.’ It’s hard on my mother; she takes everything in stride. I
have all the fun up in space, and they have all the worry.”
Chang-Diaz is also director of the Advanced Space Propulsion Laboratory at
Johnson Space Center. He’s working on plasma rockets to Mars and believes
human travel to that planet will happen in this lifetime. Travel now takes 10
months; Chang-Diaz is working to reduce it to one month. “It will make old
rockets look like horse and buggy,” he exclaimed.
*Silver Coin Withdrawal On Hold Indefinitely
The Central Bank's plans to withdraw silver coins from circulation are on
hold until further notice, according to treasury director Ricardo Rodríguez.
“Initially, the bank's board of directors had chosen Jan. 1, 2005, as the
date for withdrawing silver coins,” Rodríguez told The Tico Times.
“However, as a result of the bidding process (for the production of new,
gold-colored coins), we became aware of costs involved in the production of
gold-colored coins.
“Therefore, the board decided to suspend the withdrawal of silver coins while
we conduct further cost studies,” he added.
Foreigners are often confused because Costa Rica currently uses both silver-
and gold-colored coins for ¢5 and ¢10, silver for ¢20, and gold-colored for
¢1, ¢25, ¢50, ¢100 and ¢500. The latter replaced ¢500 bills last year.
The Central Bank has not issued silver coins in nearly six years, and
announced in February they would be withdrawn from circulation.
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As many of you will have noted, there has been no digest since last week. This is because everything has slowed down here for the holidays. Therefore, there will only be this one digest this week, and probably only one next week as well. We will begin normal daily coverage on Monday, Jan. 3. Of course, if there is an emergency, we will let you all know with a special bulletin.
We wish all of you out there a safe and happy holiday season!
Destiny Worldwide
>>Costa Rica News Digest<<
A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net
Also Visit the Costa Rica Page:
Feature Article: There is no justice in the land!
*Puntarenas man to greet Christmas in prison
Feature Article II:
*Banco Elca creditors try to stave off bankruptcy
*News Digest
If you want to be successful in the years to
come, with the new technology of the internet,
you need to break free of the limitations that
bind the majority of people. ONe of the worst
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privacy in financial matters, etc.
You cannot be truly successful and free unless
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*Puntarenas man to greet Christmas in prison
This Christmas will not be a great one for Chuck Shannon, the real estate
agent from Puntarenas.
He is in jail there branded as a child molester. He may be, but there also is
a possibility that he is a victim of Costa Rica’s judicial system and the
current emphasis on prosecuting child molesters.
Shannon is in preventative detention after three workmen on a building in an
adjacent lot told police they saw him molesting his daughter in an upstairs
Shannon complains that the statements are not consistent, but a prosecutor
and a judge put him in jail for investigation, and representatives of the
Patronato Nacional de la Infancia, the child protection agency, put his
4-year-old daughter in a foster home. That was Oct. 19.
The same evening someone burglarized his rented home and pretty well cleaned
it out. The burglary was easy because Shannon was not there. He was in jail.
A judge has denied a third appeal of his preventative detention, Shannon
learned Thursday. He decided to change lawyers. But little can be done now
because the courts are going into recess until Jan. 17.
Shannon, in a telephone call from the prison in El Roble Thursday, was
explaining his situation when another inmate stuffed a piece of paper in his
back pocket and set it on fire. This apparently is the way one is informed he
has talked too long on the public phone.
Life has not been good in the prison for a Canadian national facing a
molesting charge.
Shannon said a group of inmates forced him from one cellblock because
of the nature of the allegations against him.
Outside the penal center his real estate business has pretty much been
destroyed. Several deals in the works have collapsed because he is jailed, he
said. One transaction lacked only papers being filed, he said. But the papers
were still sitting on his desk when police arrived to take him into custody.
Shannon has been in Costa Rica for 10 years. He has made a few enemies. He is
in a dispute with his landlord. He has complained repeatedly about a nearby
bar that plays music at a high level on Saturdays. He won a custody action
against his ex-wife. He has complained about a lawyer working for a
government agency.
He said he is surprised that he was jailed so quickly because he knows of no
evidence against him except the statements of the workmen, who say they
witnessed him taking indecent liberties with his daughter. Shannon says that
the bed in his bedroom where the act was supposed to have taken place cannot
be seen from the window.
The workmen, residents of San José, were constructing a home on an adjacent
lot. Shannon said that his lawyer was not allowed to be present when the
three men made their declaration to investigators.
He also says that two examinations of his daughter, a forensic examination
and a psychological evaluation, fail to support the allegations of sexual
abuse. Prosecutors have yet to present their full case to a judge.
Still Shannon said that this Christmas season "I still don’t even know where
my daughter is."
COMMENT: When this administration's witch hunt against middle aged gringos
began, we knew it was only a matter of time before events like this happened.
This witch hunt, along with total disrespect for foreign investors, shows the
exteme short sightedness and mean spiritedness -- if not downright repugnant
EVIL of this administration, and also shows a judicial system totally out of
control and not shy about abusing human rights. Just ask why Osvaldo
Villalobos, who never did any harm to anyone, but instead helped thousands of
people, sits in jail for over 2 years before charges are filed, yet an
insane, homicidal maniac of a woman in Alejuela who has assaulted at least
6 people, putting one in the hospital, and may also be responsible for at
least one murder, runs around free on the streets.
Give us a break. A couple of idiotic workers claim they see child
molestation going on, the police cart the poor guy away even though no
evidence of such an event exists, take the child away to a foster home, and a
short while later the guy's house is robbed? This stinks to high heaven.
Yet someone who is a deranged menace to society is allowed to roam the
streets free? What a joke this government is! The sooner a stop is put to
this outright EVIL the better off all of us will be!
*Banco Elca creditors try to stave off bankruptcy
A Banco Elca creditor group is trying to recapitalize the failing institution
before bankruptcy becomes a fact.
The group calls itself the Asociación de Inversionistas y Acreedores Banco
Elca. At a meeting last week, the lead members outlined a plan for creditors
to allocate part of what they are owed so the bank can again function
The Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras took over the bank June
29 because the institution had less cash available than the law mandates. The
creditor group consists of persons who had deposits in the bank that have not
yet been redeemed.
A number of expats used the bank, and some had on deposit there the $60,000
they need to qualify as a rentista resident. Many persons who had deposits of
$10,000 or less have been paid off by an emergency fund maintained by the
Asociación Bancaria Costarricense, the organization of private banks.
Depositors have been told by officials that, based on prior experience, that
if the bank falls into bankruptcy each can expect about from 50 to 60 percent
of the deposits to be returned within the next 3 to 4 years.
The meeting last week at a Moravia school was an effort to avoid the
bankruptcy option. The proposal is for depositors to turn over to the bank 35
percent of what they are owed. In return, they will receive a proportional
amount of stock.
Carlos Alberto Alvarado Moya, the bank’s jailed president, has agreed to
place his stock holdings, some 52 percent, into a trust, proponents of the
plan said.
Depositors would then be able to sell their shares after the bank
resumed normal business.
Earlier plans that the bank would be purchased by U.S. or South American
investors seem to have fallen through. About 20 persons attended the Moravia
meeting, according to one creditor who did.
Creditors expect the superintendencia to move ahead with bankruptcy plans
Jan. 17 when the nation’s courts reopen after Christmas vacation. The agency
had sought bankruptcy for months but has been slowed by constitutional court
actions brought by creditors. The constitutional issued are not fully
The recapitalization plan faces skepticism among some depositors. They wonder
who would run the bank since none of the depositors has bank management
One also wondered if the 35 percent rebate to the bank would be based on the
book value of the depositor’s accounts or the actual amount the bank now
holds. Estimates suggest that the bank and all its assets would cover about
80 percent of what depositors are owed, although paying back the smaller
depositors reduced this number somewhat.
A depositor not involved in the bailout plan also wondered if the real goal
of the plan is to allow Alvarado to regain the presidency.
Depositors also wonder how much the superintendencia has been spending in
keeping the bank operating. The agency says that it has cut monthly expenses
from 145 million colons ($322,000) to 104 million ($229,000) and has laid off
73 of the bank’s 158 employees. It also has reduced its own staff from 22 to
*What's Open During the Holidays?
The holiday season is upon us, with most government offices closing their
doors until January, while others staying open for most of the coming week
and then closed well into the second week of January.
Many businesses are either closing or on limited hours this week. It is best
advised to call ahead before making a visit. Banks and financial institutions
have announced their hours as well.
The telephone company as well as other utilities will close their officers on
the December 25, 26, and 31 and then January 1 and 2, back to work on full
schedule on January 3
Retailers are perhaps the only operators who will work right through the
holidays. Many will be also be open Christmas and New Year's day.
Banks have varying hours. State banks (Banco de Costa Rica (BCR), Banco
Nacional (BN) and Banco Polular, will be closed on the December 25, 26 and 31
and then January 1 and 2. Private Banks like Banco Interfin and Scotiabank
will be closed December 25, 26 and the 29, 30, 31 and January 1 and 2.
Embassies will also be on holiday schedule. The U.s. and Canadian embassies
will be closed on Decemebr 24, 25 and 26 and then on limited hours on
December 27, 28 and 29. Most embassies will then be closed between December
30 and January 2.
Emergency services will be open during the holiday season.
Following are important telephone numbers:
Emergencies: 911
Red Cross: 128
Firemen: 118
Transit Police: 222-9330
*Constitutional Court Gives Ericsson GSM Contract the Green Light
When it was finally over for the Ericsson company in Costa Rican their
contract to install 600.000 GSM lines, it appears not. That's the word
yesterday from the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), who can now
move ahead with finalizing the contract.
The turn about comes from a decision by the Sala Constitucional -
Constitutional Court - (Sala IV) that overturned a decision by the
Contraloria General de la Republica and it's Comtproller, Alex Solís, who was
removed this week.
On September 22 of this year, the Contraloria rejected the contract between
ICE and the Ericsson company, that totally lest the country with the needed
additional GSM lines that were to have been installed by this month and on
the market in a few months.
The current GSM network installed a couple of years back by Alcatel is
totally saturated with the last of the 400.000 GSM lines going on sale two
weeks ago and sold out in lest than a day and half. There are currently
30.000 TDMA lines still available to those who want cellular service.
The Sala IV decision renews the process and barring any other complications
or setbacks, the news GSM network could be on the market in several months.
The rejection by the Contraloria but ICE in a bind. Now, ICE can complete
it's original plan and not have to go through the hard and long process of
awarding a new bid, that could have taken from 18 to 24 months from start to
The decision by the Sala IV came following an appeal by the Ericsson company
against the Comptroller himself, which was removed by a Legislative vote this
past week after allegations that Solís had forged his brother's signature on
legal documents and tied to high interest loans to Costa Ricans to make an
illegal visit to the United States.
In addition to the giving the contract the "green light", the Sala IV also
awarded Ericsson costs and damages, based on the argument by Ericsson that
the Comptroller (Solís) had violated due process.
The new GSM network will also have the capacity to send photos and text
messages and possibly expanded to include internet services.
For all this to become a reality, the contract has to be sent again to the
Contraloría for approval before the purchase and installation of the network
can take place. The approval is expected to be obtained in the first weeks of
January following the holiday break and be installed and marketed within
several months.
The contract is valued at us$140 million dollars.
*Calling Nicaragua? No Answer? The Problem Isn't Your Telephone.
Well, it seems the dispute between the Instituto Costarricense de
Electricidad (ICE) and the Telecomunicaciones de Nicaragua (Enitel) is still
going on and as such Enitel has blocked all incoming calls from Costa Rica.
The dispute is over tariffs. A call to Nicaragua from Costa Rica costs
us$0.40 per minute during peak times and us$0.28 per minute during evening
hours (10pm to 7am).
There are about 1.2 million calls from Costa Rica to Nicaragua each month
which grosses ICE some us$462.000.
The dispute is over an additional payment of us$0.12 per minute Enitel wants
to calls made to it's cellular network, ICE is refusing.
The numbers affected are those beginning with:
600 to 608
610 to 611
613 to 618
623 to 629
805 to 807
830 to 840
843 to 848
850 to 856
860 to 889
893 to 899
*Possible solution seen in impasse at airport
The Contraloria General de la Republica and the Consejo de Aviacion Civil
have 45 days to decide whether any further works on Juan Santamaria
International Airport should be postponed.
After three weeks of meetings between representatives from Alterra Partners
and the government, a list of possible solutions has been produced.
Postponing the work on the airport would mean that the construction of a new
road around the southern terminal and a new maintenance building would be put
on hold until further notice.
This agreement would signify that Alterra would have to collect the necessary
funds to pay its creditors on a loan of $120 million. Once this has been
done, work would resume on the modernization of the waiting areas at the
airport. In addition to this, in accordance with a contract approved in 2000,
a percentage of any profits made would be given to the Costa Rican
The agreement also stated that the airport tariffs at Juan Santamaria cannot
affect its ability to compete with other airports in the rest of the
Alterra will make a request to the International banks that their period of
repayment of the loan would be extended by a further four years. Al Romeu,
the manager of Alterra said that this plan will be put into action Jan. 15.
"Interestingly, the problems that Alterra has faced since it started to
invest in Costa Rica have been very similar to those faced by other
international investors who responded to Costa Rica government invitations to
invest in improving the country’s infrastructure," said Romeu.
Romeu said that it is no coincidence that many companies have already left,
and that those that remain are either considering leaving or seeking to exit
at the earliest possible opportunity. Romeu said that he believes that this
is because of the lack of legal certainty in the country.
COMMENT: ALL of these foreign investments were made duirng previous
administrations who had a respect for contracts and the law. They are now
leaving under attack by an administration that has no respect for investor
rights, and has sought, instead, to steal their investments out from under
them. We see no end in sight to these abuses until the current
administration is out of office.
*Judge awards Calderón more time in prison
Former president Rafael Ángel Calderón Fournier probably will not make it
home for Christmas. A criminal judge gave him six more months of preventative
detention Tuesday.
Unless his lawyers are successful in an appeal, the former president will
remain in jail at least to June 22, according to a spokesperson for the
Calderón is being investigated for financial crimes involving allegations of
kickbacks on government contracts. He was jailed two months ago. That term
also was for six months, but an appeal judge reduced the term to two months.
The prosecutor in charge of financial crimes sought additional time Friday.
The decision was made known Tuesday.
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Echeverria, another ex-president, also is in prison
while an investigation takes place. His wife just returned from the United
States and has been visiting him.
Calderón served from 1990 to 1994 but continued in a political power role.
Rodríguez served from 1998 to 2002.
*Chang-Diaz First Naturalized Astronaut
I grew up with a fairly strong Asian upbringing,” said Franklin Chang-Diaz of
his childhood in Costa Rica and Venezuela. “I’m one-quarter Chinese and
three-quarters Costa Rican/Spanish. My paternal grandfather immigrated to
Costa Rica from Southern China - Guangchow. I still have a large number of
family members there.”
Chang-Diaz said that he has the Chinese characters of his grandfather’s name,
Win Tin Chang, a revolutionary who sympathized with Sun Yat Sen in 1910, the
founder of modern China. As with the names of other Chinese immigrants, the
family name evolved from Chen to Chang, using the same Chinese character.
The oldest APA astronaut, Chang-Diaz was born in 1950 before there were
astronauts. He recalled his introduction to the Space Age in 1957 with
Russia’s Sputnik 1. “My mother made clear that human beings could travel to
other planets. I became fascinated with space, characters in science fiction
and space explorers.”
There was no military in Venezuela then, so he never envisioned himself being
a military person in order to be associated with space exploration. His
family had defined astronauts as scientists to him.
“I wanted to be just like my father,” said Chang-Diaz of his adventuresome
father who took the family from Costa Rica to Venezuela during the
big-oil-business days to become a construction foreman building major
infrastructure for the country. “He taught me about a strong work ethic: to
be honest and to be on time.”
Graduating from high school in 1967, Chang-Diaz worked for eight months and
saved $50 before landing on the doorstep of some relatives in Hartford, Conn.
“The language barrier was hard,” recalled Chang-Diaz, who at the time spoke
only Spanish and French. “I almost failed my classes, but things picked up
two to three months before the end of the school year.” NASA’s Apollo
rekindled his sense of purpose in immigrating to the United States. He
received a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Connecticut
and a Ph.D. in applied plasma physics from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in 1977.
“All of the astronauts before me were U.S.-born white males with mostly
military backgrounds,” Chang-Diaz explained. “I am Asian/Hispanic and
foreign-born, but I felt the sentiment [underlying astronaut selection] might
change.” In 1977, he became a U.S. citizen. He felt ready to become an
astronaut: “I was a citizen, I had a science background, I was in good
physical condition and I was in good health.”
Chang-Diaz submitted an application to NASA’s shuttle program in 1980. He was
selected in May and became an astronaut in 1981. “I began to break the mold,”
he said. Chang-Diaz became the first non-U.S.-born astronaut.
As a veteran of seven space flights, he understands his family’s worry.
“Ten days after coming back from my first mission, the Challenger [disaster]
happened. By luck my crew was shifted to the earlier shuttle. It was a
realization of fragility that I didn’t recognize my first time in space. The
first time felt fun, indestructible. I approached my second flight with a
scar. I was no longer a rookie; I had battle scars that hurt.”
His most recent mission in the summer of 2002 was the one right before the
Columbia disaster.
“My wife is a physician with the space program, and it’s a hard moment when
we need to part. There’s now been two accidents, and my wife says, ‘Don’t
push your luck.’ It’s hard on my mother; she takes everything in stride. I
have all the fun up in space, and they have all the worry.”
Chang-Diaz is also director of the Advanced Space Propulsion Laboratory at
Johnson Space Center. He’s working on plasma rockets to Mars and believes
human travel to that planet will happen in this lifetime. Travel now takes 10
months; Chang-Diaz is working to reduce it to one month. “It will make old
rockets look like horse and buggy,” he exclaimed.
*Silver Coin Withdrawal On Hold Indefinitely
The Central Bank's plans to withdraw silver coins from circulation are on
hold until further notice, according to treasury director Ricardo Rodríguez.
“Initially, the bank's board of directors had chosen Jan. 1, 2005, as the
date for withdrawing silver coins,” Rodríguez told The Tico Times.
“However, as a result of the bidding process (for the production of new,
gold-colored coins), we became aware of costs involved in the production of
gold-colored coins.
“Therefore, the board decided to suspend the withdrawal of silver coins while
we conduct further cost studies,” he added.
Foreigners are often confused because Costa Rica currently uses both silver-
and gold-colored coins for ¢5 and ¢10, silver for ¢20, and gold-colored for
¢1, ¢25, ¢50, ¢100 and ¢500. The latter replaced ¢500 bills last year.
The Central Bank has not issued silver coins in nearly six years, and
announced in February they would be withdrawn from circulation.
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
>>Costa Rica News Digest<<
A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net
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*Downtown Contamination Almost Double the Limits
A study by the Universidad Nacional (UNA) reveals that at peak hours, some
areas of San José experience double the amount of contamination set by the
Ministerio de Salud (Health Ministry).
The UNA study was conducted in specific areas of the downtown core, using 14
monitors to detect the various substances in the areas of Merced, Hospital,
El Carmen and Catedral - from the San Juan de Dios Hospital to La Caterdral
along Paséo Colon/Avenida Segunda running about 4-6 blocks on the north and
south side of the central road.
The monitors read carbon dioxide levels higher than the 40 microgram per
cubic metre set out by the Salud. In places like the gasoline station La
Castellana alond Avenida 10, the monitors read level ranging from 50 - 70.
Those readings are likened the contamination in cities like Madrid, Santiago
de Chile and Mexico City. The World Health Organization considers 50 as a
maximum reading.
carbon Dioxide is produced by vehicle emission and is toxic causing
respiratory problems and becomes more of a problem during rain.
According to the UNA investigators, they say that 75% of the contamination is
caused by vehicles, while the other 25% by industry.
The Departamento de Planificación Urbana de la Municipalidad de San José
(Planning Department) estimates that between 7:00am and 8:00am about 1.260
busies and 13.000 cars come into downtown San José. An estimated 350.000
vehicles circulate the downtown core during the course of any weekday.
The principal cause of the contamination if the traffic congestion that is
common during the day hours in almost every corner of the downtown area. The
large amount of cars, vehicles parked without care to traffic flow and
pedestrians all add up to a constant problem. Poor vehicle maintenance also
contributes to the high level of contamination, especially trucks and buses
running on diesel fuel, that leave a cloud of black smoke every time it is
Discussion on solving the problem has been going on for years, from
restricting vehicular traffic in certain areas and at certain times, to a
eliminating the large number of buses that come from every corner of the
country into the downtown core, with a downtown bus line with bus stations on
the outskirts, to commuter trains.
San José Mayor, Johnny Araya, says that the only thing the municipality can
do for the short time is to plant more trees until a permanent solution is
*Costa Rica No. 2 in Internet Use in Latin America
In Latin America, Costa Rica is surpassed only by Chile in the use of the
Numbers show that 1.931 out every 10.000 persons in Costa Rica regularly use
the internet , while in Chile the number is 2.375 per 10.000.
The use of the internet in Latin America has increased rapidly. It is
estimated that between 44 and 60 million people in the region regularly use
the internet, this according to a report by the la Conferencia de las
Naciones Unidas para el Comercio y el Desarrollo (UNCTAD).
According to the report, in 2003, Chile and Costa Rica were the top internet
countries, followed by Argentina (1.120), Perú (1.039), Mexico (985) and
Brazil (822).
Of the internet users, email was the most common resource used, followed by
searches, banking and financial transaction, shopping and communications with
The UNCTAD report also shows that more than one half of the companies
investigated had their own website, and another 22% were in the process of
developing one.
The number one complaint by all users of internet in the region is the cost.
In Costa Rica internet users have several ways of connecting the national
network; by cable modem provided by local cable companies in connection with
RACSA (Radiografica Costarricense), ADSL and RDSI provided by the Instituto
Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) - the telephone company and parent of
RACSA or by dial up provided by RACSA.
The cost can be as high as $1 per minute for dial up, while monthly for both
dial up and ADSL, cable or RDSI can be as low as $15 per month.
Whichever method is used to connect. Internet cafés can range from anywhere
from ¢200 colones (us$0.44 cents) to ¢450 colones (us$1) per hour in the San
José area to as much as ¢2.000 Colones (us$4.40) at the beach.
*Figueres Declared a "Rebel"
Former president José María Figueres Olsen has been declared a "rebel" for
his refusal to return to Costa Rica and appear before a legislative
The declaration was made so that the International Police organization -
INTERPOL - can be asked to help Costa Rica authorities to force the former
president to come before the Comisión de Control de Ingreso y Gasto Público.
A date of February 3, 2005, at 1:00pm has been set.
Figueres who was president between 1994 and 1998 has refused to come before
the legislative commission to answer questions about his admitted receiving
of us$907.000 from the French telecommunications firm Alcatel, a consulting
fee that was paid to him by way of his former government aid, Roberto
Hidalgo, whose firm was contracted by Alcatel.
Figueres had first said that he would come, needing time to clear his
calendar of previous commitments, then doing an about face, sending a 15 page
letter explaining his reasons for not appearing and that he clear of any
The former president perhaps fears that he may find himself in sharing the
same cell block as two other former presidents, Rafael Angel Calderón, who
preceded Figueres and Miguel Angel Rodríguez who followed him.
calderón is linked to the Fischel-Caja scandal and is due to be released from
preventive detention on December 22, while Rodríguez, who is linked to the
ICE-Alcatel scandal and also receiving money from the government of Taiwan,
will be sitting out the coming months in La Reforma prison while the Fiscalía
continues it's investigation.
Figueres, now lives in Switzerland and recently stepped down as head of the
World Economic Forum, also based in Switzerland, following the revelations of
his payment.
Figueres' father - José Figueres Ferrer (Don Pepe) - was a three time
president of Costa Rica and is considered a national heroe.
This publication is designed to have one display add
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We give you hard hitting, timely, common sense articles and
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At The Costa Rica Digest, we don't give you hype or BS or
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-----------------> Visit our Blogs! <-----------------
----> SuccessQuest
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----> Costa Rica News
>>Costa Rica News Digest<<
A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net
Also Visit the Costa Rica Page:
*News Digest
If you want to be successful in the years to
come, with the new technology of the internet,
you need to break free of the limitations that
bind the majority of people. ONe of the worst
problems individuals and businesses face today
are high taxes, unfair litigation, lack of
privacy in financial matters, etc.
You cannot be truly successful and free unless
you use all the tools at your disposal, which
includes being financially free, and learning
the ingredients to true success.
These secrets used to not be available to the
ordinary person. They were the guarded secrets
of the elite.
Destiny Worldwide is unique in that we not only give
you the education you need to succeed, but we also
give you access to cutting edge tools in many
different aspects.
From e-commerce to success in your career, regular
business, and handling your finances secure from
the many risks out there today, our constellation
of services gives you the advantages you need to
Go to these websites to begin running down the road
to your successful future today!
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Please send your discussion topics to
*Downtown Contamination Almost Double the Limits
A study by the Universidad Nacional (UNA) reveals that at peak hours, some
areas of San José experience double the amount of contamination set by the
Ministerio de Salud (Health Ministry).
The UNA study was conducted in specific areas of the downtown core, using 14
monitors to detect the various substances in the areas of Merced, Hospital,
El Carmen and Catedral - from the San Juan de Dios Hospital to La Caterdral
along Paséo Colon/Avenida Segunda running about 4-6 blocks on the north and
south side of the central road.
The monitors read carbon dioxide levels higher than the 40 microgram per
cubic metre set out by the Salud. In places like the gasoline station La
Castellana alond Avenida 10, the monitors read level ranging from 50 - 70.
Those readings are likened the contamination in cities like Madrid, Santiago
de Chile and Mexico City. The World Health Organization considers 50 as a
maximum reading.
carbon Dioxide is produced by vehicle emission and is toxic causing
respiratory problems and becomes more of a problem during rain.
According to the UNA investigators, they say that 75% of the contamination is
caused by vehicles, while the other 25% by industry.
The Departamento de Planificación Urbana de la Municipalidad de San José
(Planning Department) estimates that between 7:00am and 8:00am about 1.260
busies and 13.000 cars come into downtown San José. An estimated 350.000
vehicles circulate the downtown core during the course of any weekday.
The principal cause of the contamination if the traffic congestion that is
common during the day hours in almost every corner of the downtown area. The
large amount of cars, vehicles parked without care to traffic flow and
pedestrians all add up to a constant problem. Poor vehicle maintenance also
contributes to the high level of contamination, especially trucks and buses
running on diesel fuel, that leave a cloud of black smoke every time it is
Discussion on solving the problem has been going on for years, from
restricting vehicular traffic in certain areas and at certain times, to a
eliminating the large number of buses that come from every corner of the
country into the downtown core, with a downtown bus line with bus stations on
the outskirts, to commuter trains.
San José Mayor, Johnny Araya, says that the only thing the municipality can
do for the short time is to plant more trees until a permanent solution is
*Costa Rica No. 2 in Internet Use in Latin America
In Latin America, Costa Rica is surpassed only by Chile in the use of the
Numbers show that 1.931 out every 10.000 persons in Costa Rica regularly use
the internet , while in Chile the number is 2.375 per 10.000.
The use of the internet in Latin America has increased rapidly. It is
estimated that between 44 and 60 million people in the region regularly use
the internet, this according to a report by the la Conferencia de las
Naciones Unidas para el Comercio y el Desarrollo (UNCTAD).
According to the report, in 2003, Chile and Costa Rica were the top internet
countries, followed by Argentina (1.120), Perú (1.039), Mexico (985) and
Brazil (822).
Of the internet users, email was the most common resource used, followed by
searches, banking and financial transaction, shopping and communications with
The UNCTAD report also shows that more than one half of the companies
investigated had their own website, and another 22% were in the process of
developing one.
The number one complaint by all users of internet in the region is the cost.
In Costa Rica internet users have several ways of connecting the national
network; by cable modem provided by local cable companies in connection with
RACSA (Radiografica Costarricense), ADSL and RDSI provided by the Instituto
Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) - the telephone company and parent of
RACSA or by dial up provided by RACSA.
The cost can be as high as $1 per minute for dial up, while monthly for both
dial up and ADSL, cable or RDSI can be as low as $15 per month.
Whichever method is used to connect. Internet cafés can range from anywhere
from ¢200 colones (us$0.44 cents) to ¢450 colones (us$1) per hour in the San
José area to as much as ¢2.000 Colones (us$4.40) at the beach.
*Figueres Declared a "Rebel"
Former president José María Figueres Olsen has been declared a "rebel" for
his refusal to return to Costa Rica and appear before a legislative
The declaration was made so that the International Police organization -
INTERPOL - can be asked to help Costa Rica authorities to force the former
president to come before the Comisión de Control de Ingreso y Gasto Público.
A date of February 3, 2005, at 1:00pm has been set.
Figueres who was president between 1994 and 1998 has refused to come before
the legislative commission to answer questions about his admitted receiving
of us$907.000 from the French telecommunications firm Alcatel, a consulting
fee that was paid to him by way of his former government aid, Roberto
Hidalgo, whose firm was contracted by Alcatel.
Figueres had first said that he would come, needing time to clear his
calendar of previous commitments, then doing an about face, sending a 15 page
letter explaining his reasons for not appearing and that he clear of any
The former president perhaps fears that he may find himself in sharing the
same cell block as two other former presidents, Rafael Angel Calderón, who
preceded Figueres and Miguel Angel Rodríguez who followed him.
calderón is linked to the Fischel-Caja scandal and is due to be released from
preventive detention on December 22, while Rodríguez, who is linked to the
ICE-Alcatel scandal and also receiving money from the government of Taiwan,
will be sitting out the coming months in La Reforma prison while the Fiscalía
continues it's investigation.
Figueres, now lives in Switzerland and recently stepped down as head of the
World Economic Forum, also based in Switzerland, following the revelations of
his payment.
Figueres' father - José Figueres Ferrer (Don Pepe) - was a three time
president of Costa Rica and is considered a national heroe.
This publication is designed to have one display add
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----> Costa Rica News
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
>>Costa Rica News Digest<<
A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net
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*News Digest
If you want to be successful in the years to
come, with the new technology of the internet,
you need to break free of the limitations that
bind the majority of people. ONe of the worst
problems individuals and businesses face today
are high taxes, unfair litigation, lack of
privacy in financial matters, etc.
You cannot be truly successful and free unless
you use all the tools at your disposal, which
includes being financially free, and learning
the ingredients to true success.
These secrets used to not be available to the
ordinary person. They were the guarded secrets
of the elite.
Destiny Worldwide is unique in that we not only give
you the education you need to succeed, but we also
give you access to cutting edge tools in many
different aspects.
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business, and handling your finances secure from
the many risks out there today, our constellation
of services gives you the advantages you need to
Go to these websites to begin running down the road
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You'll be glad you did!
*Taxi Driver Shoots Man in Bin Laden Mask
Osama bin Laden take note: You wouldn't be safe in Costa Rica!
A 50 year old man who had a little too much to drink decided to play with
drivers along the road in the Carrillos Bajos de Poás, Alajuela that runs
near his house and wound up been shot in the stomach by a passing driver who
didn't get the joke.
Leonel Arias Agüero, in his drunken state put on a mask of terrorist Osam bin
Laden and with a shotgun in arms began to pretend to attack drivers as they
sped by.
Agüero was well known in the area and well known for his practical jokes, so
most of the drivers ignored him, however, a resident who had little time
living in the area, took out his gun and fired at the jokester, hitting him
Juan Pablo Arce Sandoval, 24 years of age, shot Agüero around 9pm as he was
coming home from work. Scared and fearing an assault he used the .25 calibre
gun he habitually carried in his car, he used to "taxiar" - working as an
taxi driver in San José.
Sandoval told police he never would have imagined that the man was pulling a
prank. "I saw the man in the mask, pointing a weapon and I defended myself. I
feel bad for shooting the man, but I really thought he was going to attack
me", he told police on the scene.
Agüero was taken to nearby Hospital San Rafael de Alajuela where he is stable
condition and is expected to survive his injury.
Police declined to detain Sandoval, saying he had believed he was acting in
Horde of Angry Students Storms Education Ministry
Angry high-school students, along with their parents and teachers, marched
through San José yesterday afternoon in a protest that culminated in a
meeting between Public Education Minister Manuel Antonio Bolaños and protest
leaders to discuss the fate of thousands of students who failed their state
exams this month and who are therefore unable to graduate from high school
next week unless the Ministry of Public Education re-grades the test or
changes its policy.
When the leaders involved in the negotiations returned to the crowd that had
been waiting outside the ministry offices for nearly three hours, they drew
cheers with reports that the minister had conceded the possibility of
re-grading the exams on a curve. Inside the building, however, Bolaños
painted a different picture, maintaining that final decisions would not be
released until Monday, when the results of the ongoing student appeal process
are known.
The exams in question are those administered to all students in ninth and
11th grades (the first and third years of high school in Costa Rica ).
Students must pass the 11th-year exams, or exámenes de bachillerato , to
receive a high-school diploma.
This year, of an estimated 22,000 students who took the bachillerato exams,
only 11,000 passed with a grade of 68.5% or above, according to ministry
The standardized exams test student knowledge of math, science, Spanish,
social studies, civic education and a foreign language (French or English).
The math exam showed the highest failure rate, with only 58.9% of students
obtaining a passing grade.
At a press conference held yesterday after the negotiations, which were
conducted behind closed doors, Bolaños emphasized that the figures the
ministry has released are strictly preliminary, since the ministry has yet to
evaluate appeals it has received.
The results have caused uproar among students, parents, teachers, and members
of teachers' unions such as the Association of Secondary Teachers (APSE),
which organized yesterday's march from the APSE headquarters to the Education
Ministry building.
“Every year the exams are more difficult,” Julio Madriz, 17, said in between
shouts of “Pruebas nacionales, ¡abajo!” (Down with national exams!) and
“Bolaños, ¡escucha! ¡Estudiantes en la lucha!” (Bolaños, listen, the students
are here to fight!).
“If they're going to do that (make it more difficult each year), they need to
explain it more, give teachers more time to teach,” he said.
For APSE president Danilo Rojas, the problem is the amount of time the
students are given to complete the exams.
“We don't deny that a small group was able to finish the exams and do well,”
he said, but added the exams were far too long for most students.
While the building's main entrance was closed and locked when the crowd
arrived at approximately 1:50 p.m., officials lifted the metal gate at 2:15
p.m. and allowed a small group of representatives from the crowd, including
Madriz and other students, Rojas, current and former teachers, parents and
members of the press, into the building.
The protestors inside then met behind closed doors for approximately two
hours with Bolaños, Academic Vice-Minister Wilfrido Blanco and Administrative
Vice-Minister Marlen Gómez.
The roughly 11,000 students currently unable to graduate next week will have
to wait until at least Dec. 20 to learn their fate. The last day to submit an
appeal was Monday, Bolaños said, and the ministry is in the process of
evaluating the appeals they have received.
According to Felix Barrantes, head of the ministry's quality control
division, which develops and oversees the administration of the exams,
successful appeals demonstrate a conceptual error in the question or more
than one possible answer.
Both Barrantes and Bolaños emphasized that if even one question is deemed
invalid due to the argument in an appeal that can result in a significant
change in the number of students passing or failing the test, since all exams
would be re-graded.
“Even one appeal can result in a few percentage points' change,” Bolaños
*No Children in the Bull Rings, PANI asks
If PANI - the child welfare agency - has it's way, in less than 10 days, the
favourite sport of "Toros a la Tica" at the annual Zapote fair will see no
children running onto the bullring in front of the bulls.
PANI has made the request at the Ministerio de Salud to prohibit minors from
participating in the running of the bulls at all fairs around the country,
the most popular being the one in Zapote (east of San José) that kicks off on
Christmas day.
Each year the 'bulls' are a tradition at most of the fairs and festivals in
small town across Costa Rica. And each year a number of children are takin to
the Hospital Nacional de Niños - Children's Hospital - in San José with head
injuries and other body parts.
PANI Minister, Rosalaía Gil and the director of trauma unit at Children's
Hospital, Marco Vargas, hope to be able to avoid these kinds of injuries this
year and are confident that their request will get the approval by the Health
La Defensoría de la Niñez is worried about the growing number of marriages of
girls who are minors and are asking Legislative Deputies to reform the
current laws, says a report in the daily Spanish language newspaper Al Día.
Changes in the Law With Respect to Minors
According to the report, Mario Víquez, Defensor de la Niñez, tells the story
of a 13 year old girl who entered a common law relationship with her sixth
grade school teacher and later married with the consent of the parents of the
Víquez said the case is in the hands of the Patronato Nacional de la Infancia
(PANI) - the child welfare agency and Ministerio de Educación Pública - MEP
(Ministry of Education) who are investigating.
The Defensor added that "the couple thought that it would be a crime to
register the marriage, however, did so when they learned that it wasn't,
leaving a door wide open for men to freely marry with minors."
According to Víquez, they are investigating this case since the year 2000 and
have discovered 47 more such marriages since.
According to figures released by the Registro Civil (registry office), there
are currently 165 marriages registered where the girl is only 15 years of age
and 234 with 16 year olds and 417 with 17 year old girls, for a total of 816.
The proposal by PANI is to make 15 years the minimum age for marriage.
The Comisión de Asuntos Sociales de la Asamblea Legislativa has been studying
a proposal since July of 2003 that would reform articles 14 and 15 of the
Family Code.
The reformed law would punish from six months to three years in prison any
person marrying a minor. At present, the Código Penal (Penal Code), punishes
a person who has sexual relations with a person under the age of 15 and deems
it to be rape if the minor is 12 or under.
The age of majority in Costa Rica is 18, however, under the current laws, a
person between the age of 15 and 17 can enter into marriage with the consent
of their parents or legal guardians.
COMMENT: Here we go again, with the government interfering in areas that are
none of its business. If all parties are willing, including the parents,
then they have no business saying otherwise. While we may not approve of
this, "things happen," including pregnancies at these young ages, and if the
man is willing to take his responsibility and the parents agree, what
business is it of the government to interfere?
*British Businessman Murdered
A British businessman, Thomas Purvis, 45, from Durham, was discovered stabbed
to death at his home in Sabana Sur, west of San José Monday.
He had been stabbed 11 times, according to the police report.
“It’s possible that the cause of death was revenge because there are no
indications of robbery,” said police spokesman Francisco Ruiz.
Purvis, a 45-year-old British national, was thought to have been in Costa
Rica selling security equipment.
According to local media, he had been selling microchips which can be
implanted in the skin as a security measure.
*Calls Through to Nicaragua Blocked
Calls to cellular phones in neighbouring Nicaragua have been blocked since
last Friday. Each month more than 1.2 million calls to cellular phones in
Nicaragua for a total billing of us$462.000 dollars.
However, a dispute between the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE)
and Enitel, it's Nicaraguan counterpart, where Enitel is asking for an
additional us$0.12 per minute on all calls to mobile phones, has cut service
entirely between the two telephone companies.
Enitel is the state owned Nicaraguan phone company that operates 200.000 GSM
cellular lines. The other three cellular service carriers in Nicaragua are
not affected by the dispute and continue to provide service between the two
Presently a call to Nicaragua from Costa Rica costs us$0.40 cents per minute
during 7am and 7ma and us$0.28 cents per minute at all other times, plus
Officials at both telephone companies say they are negotiating the cellular
phone rates but refused to give any details.
Officials at ICE also say that they hope to have it all resovled by the end
of this week, allowing people to call home to family and friends.
Nicaragua is the number two in destination for calls from Costa Rica.
To resolve the problem, the Regulating Authorities of both countries (ARESEP
in Costa Rica and TELCOR in Nicaragua) and the Comisión de Telecomunicaciones
de Centroamérica (COMTELCA) have been brought in to mediate.
*Who will be the new Controller?
Matha Acosta, the Sub-Contalor, says she is ready to take the post vacated by
Alex Solís Fallas, if called upon. Acosta replaced Solís temporarily until a
permanent replacement is announced. Former presidential candidate, José
Miguel Corrales, of the Partido Liberación Nacional (PLN) is being sought for
the post, however, he is saying he does not want the job.
Solís was forcibly removed as Contralor General de la Republica after a vote
of the Legislators over accusations of falsifying the signature of his
brother - presidential candidate, Otton Solís - on legal documents and being
involved in high yield loans to Ticos wanting to enter the U.S. illegally.
*Central America Looking to Open Borders
Associated Press Writer
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador -- Central American nations are putting aside
border bickering to allow the relatively free movement of people and goods
between nations -- a goal that has U.S. officials worried about a jump in
smuggling of drugs and people in a region already plagued by crime and on the
lookout for terrorists.
Wary of concerns but determined to operate as a regional bloc, leaders from
Mexico to Panama will work out the plan Wednesday when they meet in this
Salvadoran capital. Border controls have already been simplified between
Guatemala and El Salvador and officials will be discussing how to add
Honduras and Nicaragua.
Regional integration has been Central America's goal since 1950, when the
region's leaders signed an agreement to create a common market -- a
mini-European Union that could better negotiate in an increasingly
competitive world. But that goal has been held up by regional disputes and
civil wars.
Countries participating in this week's talks are Mexico, Belize, Guatemala,
El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and even the Dominican
Republic, which also joined regional free-trade talks with the United States.
Ministers began discussions Tuesday and presidents will join them Wednesday
to wrap up the summit.
Six of the countries are represented in the Central American Parliament,
which creates nonbinding recommendations for member countries. And, shortly
after taking office in 2000, Mexican President Vicente Fox proposed a plan
for increased trade and improved infrastructure from southern Mexico to
Central America and the Dominican Republic have reached a free trade
agreement with the United States that still must be approved by the
countries' legislatures. Panama -- which doesn't traditionally think of
itself as part of Central America -- is following suit on its own.
But the newest step toward becoming a regional bloc is perhaps the most
challenging: Removing customs and other border restrictions, allowing people
and goods to move quickly and easily between nations.
Guatemala and El Salvador were the first to try it, pulling out customs and
border control buildings on both sides of the border and leaving one common
checkpoint that reviews the passports of those crossing. Most taxes and other
fees are to be paid electronically.
Honduras is expected to follow, then Nicaragua, creating a region with nearly
identical visa and customs controls.
Costa Rica, Belize and Mexico have declined to participate, in part because
all three countries are already struggling with an influx of illegal Central
American migrants who come to either look for work or, in the case of Mexico,
pass through to the United States.
Citing the illegal migration, drug trafficking, corruption and gang activity
that thrives in Central America, U.S. officials have expressed concern about
removing the border checks. Michael O'Brien, the head of the U.S. federal
Drug Enforcement Administration in Guatemala, said the old border controls,
complete with drug-sniffing dogs and car searches, often were the strongest
safeguard against criminal activity.
The United States is also keeping a close eye on the region after several
recent terrorism scares. U.S. officials have said that an alleged top
al-Qaida operative, Adnan El Shukrijumah of Saudi Arabia, spent 10 days in
Panama in April 2001. Honduran officials said he was spotted more recently at
an Internet cafe there.
But Central American leaders say the new border plan won't hamper their fight
against drugs and other crime. So far, El Salvador and Guatemala have put up
more highway checkpoints to keep a closer eye on traffic through the two
Wilfredo Rosales, El Salvador's immigration director, said a new common
database tracks the movements of people across the streamlined border posts.
Random police checkpoints also help.
For criminals, "It was easy to cross before, but now it's not," he said. "So
I see it as much better."
Erick Frot, a 38-year-old architect visiting the Immigration office to get
papers for his Brazilian wife, said freer movement would bring more
"Countries like ours need to open, not close," he said.
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We give you hard hitting, timely, common sense articles and
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At The Costa Rica Digest, we don't give you hype or BS or
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-----------------> Visit our Blogs! <-----------------
----> SuccessQuest
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----> Costa Rica News
>>Costa Rica News Digest<<
A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net
Also Visit the Costa Rica Page:
*News Digest
If you want to be successful in the years to
come, with the new technology of the internet,
you need to break free of the limitations that
bind the majority of people. ONe of the worst
problems individuals and businesses face today
are high taxes, unfair litigation, lack of
privacy in financial matters, etc.
You cannot be truly successful and free unless
you use all the tools at your disposal, which
includes being financially free, and learning
the ingredients to true success.
These secrets used to not be available to the
ordinary person. They were the guarded secrets
of the elite.
Destiny Worldwide is unique in that we not only give
you the education you need to succeed, but we also
give you access to cutting edge tools in many
different aspects.
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the many risks out there today, our constellation
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Go to these websites to begin running down the road
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You'll be glad you did!
*Taxi Driver Shoots Man in Bin Laden Mask
Osama bin Laden take note: You wouldn't be safe in Costa Rica!
A 50 year old man who had a little too much to drink decided to play with
drivers along the road in the Carrillos Bajos de Poás, Alajuela that runs
near his house and wound up been shot in the stomach by a passing driver who
didn't get the joke.
Leonel Arias Agüero, in his drunken state put on a mask of terrorist Osam bin
Laden and with a shotgun in arms began to pretend to attack drivers as they
sped by.
Agüero was well known in the area and well known for his practical jokes, so
most of the drivers ignored him, however, a resident who had little time
living in the area, took out his gun and fired at the jokester, hitting him
Juan Pablo Arce Sandoval, 24 years of age, shot Agüero around 9pm as he was
coming home from work. Scared and fearing an assault he used the .25 calibre
gun he habitually carried in his car, he used to "taxiar" - working as an
taxi driver in San José.
Sandoval told police he never would have imagined that the man was pulling a
prank. "I saw the man in the mask, pointing a weapon and I defended myself. I
feel bad for shooting the man, but I really thought he was going to attack
me", he told police on the scene.
Agüero was taken to nearby Hospital San Rafael de Alajuela where he is stable
condition and is expected to survive his injury.
Police declined to detain Sandoval, saying he had believed he was acting in
Horde of Angry Students Storms Education Ministry
Angry high-school students, along with their parents and teachers, marched
through San José yesterday afternoon in a protest that culminated in a
meeting between Public Education Minister Manuel Antonio Bolaños and protest
leaders to discuss the fate of thousands of students who failed their state
exams this month and who are therefore unable to graduate from high school
next week unless the Ministry of Public Education re-grades the test or
changes its policy.
When the leaders involved in the negotiations returned to the crowd that had
been waiting outside the ministry offices for nearly three hours, they drew
cheers with reports that the minister had conceded the possibility of
re-grading the exams on a curve. Inside the building, however, Bolaños
painted a different picture, maintaining that final decisions would not be
released until Monday, when the results of the ongoing student appeal process
are known.
The exams in question are those administered to all students in ninth and
11th grades (the first and third years of high school in Costa Rica ).
Students must pass the 11th-year exams, or exámenes de bachillerato , to
receive a high-school diploma.
This year, of an estimated 22,000 students who took the bachillerato exams,
only 11,000 passed with a grade of 68.5% or above, according to ministry
The standardized exams test student knowledge of math, science, Spanish,
social studies, civic education and a foreign language (French or English).
The math exam showed the highest failure rate, with only 58.9% of students
obtaining a passing grade.
At a press conference held yesterday after the negotiations, which were
conducted behind closed doors, Bolaños emphasized that the figures the
ministry has released are strictly preliminary, since the ministry has yet to
evaluate appeals it has received.
The results have caused uproar among students, parents, teachers, and members
of teachers' unions such as the Association of Secondary Teachers (APSE),
which organized yesterday's march from the APSE headquarters to the Education
Ministry building.
“Every year the exams are more difficult,” Julio Madriz, 17, said in between
shouts of “Pruebas nacionales, ¡abajo!” (Down with national exams!) and
“Bolaños, ¡escucha! ¡Estudiantes en la lucha!” (Bolaños, listen, the students
are here to fight!).
“If they're going to do that (make it more difficult each year), they need to
explain it more, give teachers more time to teach,” he said.
For APSE president Danilo Rojas, the problem is the amount of time the
students are given to complete the exams.
“We don't deny that a small group was able to finish the exams and do well,”
he said, but added the exams were far too long for most students.
While the building's main entrance was closed and locked when the crowd
arrived at approximately 1:50 p.m., officials lifted the metal gate at 2:15
p.m. and allowed a small group of representatives from the crowd, including
Madriz and other students, Rojas, current and former teachers, parents and
members of the press, into the building.
The protestors inside then met behind closed doors for approximately two
hours with Bolaños, Academic Vice-Minister Wilfrido Blanco and Administrative
Vice-Minister Marlen Gómez.
The roughly 11,000 students currently unable to graduate next week will have
to wait until at least Dec. 20 to learn their fate. The last day to submit an
appeal was Monday, Bolaños said, and the ministry is in the process of
evaluating the appeals they have received.
According to Felix Barrantes, head of the ministry's quality control
division, which develops and oversees the administration of the exams,
successful appeals demonstrate a conceptual error in the question or more
than one possible answer.
Both Barrantes and Bolaños emphasized that if even one question is deemed
invalid due to the argument in an appeal that can result in a significant
change in the number of students passing or failing the test, since all exams
would be re-graded.
“Even one appeal can result in a few percentage points' change,” Bolaños
*No Children in the Bull Rings, PANI asks
If PANI - the child welfare agency - has it's way, in less than 10 days, the
favourite sport of "Toros a la Tica" at the annual Zapote fair will see no
children running onto the bullring in front of the bulls.
PANI has made the request at the Ministerio de Salud to prohibit minors from
participating in the running of the bulls at all fairs around the country,
the most popular being the one in Zapote (east of San José) that kicks off on
Christmas day.
Each year the 'bulls' are a tradition at most of the fairs and festivals in
small town across Costa Rica. And each year a number of children are takin to
the Hospital Nacional de Niños - Children's Hospital - in San José with head
injuries and other body parts.
PANI Minister, Rosalaía Gil and the director of trauma unit at Children's
Hospital, Marco Vargas, hope to be able to avoid these kinds of injuries this
year and are confident that their request will get the approval by the Health
La Defensoría de la Niñez is worried about the growing number of marriages of
girls who are minors and are asking Legislative Deputies to reform the
current laws, says a report in the daily Spanish language newspaper Al Día.
Changes in the Law With Respect to Minors
According to the report, Mario Víquez, Defensor de la Niñez, tells the story
of a 13 year old girl who entered a common law relationship with her sixth
grade school teacher and later married with the consent of the parents of the
Víquez said the case is in the hands of the Patronato Nacional de la Infancia
(PANI) - the child welfare agency and Ministerio de Educación Pública - MEP
(Ministry of Education) who are investigating.
The Defensor added that "the couple thought that it would be a crime to
register the marriage, however, did so when they learned that it wasn't,
leaving a door wide open for men to freely marry with minors."
According to Víquez, they are investigating this case since the year 2000 and
have discovered 47 more such marriages since.
According to figures released by the Registro Civil (registry office), there
are currently 165 marriages registered where the girl is only 15 years of age
and 234 with 16 year olds and 417 with 17 year old girls, for a total of 816.
The proposal by PANI is to make 15 years the minimum age for marriage.
The Comisión de Asuntos Sociales de la Asamblea Legislativa has been studying
a proposal since July of 2003 that would reform articles 14 and 15 of the
Family Code.
The reformed law would punish from six months to three years in prison any
person marrying a minor. At present, the Código Penal (Penal Code), punishes
a person who has sexual relations with a person under the age of 15 and deems
it to be rape if the minor is 12 or under.
The age of majority in Costa Rica is 18, however, under the current laws, a
person between the age of 15 and 17 can enter into marriage with the consent
of their parents or legal guardians.
COMMENT: Here we go again, with the government interfering in areas that are
none of its business. If all parties are willing, including the parents,
then they have no business saying otherwise. While we may not approve of
this, "things happen," including pregnancies at these young ages, and if the
man is willing to take his responsibility and the parents agree, what
business is it of the government to interfere?
*British Businessman Murdered
A British businessman, Thomas Purvis, 45, from Durham, was discovered stabbed
to death at his home in Sabana Sur, west of San José Monday.
He had been stabbed 11 times, according to the police report.
“It’s possible that the cause of death was revenge because there are no
indications of robbery,” said police spokesman Francisco Ruiz.
Purvis, a 45-year-old British national, was thought to have been in Costa
Rica selling security equipment.
According to local media, he had been selling microchips which can be
implanted in the skin as a security measure.
*Calls Through to Nicaragua Blocked
Calls to cellular phones in neighbouring Nicaragua have been blocked since
last Friday. Each month more than 1.2 million calls to cellular phones in
Nicaragua for a total billing of us$462.000 dollars.
However, a dispute between the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE)
and Enitel, it's Nicaraguan counterpart, where Enitel is asking for an
additional us$0.12 per minute on all calls to mobile phones, has cut service
entirely between the two telephone companies.
Enitel is the state owned Nicaraguan phone company that operates 200.000 GSM
cellular lines. The other three cellular service carriers in Nicaragua are
not affected by the dispute and continue to provide service between the two
Presently a call to Nicaragua from Costa Rica costs us$0.40 cents per minute
during 7am and 7ma and us$0.28 cents per minute at all other times, plus
Officials at both telephone companies say they are negotiating the cellular
phone rates but refused to give any details.
Officials at ICE also say that they hope to have it all resovled by the end
of this week, allowing people to call home to family and friends.
Nicaragua is the number two in destination for calls from Costa Rica.
To resolve the problem, the Regulating Authorities of both countries (ARESEP
in Costa Rica and TELCOR in Nicaragua) and the Comisión de Telecomunicaciones
de Centroamérica (COMTELCA) have been brought in to mediate.
*Who will be the new Controller?
Matha Acosta, the Sub-Contalor, says she is ready to take the post vacated by
Alex Solís Fallas, if called upon. Acosta replaced Solís temporarily until a
permanent replacement is announced. Former presidential candidate, José
Miguel Corrales, of the Partido Liberación Nacional (PLN) is being sought for
the post, however, he is saying he does not want the job.
Solís was forcibly removed as Contralor General de la Republica after a vote
of the Legislators over accusations of falsifying the signature of his
brother - presidential candidate, Otton Solís - on legal documents and being
involved in high yield loans to Ticos wanting to enter the U.S. illegally.
*Central America Looking to Open Borders
Associated Press Writer
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador -- Central American nations are putting aside
border bickering to allow the relatively free movement of people and goods
between nations -- a goal that has U.S. officials worried about a jump in
smuggling of drugs and people in a region already plagued by crime and on the
lookout for terrorists.
Wary of concerns but determined to operate as a regional bloc, leaders from
Mexico to Panama will work out the plan Wednesday when they meet in this
Salvadoran capital. Border controls have already been simplified between
Guatemala and El Salvador and officials will be discussing how to add
Honduras and Nicaragua.
Regional integration has been Central America's goal since 1950, when the
region's leaders signed an agreement to create a common market -- a
mini-European Union that could better negotiate in an increasingly
competitive world. But that goal has been held up by regional disputes and
civil wars.
Countries participating in this week's talks are Mexico, Belize, Guatemala,
El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and even the Dominican
Republic, which also joined regional free-trade talks with the United States.
Ministers began discussions Tuesday and presidents will join them Wednesday
to wrap up the summit.
Six of the countries are represented in the Central American Parliament,
which creates nonbinding recommendations for member countries. And, shortly
after taking office in 2000, Mexican President Vicente Fox proposed a plan
for increased trade and improved infrastructure from southern Mexico to
Central America and the Dominican Republic have reached a free trade
agreement with the United States that still must be approved by the
countries' legislatures. Panama -- which doesn't traditionally think of
itself as part of Central America -- is following suit on its own.
But the newest step toward becoming a regional bloc is perhaps the most
challenging: Removing customs and other border restrictions, allowing people
and goods to move quickly and easily between nations.
Guatemala and El Salvador were the first to try it, pulling out customs and
border control buildings on both sides of the border and leaving one common
checkpoint that reviews the passports of those crossing. Most taxes and other
fees are to be paid electronically.
Honduras is expected to follow, then Nicaragua, creating a region with nearly
identical visa and customs controls.
Costa Rica, Belize and Mexico have declined to participate, in part because
all three countries are already struggling with an influx of illegal Central
American migrants who come to either look for work or, in the case of Mexico,
pass through to the United States.
Citing the illegal migration, drug trafficking, corruption and gang activity
that thrives in Central America, U.S. officials have expressed concern about
removing the border checks. Michael O'Brien, the head of the U.S. federal
Drug Enforcement Administration in Guatemala, said the old border controls,
complete with drug-sniffing dogs and car searches, often were the strongest
safeguard against criminal activity.
The United States is also keeping a close eye on the region after several
recent terrorism scares. U.S. officials have said that an alleged top
al-Qaida operative, Adnan El Shukrijumah of Saudi Arabia, spent 10 days in
Panama in April 2001. Honduran officials said he was spotted more recently at
an Internet cafe there.
But Central American leaders say the new border plan won't hamper their fight
against drugs and other crime. So far, El Salvador and Guatemala have put up
more highway checkpoints to keep a closer eye on traffic through the two
Wilfredo Rosales, El Salvador's immigration director, said a new common
database tracks the movements of people across the streamlined border posts.
Random police checkpoints also help.
For criminals, "It was easy to cross before, but now it's not," he said. "So
I see it as much better."
Erick Frot, a 38-year-old architect visiting the Immigration office to get
papers for his Brazilian wife, said freer movement would bring more
"Countries like ours need to open, not close," he said.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
>>Costa Rica News Digest<<
A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net
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*Comptroller Beheaded!
Following a long and hardous battle between the differing Legislators and
public opinion, Monday, Alex Solís Fallas, was removed as Contralor General
de la República (Comptroller General) and a copy of his file used by the
special commission was sent to the Ministerio Público for a closer
examination by the judicial body.
In a session that ended at 6:40pm last night, 39 Legislators present voted in
favour of the destitution, while only 12 who believed that Solís should stay
The vote to remove Solís is based on Article 183 of the Constitution, which
gives the Legislature the power to remove a public official if there is
sufficient proof of wrongdoing.
Solís was not without support since his appointment last June. One of his
biggest fans as Legislative Deputy, Olman Vargas of the Partido Unidad Social
Cristiana (PUSC). Olman pushed right to the end to have the vote in secret,
saying that the decisin to remove the Comptroller was politically motivated
and was important to guard the rights of the Comptroller and the procedure.
Another Solís supporter, Luis Ramírez, head of the Partido Liberación
Nacional (PLN), said following the vote that the Legislature had made a
'political decision'.
The removal of Solís came shortly after his appointment in June 2nd of this
year, when it was discovered that Solís had falsified his brother's name -
that of 2002 presidential candidate, Otton Solís - to legal documents and his
involvement in high interest loans to Costa Ricans, financing their illegal
trips to the United States.
Much debate was generated over the last six months following his appointment,
including a call for Solís to quit, which he refused.
Following the vote, the now former Contralor, speaking to a reporter from the
Spanish language daily Diario Extra, said that there is a political and
economic force behind his removal, of people who consider Costa Rica still a
farm and knew well that with me there would be no more corruption in handing
out contracts.
Solís refused to say any more, adding that he will use this time to spend it
with his family and friends and enjoy the holiday season, promising to make a
full disclosure come January.
The vote went like this:
IN FAVOUR: PUSC: Jorge Álvarez, Aida Faigenzicht, Gerardo González, Rolando
Laclé, Rodolfo Delgado, Mario Redondo, Lilliana Salas, Ricardo Toledo, Gloria
Valerín, Federico Vargas and Ligia Zúñiga; Movimiento Libertario: Ronaldo
Alfaro, Peter Guevara, Carlos Herrera, Federico Malavassi and Carlos Salazar;
UP: Humberto Arce, Quírico Jiménez and Rafael Varela; Renovación
Costarricense: Carlos Avendaño; PLN: Carlos Ricardo Benavides, José Miguel
Corrales, Laura Chinchilla, Álvaro González, Bernal Jiménez, Luis Ramírez,
Luis Gerardo Villanueva, Julián Watson and Joyce Zürcher; PAC: Epsy Campbell,
Rodrigo Alberto Carazo, Ruth Montoya, Margarita Penón, Daysi Quesada, Martha
Zamora and Gerardo Vargas; ADN: Emilia Rodríguez
AGAINST: PLN: Sigifredo Aiza, Kyra de la Rosa and María Lourdes Ocampo; PUSC:
Mario Calderón, Miguel Huezo, Marco Tulio Mora, Carmen Gamboa, Francisco
Sanchún, Rocío Ulloa, Olman Vargas; Auténtico Herediano: José Francisco
Salas; Patria Primero: Juan José Vargas
NO VOTE: PAC: Edwin Patterson
ABSENT FROM THE VOTE: PLN: Luis Paulino Rodríguez, Nury Garita, Marielos
Vïquez and María Elena Núñez; PUSC: German Rojas; Independent: Elvia Navarro.
*Medical Certificates for Driver's Licenses to Change
Want a Costa Rican driver's license? Or needing to renew one? Well, come next
year, in an agreement between the Colegio de Médicos (College of Medicine)
and the Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes (MOPT), the requirement to
get a driver's license will be a little stricter, changing the current
practice to obtain a medical certificate.
As it stands now and has been for many years, with about ¢4.000 (us$8.75)
colones in one hand, the other hand over one year, and with simple answers to
some questions about one's health, a doctor would issue a "dictamen" that is
a requirement to obtain or renew a driver's license.
Outside the licensing office in San José, doctors' offices line all four
intersecting streets and an office in the parking at the rear of the
building. Doctors have to fill out a form, with simple medical questions that
are not verified, including, if the patient is wearing contact lenses.
However, come next year and with the help of computers, doctors can now look
up the medical history of each patient. And this can only be done by doctors
who are plugged in.
In Costa Rica, officials estimate that some 200.000 such dictamens - medical
certificates - are filled out every year. At ¢4.000 colones each, that's big
*Tourism Up 20%
The Cámara Nacional de Turismo (Canatur) announced that, though conditions
are not that great, the tourism sector say a 20% increase this year.
William Rodríguez, president of Canatur, said that a 20% increase was
registered in 2004 over the same period in 2003.
Canatur says there has been an definite increase in daily flights coming into
Costa Rica over the 2003 period and expects some 1.400.000 tourists this
year, notwithstanding a slight decrease registered during the month of July.
The tourism sector is responsible for about 85.000 direct jobs and more than
500.000 in indirects. Canatur also said that the lenghth of stay for tourists
increased to an average of 11 nights to 13.
Tourism in Costa Rica generates about us$1.6 billion dollars in gross
revenue, the second largest productive activity, representing 8.7% of the
Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) - Gross National Product.
*Coastal Land Prices Continue to Rise
The Beach Times -
Property prices along the northern Pacific coast continued to soar in the
past 12 months, with realtors reporting in some cases prime oceanfront real
estate almost doubling in price.
Most coastal property -- developed as well as vacant lots, moderately priced
and high-end housing, plus condominiums and office space -- enjoyed healthy
20 to 40 per cent increases.
But titled oceanfront and good quality, ocean-view lots have increased by up
to 100 per cent. Inventory in some sectors is scarce forcing realtors to
develop their own projects to keep up with demand.
Condominium projects remain amongst the most popular with most buyers
purchasing from plans in the pre-construction stage. There are few completed
condominiums for sale.
The face of the buyer has changed with many coming to Costa Rica to buy,
build and live, rather than the quick re-sales and profit taking of recent
years. The easy access to Liberia Airport and availability of a US-curriculum
school has meant many buyers are families.
In Tamarindo there is a rush to build office space, with more than 60 units
scheduled for completion in the next 12 months.
“I believe this is the beginning of time in Costa Rica,” says Bob Davey of
Century 21 in Flamingo. “The mystery is over and the secret is out. “
Davey was one of broad cross-sections of brokers who spoke to The Beach Times
this week about real estate along the Gold Coast, what’s happened in the past
12 months and what is forecast for the future. Our special report can be
found in the Feature Section.
*Handel’s sacred work gets three performances
This weekend is time for the Messiah. The Coro Sinfónico Nacional will
present the 1741 sacred work by George Frideric Handel Friday, Saturday and
Sunday at three places in the Central Valley.
Friday the work will be presented in the Basílica de Santo Domingo de Heredia
at 8 p.m. Saturday the chorus and invited singers will be in Cartago for a
7:30 p.m. presentation at the Basílica de Los Angeles.
Sunday, the setting will be the Iglesia de San Miguel de Escazú for an 11:30
a.m. performance.
In addition to the chorus, a chamber orchestra will be involved in the
presentation under the direction of Ramiro Ramírez, conductor.
The invited artists include two U.S. citizens. Tenor Larry Gerber is a
professor of voice at Florida State University. Baritone Scott MacLeod is
also from Florida where he is a Ph.D. candidate. Soprano María Marta López
and mezzo-soprano Raquel Ramírez round out the cast of soloists.
*British resident murdered
A British citizen became a murder victim sometime over the weekend.
Police confirmed that they found the body of Thomas Purvis, 44, at his Sabana
Sur home Monday after friends reported that he had not kept scheduled
Little more is known about the death, although investigators are believed to
be seeking information on the victim's last hours.
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-----------------> Visit our Blogs! <-----------------
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----> Costa Rica News
>>Costa Rica News Digest<<
A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net
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*News Digest
If you want to be successful in the years to
come, with the new technology of the internet,
you need to break free of the limitations that
bind the majority of people. ONe of the worst
problems individuals and businesses face today
are high taxes, unfair litigation, lack of
privacy in financial matters, etc.
You cannot be truly successful and free unless
you use all the tools at your disposal, which
includes being financially free, and learning
the ingredients to true success.
These secrets used to not be available to the
ordinary person. They were the guarded secrets
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Destiny Worldwide is unique in that we not only give
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*Comptroller Beheaded!
Following a long and hardous battle between the differing Legislators and
public opinion, Monday, Alex Solís Fallas, was removed as Contralor General
de la República (Comptroller General) and a copy of his file used by the
special commission was sent to the Ministerio Público for a closer
examination by the judicial body.
In a session that ended at 6:40pm last night, 39 Legislators present voted in
favour of the destitution, while only 12 who believed that Solís should stay
The vote to remove Solís is based on Article 183 of the Constitution, which
gives the Legislature the power to remove a public official if there is
sufficient proof of wrongdoing.
Solís was not without support since his appointment last June. One of his
biggest fans as Legislative Deputy, Olman Vargas of the Partido Unidad Social
Cristiana (PUSC). Olman pushed right to the end to have the vote in secret,
saying that the decisin to remove the Comptroller was politically motivated
and was important to guard the rights of the Comptroller and the procedure.
Another Solís supporter, Luis Ramírez, head of the Partido Liberación
Nacional (PLN), said following the vote that the Legislature had made a
'political decision'.
The removal of Solís came shortly after his appointment in June 2nd of this
year, when it was discovered that Solís had falsified his brother's name -
that of 2002 presidential candidate, Otton Solís - to legal documents and his
involvement in high interest loans to Costa Ricans, financing their illegal
trips to the United States.
Much debate was generated over the last six months following his appointment,
including a call for Solís to quit, which he refused.
Following the vote, the now former Contralor, speaking to a reporter from the
Spanish language daily Diario Extra, said that there is a political and
economic force behind his removal, of people who consider Costa Rica still a
farm and knew well that with me there would be no more corruption in handing
out contracts.
Solís refused to say any more, adding that he will use this time to spend it
with his family and friends and enjoy the holiday season, promising to make a
full disclosure come January.
The vote went like this:
IN FAVOUR: PUSC: Jorge Álvarez, Aida Faigenzicht, Gerardo González, Rolando
Laclé, Rodolfo Delgado, Mario Redondo, Lilliana Salas, Ricardo Toledo, Gloria
Valerín, Federico Vargas and Ligia Zúñiga; Movimiento Libertario: Ronaldo
Alfaro, Peter Guevara, Carlos Herrera, Federico Malavassi and Carlos Salazar;
UP: Humberto Arce, Quírico Jiménez and Rafael Varela; Renovación
Costarricense: Carlos Avendaño; PLN: Carlos Ricardo Benavides, José Miguel
Corrales, Laura Chinchilla, Álvaro González, Bernal Jiménez, Luis Ramírez,
Luis Gerardo Villanueva, Julián Watson and Joyce Zürcher; PAC: Epsy Campbell,
Rodrigo Alberto Carazo, Ruth Montoya, Margarita Penón, Daysi Quesada, Martha
Zamora and Gerardo Vargas; ADN: Emilia Rodríguez
AGAINST: PLN: Sigifredo Aiza, Kyra de la Rosa and María Lourdes Ocampo; PUSC:
Mario Calderón, Miguel Huezo, Marco Tulio Mora, Carmen Gamboa, Francisco
Sanchún, Rocío Ulloa, Olman Vargas; Auténtico Herediano: José Francisco
Salas; Patria Primero: Juan José Vargas
NO VOTE: PAC: Edwin Patterson
ABSENT FROM THE VOTE: PLN: Luis Paulino Rodríguez, Nury Garita, Marielos
Vïquez and María Elena Núñez; PUSC: German Rojas; Independent: Elvia Navarro.
*Medical Certificates for Driver's Licenses to Change
Want a Costa Rican driver's license? Or needing to renew one? Well, come next
year, in an agreement between the Colegio de Médicos (College of Medicine)
and the Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes (MOPT), the requirement to
get a driver's license will be a little stricter, changing the current
practice to obtain a medical certificate.
As it stands now and has been for many years, with about ¢4.000 (us$8.75)
colones in one hand, the other hand over one year, and with simple answers to
some questions about one's health, a doctor would issue a "dictamen" that is
a requirement to obtain or renew a driver's license.
Outside the licensing office in San José, doctors' offices line all four
intersecting streets and an office in the parking at the rear of the
building. Doctors have to fill out a form, with simple medical questions that
are not verified, including, if the patient is wearing contact lenses.
However, come next year and with the help of computers, doctors can now look
up the medical history of each patient. And this can only be done by doctors
who are plugged in.
In Costa Rica, officials estimate that some 200.000 such dictamens - medical
certificates - are filled out every year. At ¢4.000 colones each, that's big
*Tourism Up 20%
The Cámara Nacional de Turismo (Canatur) announced that, though conditions
are not that great, the tourism sector say a 20% increase this year.
William Rodríguez, president of Canatur, said that a 20% increase was
registered in 2004 over the same period in 2003.
Canatur says there has been an definite increase in daily flights coming into
Costa Rica over the 2003 period and expects some 1.400.000 tourists this
year, notwithstanding a slight decrease registered during the month of July.
The tourism sector is responsible for about 85.000 direct jobs and more than
500.000 in indirects. Canatur also said that the lenghth of stay for tourists
increased to an average of 11 nights to 13.
Tourism in Costa Rica generates about us$1.6 billion dollars in gross
revenue, the second largest productive activity, representing 8.7% of the
Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) - Gross National Product.
*Coastal Land Prices Continue to Rise
The Beach Times -
Property prices along the northern Pacific coast continued to soar in the
past 12 months, with realtors reporting in some cases prime oceanfront real
estate almost doubling in price.
Most coastal property -- developed as well as vacant lots, moderately priced
and high-end housing, plus condominiums and office space -- enjoyed healthy
20 to 40 per cent increases.
But titled oceanfront and good quality, ocean-view lots have increased by up
to 100 per cent. Inventory in some sectors is scarce forcing realtors to
develop their own projects to keep up with demand.
Condominium projects remain amongst the most popular with most buyers
purchasing from plans in the pre-construction stage. There are few completed
condominiums for sale.
The face of the buyer has changed with many coming to Costa Rica to buy,
build and live, rather than the quick re-sales and profit taking of recent
years. The easy access to Liberia Airport and availability of a US-curriculum
school has meant many buyers are families.
In Tamarindo there is a rush to build office space, with more than 60 units
scheduled for completion in the next 12 months.
“I believe this is the beginning of time in Costa Rica,” says Bob Davey of
Century 21 in Flamingo. “The mystery is over and the secret is out. “
Davey was one of broad cross-sections of brokers who spoke to The Beach Times
this week about real estate along the Gold Coast, what’s happened in the past
12 months and what is forecast for the future. Our special report can be
found in the Feature Section.
*Handel’s sacred work gets three performances
This weekend is time for the Messiah. The Coro Sinfónico Nacional will
present the 1741 sacred work by George Frideric Handel Friday, Saturday and
Sunday at three places in the Central Valley.
Friday the work will be presented in the Basílica de Santo Domingo de Heredia
at 8 p.m. Saturday the chorus and invited singers will be in Cartago for a
7:30 p.m. presentation at the Basílica de Los Angeles.
Sunday, the setting will be the Iglesia de San Miguel de Escazú for an 11:30
a.m. performance.
In addition to the chorus, a chamber orchestra will be involved in the
presentation under the direction of Ramiro Ramírez, conductor.
The invited artists include two U.S. citizens. Tenor Larry Gerber is a
professor of voice at Florida State University. Baritone Scott MacLeod is
also from Florida where he is a Ph.D. candidate. Soprano María Marta López
and mezzo-soprano Raquel Ramírez round out the cast of soloists.
*British resident murdered
A British citizen became a murder victim sometime over the weekend.
Police confirmed that they found the body of Thomas Purvis, 44, at his Sabana
Sur home Monday after friends reported that he had not kept scheduled
Little more is known about the death, although investigators are believed to
be seeking information on the victim's last hours.
This publication is designed to have one display add
between each article or section. Thus, the more
articles or sections we have per day, the more room we
have for advertisements. Advertisements are filled
on a first come first served basis, and prices vary
depending on placement and frequency. You must order
a minimum of 5 insertions with your order. If there
are no advertising positions available right away,
you will be placed on a waiting list and notified
when a spot becomes available. Please email us
at for more details.
One final note, if you want to do a solo mailing
to the list, that is available on a limited basis
if we decide that your product or service has merit.
Email us at the above address for more details.
If you have a worthwhile, honest offering, please
email us. New subscribers get a free five line
ad for a month. If you have used up your free
ad, or would like to place another one, the low
price is only $1.00 per line per issue. we have
a min. ad of three lines and you must insert in
at least three issues. to submit your ad, please
email your ad to
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Diners, Discover,
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We give you hard hitting, timely, common sense articles and
news that the mainstream, or corporate media, either will
not or cannot give you. Several times a week we bring you
an up to date digest on what is going on in the world around
At The Costa Rica Digest, we don't give you hype or BS or
"common knowledge" solutions, but we aim to give you
the cutting edge information you need. If you wish to
become a writer for us, submit your article[s] for
approval to We cannot
pay for articles, but, instead, you may include a resource
box at the end of your article promoting your website
or product. We welcome submissions of all kinds to
make this a great publication for all to read!
Find out about our OTHER Exciting E-mail groups on a broad
range of important topics. Subscription boxes for all of
them may be found here:
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The Costa Rica Page --
The Fun, the Sun.... The business opportunity
Your Safe, Secure, Offshore Payment Processor
-----------------> Visit our Blogs! <-----------------
----> SuccessQuest
----> The Real Truth
----> Costa Rica News
Monday, December 13, 2004
>>Costa Rica News Digest<<
A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net
Also Visit the Costa Rica Page:
Feature Article:
*Bus bound for Costa Rica runs on used cooking oil
*News Digest
If you want to be successful in the years to
come, with the new technology of the internet,
you need to break free of the limitations that
bind the majority of people. ONe of the worst
problems individuals and businesses face today
are high taxes, unfair litigation, lack of
privacy in financial matters, etc.
You cannot be truly successful and free unless
you use all the tools at your disposal, which
includes being financially free, and learning
the ingredients to true success.
These secrets used to not be available to the
ordinary person. They were the guarded secrets
of the elite.
Destiny Worldwide is unique in that we not only give
you the education you need to succeed, but we also
give you access to cutting edge tools in many
different aspects.
From e-commerce to success in your career, regular
business, and handling your finances secure from
the many risks out there today, our constellation
of services gives you the advantages you need to
Go to these websites to begin running down the road
to your successful future today!
You'll be glad you did!
*Bus bound for Costa Rica runs on used cooking oil
The Sustainable Solutions Caravan wants to show the world how to recyle more
and create less waste.
Tucson Citizen
The school bus spends part of the year in the Bay area.
Photos by XAVIER GALLEGOS/Tucson Citizen
Itai Hauben, Tom Shaver and Stephen Brooks pour used vegetable oil into a
1972 modified diesel Carpenter school bus they are driving to Costa Rica. The
oil was given to them by El Charro Cafe.
A 1972 former school bus, modified to run solely on used cooking oil, stopped
yesterday at El Charro Cafe, 311 N. Court Ave. to tank up on fat.
"The engine in the bus has been modified to run on used straight vegetable
oil," said Zak Zaidman, 36, one of the 10 members of the Sustainable
Solutions Caravan traveling on the bus from its summer home in the San
Francisco Bay area to winter quarters in Costa Rica in Central America.
The group was founded last year to promote sustainability through the use of
renewable energies, organic farming and sustainable lifestyles, he explained.
That means less waste and more recycling.
The main modification to the diesel engine involved installing a heating
element to keep the fat flowing freely so it doesn't clog the engine's
plumbing, he said. The vehicle also is fitted with a separate tank that
carries a refined biodiesel product that permits easy starting.
"We use the biodiesel to start the engine and get the engine hot, then we
flip a switch, and we go 100 percent used vegetable oils," Zaidman said.
Before loading up on the used cooking oil, there is a check for particulate
materials, which cannot be used in the engine.
Members of the caravan are sustainability experts, eco-technologists,
farmers, mechanics and others dedicated to educating the public about
alternatives to fossil fuels, he said. The group also promotes Earth-friendly
farming, which will be critical if the fuels of the future are to be grown
rather than mined.
The destination of the caravan is Punta Mona Center for Sustainable Living
and Education, an 85-acre organic farm and education retreat in Costa Rica,
he said. For more information, go to
*Tonnes of Garbage Left Behind by Festival Goers
The Festival de la Luz Saturday night brought a lot of happiness and joy to
thousands who lined the streets of downtown San José with spectacular
displays, marching bands and dancing.
However, the Festival also left piles of garbage on streets.
As with every parade, a team of garbage collectors follow the parade end to
pick up the garbage left behind by the spectators. The Municipality of San
José estimates that some thirty tonnes of trash was left strewn in the parade
route, that went from the La Sabana park, along Paséo Colon, Avenida Segunda
and ended in la Plaza de la Democracia.
Garbage trucks followed the last parade float and by Sunday morning there was
no trace of the Festival trash, as the streets were again clean.
Perhaps, the hardest parade the clean up crew have to content with each each
year is the December 27 'Tope", when literally thousands of horses take over
the same route and leave a trail of, well, stuff that smells even after being
washed down.
The clean up crew were not the only persons working the parade. Red Cross
personnel and members of the Fuerza Publica and Municipal police were on hand
to attend to those needing medical attention and to ensure public safety.
The Red Cross reports have attended to sixty five persons, seventeen of who
were taken to hospital for closer medical attention during the festival.
Police did not have any major occurrences to report, saying the parade was
peaceful and eventful from their part.
*2006 Election Party Registration Underway
The upcoming 2006 'presidential' elections will be record for the number of
registered parties according to the Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones (TSE).
The TSE says it has so far 43 parties registered for the 2006 elections, two
more than the same time for the 2002 elections, and will see many more that
it believes are in the process of being formed and will be looking to be
The deadline for registration of a political party for the 2006 election is
June 6, 2005, which will include regional, provincial and national parties.
For a party to be registered it must complete the required forms as set out
by the Dirección General del Registro Civil of the TSE and among other things
must include 3.000 signatures in the case of a national party (only 50 for
regional or provincial parties) and must have it's political constitution
well defined.
National parties are those that will be presenting a candidate for the
position of President and Vice President of the country. All other parties
that don't present a candidate for the top spots are considered regional or
The national parties expected to take part in the 2006 election are the:
Acción Ciudadana, Alianza Nacional Cristiana, Fuerza Democrática,
Independiente Obrero, Integración Nacional, Liberación Nacional, Movimiento
Libertario, Patriótico Nacional, Renovación Costarricense, Rescate Nacional,
Unidad Social Cristiana, Unión General and the Vanguardia Popular.
*Nicaraguans Head Home for the Holidays
Thinking of spending the holiday season in Nicaragua? Well, consider this.
According to Marco Badilla, director of the Dirección General de Migración y
Extranjería, some 70.000 Nicaraguans are expected to overload the immigration
resources at Peñas Blancas and the Daniel Oduber airport in Liberia during
the next several weeks.
The annual trek of Nicaraguans heading home for the holidays begins this
week. The bus lines have sold most just about every seat to and from
Nicaragua for the period of 20 December to 5 January. As well, private bus
companies have set up special tours to Nicaragua for the holiday period.
The land border crossing at Peñas Blancas will be hardest affected, as most
Nicaraguans use the land crossing to get home for the holidays and their
return, compared to the more expensive way of flying. And, if immigration
officials are correct, most Nicaraguans are expected to bring along a friend
on their return.
The return bus rate at both Tica Bus and Transnica is us$20 that will take
you from San José to Managua, with stops in Rivas and Granada. Nature Air
that has regular service between the Liberia airport in Costa Rican and the
airport in Granada charges us$130 return (us$240 for the San José-Granada
Foreign residents of Costa Rica need to also pay the us$20 consular fee to
leave and re-enter Costa Rica. Tourists and Costa Ricans are not required to
pay the consular fee.
*At Least 50 Houses and Shacks Destroyed in Fire
A fire Saturday night in Pavas, west of San José , destroyed at least 50
shacks and houses, according to the daily La Nación.
No one was injured in the fire, which took firefighters approximately two
hours to extinguish. The lack of fire hydrants, a tangled web of amateurly
crafted electrical connections and the construction materials used in the
shacks contributed to the difficulty fighting the fire, which took place in
the Bribri urbanization, La Nación reported. The only fire hydrant was
approximately 500 meters away.
The fire was first reported at 6:30 p.m. , when a resident called saying the
blaze started in a fire used to cook tamales, firefighters told the daily.
Others witnesses said fireworks could have been the source of the fire.
*Piercing and Tatoo Regulations coming!
Come January or maybe February, the Ministerio de Salud - Health Ministry -
hopes to have regulations in place that govern 'piercing' and tattoos, that
has gotten out of hand. The regulations will give Health officials the power
to close shops if they don't meet the health and sanitary regulations. Health
Minister, María del Rocío Sáenz Madrigal, says that regulation is ready is
waiting for official publication. Once the regulation is published, shops now
in operation will have to meet the regulation or close.
*Nicaraguan President Blamed for Internal Political Crisis
Nicaraguan president, Enrique Bolaños, is responsible for the current
confrontation between the country´s single-chamber Congress and the executive
power, according to political analyst Oscar Rene Vargas.
Speaking to Prensa Latina, Vargas said the president had been reluctant to
start talks on the issue and now is ignoring the reforms approved by
He recalled that the General Secretary of the Sandinista National Liberation
Front (FSLN), Daniel Ortega, had invited him "to find some consensual
alternative to the crisis."
Differences between the legislative power and the presidential house became
more sour this week as Vargas ordered deputies to modify the Constitution in
an attempt to gain more power, while declaring he would defend his authority
"at any rate."
In less than one month the parliament ratified Law on Arms, which enables it
to accept or refuse the acquisition of war means as well as to destroy
weapons in the hands of police and the Army.
Another reform gives the deputies the authority to demand that ministers,
vice ministers and state officials report on their work.
The sociologist considered that Bolaños is pushing the nation into an
unprecedented crisis in which he is trying to involve the Army and the
He warned that if Bolaños accuses congressmen of plotting a coup d´etat there
is no way to sustain such a charge, as the legsilators are only acting in
line with the Constitution.
According to Vargas, the president refuses to listen to the opposition´s
arguments and to see the country´s stark reality as an impoverished
neo-colonial nation.
He ruled out the possibility of Bolaños declaring a State of Emergency, as it
would break the Constitutional order and end up in a a total disaster for the
*Brazil's biggest party votes to leave government
Brazil's biggest political party voted Sunday to withdraw from the coalition
government, a second political blow to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in
as many days.
The Popular Socialist Party voted to leave the governing coalition on
Both parties are unhappy with Lula's conservative fiscal policies.
The Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, or PMDB, called on all its members
to quit Lula's government and support the party's own candidate for the
presidential elections in 2006.
However, PMDB's two cabinet ministers, Communications Minister Eunicio
Oliveira and Pensions Minister Amir Lando, have indicated they would stay in
their posts in defiance of their party's threat that they would be expelled
if they do so.
It remains to be seen how many legislators would follow their party's call as
the party is divided.
This publication is designed to have one display add
between each article or section. Thus, the more
articles or sections we have per day, the more room we
have for advertisements. Advertisements are filled
on a first come first served basis, and prices vary
depending on placement and frequency. You must order
a minimum of 5 insertions with your order. If there
are no advertising positions available right away,
you will be placed on a waiting list and notified
when a spot becomes available. Please email us
at for more details.
One final note, if you want to do a solo mailing
to the list, that is available on a limited basis
if we decide that your product or service has merit.
Email us at the above address for more details.
If you have a worthwhile, honest offering, please
email us. New subscribers get a free five line
ad for a month. If you have used up your free
ad, or would like to place another one, the low
price is only $1.00 per line per issue. we have
a min. ad of three lines and you must insert in
at least three issues. to submit your ad, please
email your ad to
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Diners, Discover,
e-checks, e-gold, evocash, netpay, pecunix,
e-bullion, Picpay, Moneybookers, and
Offshorearnings. We make e-commerce EASY!
We give you hard hitting, timely, common sense articles and
news that the mainstream, or corporate media, either will
not or cannot give you. Several times a week we bring you
an up to date digest on what is going on in the world around
At The Costa Rica Digest, we don't give you hype or BS or
"common knowledge" solutions, but we aim to give you
the cutting edge information you need. If you wish to
become a writer for us, submit your article[s] for
approval to We cannot
pay for articles, but, instead, you may include a resource
box at the end of your article promoting your website
or product. We welcome submissions of all kinds to
make this a great publication for all to read!
Find out about our OTHER Exciting E-mail groups on a broad
range of important topics. Subscription boxes for all of
them may be found here:
The Restoration Website:
Destiny Central Success Resources
The Costa Rica Page --
The Fun, the Sun.... The business opportunity
Your Safe, Secure, Offshore Payment Processor
-----------------> Visit our Blogs! <-----------------
----> SuccessQuest
----> The Real Truth
----> Costa Rica News
>>Costa Rica News Digest<<
A publication of Destiny Worldwide Net
Also Visit the Costa Rica Page:
Feature Article:
*Bus bound for Costa Rica runs on used cooking oil
*News Digest
If you want to be successful in the years to
come, with the new technology of the internet,
you need to break free of the limitations that
bind the majority of people. ONe of the worst
problems individuals and businesses face today
are high taxes, unfair litigation, lack of
privacy in financial matters, etc.
You cannot be truly successful and free unless
you use all the tools at your disposal, which
includes being financially free, and learning
the ingredients to true success.
These secrets used to not be available to the
ordinary person. They were the guarded secrets
of the elite.
Destiny Worldwide is unique in that we not only give
you the education you need to succeed, but we also
give you access to cutting edge tools in many
different aspects.
From e-commerce to success in your career, regular
business, and handling your finances secure from
the many risks out there today, our constellation
of services gives you the advantages you need to
Go to these websites to begin running down the road
to your successful future today!
You'll be glad you did!
*Bus bound for Costa Rica runs on used cooking oil
The Sustainable Solutions Caravan wants to show the world how to recyle more
and create less waste.
Tucson Citizen
The school bus spends part of the year in the Bay area.
Photos by XAVIER GALLEGOS/Tucson Citizen
Itai Hauben, Tom Shaver and Stephen Brooks pour used vegetable oil into a
1972 modified diesel Carpenter school bus they are driving to Costa Rica. The
oil was given to them by El Charro Cafe.
A 1972 former school bus, modified to run solely on used cooking oil, stopped
yesterday at El Charro Cafe, 311 N. Court Ave. to tank up on fat.
"The engine in the bus has been modified to run on used straight vegetable
oil," said Zak Zaidman, 36, one of the 10 members of the Sustainable
Solutions Caravan traveling on the bus from its summer home in the San
Francisco Bay area to winter quarters in Costa Rica in Central America.
The group was founded last year to promote sustainability through the use of
renewable energies, organic farming and sustainable lifestyles, he explained.
That means less waste and more recycling.
The main modification to the diesel engine involved installing a heating
element to keep the fat flowing freely so it doesn't clog the engine's
plumbing, he said. The vehicle also is fitted with a separate tank that
carries a refined biodiesel product that permits easy starting.
"We use the biodiesel to start the engine and get the engine hot, then we
flip a switch, and we go 100 percent used vegetable oils," Zaidman said.
Before loading up on the used cooking oil, there is a check for particulate
materials, which cannot be used in the engine.
Members of the caravan are sustainability experts, eco-technologists,
farmers, mechanics and others dedicated to educating the public about
alternatives to fossil fuels, he said. The group also promotes Earth-friendly
farming, which will be critical if the fuels of the future are to be grown
rather than mined.
The destination of the caravan is Punta Mona Center for Sustainable Living
and Education, an 85-acre organic farm and education retreat in Costa Rica,
he said. For more information, go to
*Tonnes of Garbage Left Behind by Festival Goers
The Festival de la Luz Saturday night brought a lot of happiness and joy to
thousands who lined the streets of downtown San José with spectacular
displays, marching bands and dancing.
However, the Festival also left piles of garbage on streets.
As with every parade, a team of garbage collectors follow the parade end to
pick up the garbage left behind by the spectators. The Municipality of San
José estimates that some thirty tonnes of trash was left strewn in the parade
route, that went from the La Sabana park, along Paséo Colon, Avenida Segunda
and ended in la Plaza de la Democracia.
Garbage trucks followed the last parade float and by Sunday morning there was
no trace of the Festival trash, as the streets were again clean.
Perhaps, the hardest parade the clean up crew have to content with each each
year is the December 27 'Tope", when literally thousands of horses take over
the same route and leave a trail of, well, stuff that smells even after being
washed down.
The clean up crew were not the only persons working the parade. Red Cross
personnel and members of the Fuerza Publica and Municipal police were on hand
to attend to those needing medical attention and to ensure public safety.
The Red Cross reports have attended to sixty five persons, seventeen of who
were taken to hospital for closer medical attention during the festival.
Police did not have any major occurrences to report, saying the parade was
peaceful and eventful from their part.
*2006 Election Party Registration Underway
The upcoming 2006 'presidential' elections will be record for the number of
registered parties according to the Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones (TSE).
The TSE says it has so far 43 parties registered for the 2006 elections, two
more than the same time for the 2002 elections, and will see many more that
it believes are in the process of being formed and will be looking to be
The deadline for registration of a political party for the 2006 election is
June 6, 2005, which will include regional, provincial and national parties.
For a party to be registered it must complete the required forms as set out
by the Dirección General del Registro Civil of the TSE and among other things
must include 3.000 signatures in the case of a national party (only 50 for
regional or provincial parties) and must have it's political constitution
well defined.
National parties are those that will be presenting a candidate for the
position of President and Vice President of the country. All other parties
that don't present a candidate for the top spots are considered regional or
The national parties expected to take part in the 2006 election are the:
Acción Ciudadana, Alianza Nacional Cristiana, Fuerza Democrática,
Independiente Obrero, Integración Nacional, Liberación Nacional, Movimiento
Libertario, Patriótico Nacional, Renovación Costarricense, Rescate Nacional,
Unidad Social Cristiana, Unión General and the Vanguardia Popular.
*Nicaraguans Head Home for the Holidays
Thinking of spending the holiday season in Nicaragua? Well, consider this.
According to Marco Badilla, director of the Dirección General de Migración y
Extranjería, some 70.000 Nicaraguans are expected to overload the immigration
resources at Peñas Blancas and the Daniel Oduber airport in Liberia during
the next several weeks.
The annual trek of Nicaraguans heading home for the holidays begins this
week. The bus lines have sold most just about every seat to and from
Nicaragua for the period of 20 December to 5 January. As well, private bus
companies have set up special tours to Nicaragua for the holiday period.
The land border crossing at Peñas Blancas will be hardest affected, as most
Nicaraguans use the land crossing to get home for the holidays and their
return, compared to the more expensive way of flying. And, if immigration
officials are correct, most Nicaraguans are expected to bring along a friend
on their return.
The return bus rate at both Tica Bus and Transnica is us$20 that will take
you from San José to Managua, with stops in Rivas and Granada. Nature Air
that has regular service between the Liberia airport in Costa Rican and the
airport in Granada charges us$130 return (us$240 for the San José-Granada
Foreign residents of Costa Rica need to also pay the us$20 consular fee to
leave and re-enter Costa Rica. Tourists and Costa Ricans are not required to
pay the consular fee.
*At Least 50 Houses and Shacks Destroyed in Fire
A fire Saturday night in Pavas, west of San José , destroyed at least 50
shacks and houses, according to the daily La Nación.
No one was injured in the fire, which took firefighters approximately two
hours to extinguish. The lack of fire hydrants, a tangled web of amateurly
crafted electrical connections and the construction materials used in the
shacks contributed to the difficulty fighting the fire, which took place in
the Bribri urbanization, La Nación reported. The only fire hydrant was
approximately 500 meters away.
The fire was first reported at 6:30 p.m. , when a resident called saying the
blaze started in a fire used to cook tamales, firefighters told the daily.
Others witnesses said fireworks could have been the source of the fire.
*Piercing and Tatoo Regulations coming!
Come January or maybe February, the Ministerio de Salud - Health Ministry -
hopes to have regulations in place that govern 'piercing' and tattoos, that
has gotten out of hand. The regulations will give Health officials the power
to close shops if they don't meet the health and sanitary regulations. Health
Minister, María del Rocío Sáenz Madrigal, says that regulation is ready is
waiting for official publication. Once the regulation is published, shops now
in operation will have to meet the regulation or close.
*Nicaraguan President Blamed for Internal Political Crisis
Nicaraguan president, Enrique Bolaños, is responsible for the current
confrontation between the country´s single-chamber Congress and the executive
power, according to political analyst Oscar Rene Vargas.
Speaking to Prensa Latina, Vargas said the president had been reluctant to
start talks on the issue and now is ignoring the reforms approved by
He recalled that the General Secretary of the Sandinista National Liberation
Front (FSLN), Daniel Ortega, had invited him "to find some consensual
alternative to the crisis."
Differences between the legislative power and the presidential house became
more sour this week as Vargas ordered deputies to modify the Constitution in
an attempt to gain more power, while declaring he would defend his authority
"at any rate."
In less than one month the parliament ratified Law on Arms, which enables it
to accept or refuse the acquisition of war means as well as to destroy
weapons in the hands of police and the Army.
Another reform gives the deputies the authority to demand that ministers,
vice ministers and state officials report on their work.
The sociologist considered that Bolaños is pushing the nation into an
unprecedented crisis in which he is trying to involve the Army and the
He warned that if Bolaños accuses congressmen of plotting a coup d´etat there
is no way to sustain such a charge, as the legsilators are only acting in
line with the Constitution.
According to Vargas, the president refuses to listen to the opposition´s
arguments and to see the country´s stark reality as an impoverished
neo-colonial nation.
He ruled out the possibility of Bolaños declaring a State of Emergency, as it
would break the Constitutional order and end up in a a total disaster for the
*Brazil's biggest party votes to leave government
Brazil's biggest political party voted Sunday to withdraw from the coalition
government, a second political blow to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in
as many days.
The Popular Socialist Party voted to leave the governing coalition on
Both parties are unhappy with Lula's conservative fiscal policies.
The Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, or PMDB, called on all its members
to quit Lula's government and support the party's own candidate for the
presidential elections in 2006.
However, PMDB's two cabinet ministers, Communications Minister Eunicio
Oliveira and Pensions Minister Amir Lando, have indicated they would stay in
their posts in defiance of their party's threat that they would be expelled
if they do so.
It remains to be seen how many legislators would follow their party's call as
the party is divided.
This publication is designed to have one display add
between each article or section. Thus, the more
articles or sections we have per day, the more room we
have for advertisements. Advertisements are filled
on a first come first served basis, and prices vary
depending on placement and frequency. You must order
a minimum of 5 insertions with your order. If there
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