If your car or truck uses diesel, you can run it cheaper AND more efficiently AND more environmentally friendly to boot.
Costa Rica should adopt this right away, considering they have to import every drop of oil. It wouldn't hurt the pocket books or environment elsehwere, either. This story is just AMAZING.
Been looking for this article for three days. Knew I'd read it somewhere. Bit long, but a great read. From The British Guardian newspaper in January 2003
Fry and drive
When staff at a Welsh supermarket first noticed dramatic increases in the sale of cooking oil, they thought the locals were doing a lot of frying. They weren't. They were filling up their cars with it - not surprising, as it's only 42p a litre. Trouble is, if you don't pay duty, it's illegal. Jim White reports
Monday January 20, 2003The Guardian
According to Mike Hebson, the manager of Asda's store in Swansea, south Wales, there was no reason to be suspicious that sales of the company's cheapest bottles of cooking oil were running 20% higher than the previous year, way above any other store in Britain. "We just thought it was one of those things," says Hebson. Why should he and his staff have been remotely questioning, he suggests, if men in overalls and lived-in denims had started buying Smart Price vegetable oil in batches of six, eight and 12 litres at a time. When one customer came in and filled a trolley to the brim with plastic containers of the thin, urine-coloured liquid, the checkout operator barely gave him a second glance. "Naturally, we assumed they were buying on price," says Hebson, an Asda man to the soles of his own-brand brogues. There was another reason that his staff were unlikely to see anything untoward in bulk-buying cheap vegetable oil. "We just thought they were doing a lot of frying," he says. "You have to remember, healthy eating has not hit Swansea in a big way."
It wasn't until the Department of Transport began a series of trial tests in the city last March that staff realised something odd had been going on. In an attempt to take diesel vehicles belching out illegal emissions off the road, department inspectors introduced experimental spot checks on roads in Bristol, Westminster, Glasgow, Middlesbrough, Canterbury and Swansea. It was in the latter that they found something surprising: a car with a fuel tank half full of cooking oil.
"The funny thing was," says Hebson, "the driver told them he had been getting it from Asda Swansea for four or five months, because it was the cheapest around. When we read the report in the local paper we began to put two and two together."
The enterprising motorist was, so the reports suggested, running his diesel-engine motor on a mix of Asda cooking oil and standard fuel. At 42p a litre, the supermarket chain's oil is considerably cheaper than the 73p a litre that even a discounted retailer charges for diesel. The astonishing thing was it worked. Without any need to modify the engine, the motorist could run his car on the mix with no discernible difference in its performance. What's more, instead of diesel fumes, the engine gave off a rather pleasing odour - like frying time at the local chippy.
And if Asda's sales figures were anything to go by, unless he was running a fleet of buses across south Wales, the driver who had been pulled over by the emissions inspectors wasn't the only one. Wind your windows down in a Swansea traffic jam last spring, the rumour went, and the chances were you would think someone was having a barbecue. The local joke was that the whiff was particularly prevalent around the DVLC, the government's national car-licensing department, which is headquartered in the city. It was a nice irony, because, as the cooking-oil driver discovered when he was fined £500 and had his car impounded, the government is not amused by cheap alternative fuel. Diesel is relatively pricey because a large chunk of the cost is made up by duty. Cooking oil carries no such tax. But if it is put to use in a petrol tank, duty is due.
When, in September, just up the coast from Swansea, in Burry Port, near Llanelli, six more drivers were discovered apparently running their cars on cooking oil, the news quickly spread. "It was a media feeding frenzy," says Dai Davies of Dyfed and Powys police, whose officers were involved in the spot checks. "Everyone came down here, from the local BBC news to the New York Times." Within a couple of days, the story was in circulation of a crack team of law-enforcement officers swooping on south Wales motorists, of widespread tax fraud, of a hunt for the Mr Big of the cooking-oil scam. One report in a Canadian paper talked of round-the-clock stakeouts in the aisles of Asda that netted a couple buying 100 litres of oil at a time. A witty subeditor coined a nickname for the operation that immediately stuck: the Frying Squad.
"There wasn't a team as such," says Davies. "It was a multi-agency approach. The police stopped the vehicles on this occasion but had no power of arrest. We were doing so on behalf of the excise. They were the ones who could levy the fines. It was a good story, but no, the Frying Squad was all a bit of a media myth really."
But environmentalist John Nicholson was not amused. The jaunty news items about nasally enhanced officers who could sniff out a tax-evading exhaust pipe at 40 paces had put his campaign to alert the country to the benefits of biofuels into rapid reverse. He was furious.
The appreciation in Wales that you could cheerfully run your diesel vehicle on cooking oil really began to take hold during the fuel-price disputes in the autumn of 2000. Fuming farmers and hauliers with the hump parked their trucks and tractors across the entrance to the oil refinery at Milford Haven, which services much of Wales. They were protesting against levels of fuel duty that they considered unsustainable, and their blockade was so successful that, after a couple of days of panic buying, virtually every garage in the principality had run out of stocks. Nicholson, who lives in a remote part of rural mid-Wales, was typical of those affected.
"We don't have a television, so I'd been unaware that the blockade was happening," he recalls. "I went out to get some diesel and every garage had run out. My wife's a nurse and needed the car to get to work. I panicked rather."
Returning home, he looked round for alternative fuels, and tried a bit of central heating oil, which worked, he says, reasonably well. Then, remembering his schoolboy mechanics, he popped some cooking oil into his Volvo. "It mixed with the little bit of diesel I had left in the tank," says Nicholson. "Not only did it work, the vehicle actually behaved better. I never heard my car sound so good, there was a fantastic noise, not a clickety-click, more of a grunt. And then, of course, there was the smell." He used vegetable oil to tide him over until the blockade ended. But so happy was he with the performance it gave, that he decided to use it full time, and set up a website to exchange information on biopower. He discovered that they have been doing this sort of thing in Germany for years - not simply because it is cheaper, but because of the environmentally beneficial effects of using sustainable fuels made from rape and sunflower seeds rather than fossil fuels. Over there it is a sizeable industry, supported by tax breaks; it is no coincidence that Mercedes and Volkswagen engines are the most cooking-oil tolerant on the market. Indeed Mercedes motors are so accommodating that they will, apparently, run on lard.
Within a few months, more than 300 drivers had joined Nicholson's web network. But not everyone was thrilled at the rush to bio. "For some reason, the AA put out the story that using cooking oil will either clog up or blow up your engine," he says. "Well, which is it? It can't be both. The fact of the matter is, it works brilliantly."
Not far from Llanelli, in Laugharne, home of Dylan Thomas, an engineering student called Chris Dovey joined Nicholson's biopower network last June. Since then he has been running his Ford van entirely on cooking oil. Except he doesn't buy it from Asda - he gets it used, from the canteen in Haverfordwest County Hall. He filters it, adds a drop of white spirit, and hey presto - after a little modification to the blades in his fuel pump - his van runs like a dream. "Well," he says, "the first ever diesel engine ran off peanut oil, so I'm just following tradition."
Like Nicholson, however, Dovey is doing something those Asda-buying drivers stopped in Llanelli were not. He is paying duty. "The canteen was giving me the stuff, only too glad to get rid of it, and I thought: 'I'm on to something here.' But my mum said to me, 'You get nothing for free in this world, you'd better find out the implications.' So I contacted the local customs people and they were most helpful."
An excise inspector came to visit Dovey, checked he wasn't refining enough to keep most of Laugharne in biofuel, and gave him the relevant paperwork. "I get the oil for nothing and pay 26p a litre in duty on it, which still makes it a lot cheaper than diesel at the pumps," he says, flourishing a form on to which he is obliged to list every litre of fuel he filters through the modified oil drum in his garage. "But if I went into it as a business I think the red tape would strangle me."
This, Nicholson says, is a typical experience of anyone trying to run a vehicle on cooking oil. "The government seems to be making it deliberately difficult," he says. "The most important thing to remember is, it is not illegal to run your car on cooking oil." As long as duty is paid, that is. And Nicholson reckons that, since duty is paid retrospectively, even those who were stopped in the south Wales checks were not breaking the law. "I am driving on fuel on which I have not yet paid the tax. I will do, but I don't need to until it's used. So was anyone who was stopped given the chance to pay his tax? If not, why not? To stop anybody for using this fuel is harassment."
He believes that the stories (one paper suggested more than 400 people had been pulled over for using cooking oil) have done the excise's job for it. There is no need for a Frying Squad; the rumour of its existence is enough. Indeed, Hebson's stocktaking at Asda's Swansea branch suggests that many previous cooking-oil users have been put off by the assumption that they could have their vehicle impounded at any moment: saving a few pence a litre hardly seems worth the risk of a £500 fine. Such is the fear of the mythical Frying Squad that Nicholson now prints car stickers for those in his network who want to announce their legitimacy.
"Once that first bloke had been done, I think the publicity put a lot of people off," says Hebson. "Almost from the moment the story appeared in the paper, our sales went back down to the national average."
But there is something appealingly anti-establishment about all this; something subversive about how, largely on individual initiative, undertaken without flourish or fanfare, it is possible to sidestep the multinationals and the government and power your car in a natural, clean and efficient way. Today. All you need is a bit of cooking oil, new or second-hand, and the relevant tax return form, available to download from Nicholson's biopower website.
"I suppose if I factored in the time I spend filtering the stuff, it wouldn't work out so cheap," says Dovey. "But there's a little bit of me that says it's worth it just to be getting one over on the big oil companies, really."
Meanwhile, Asda has announced that as of next year, its fleet of delivery vehicles will be converted to run on fuel made from the waste on cooking oil collected from stores across the country (they fry a million doughnuts a day nationwide, apparently). Though a spokesman was quick to point out that they didn't get the idea from their customers in south Wales. Oh, and they will be paying the duty.
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Date Sent:
11-Aug-2004 21:19:47 +0200
No attachments...
It has become pretty clear to this reporter, and has been mentioned
widely in the Costa Rican press in the last 24 hours by high ranking
officials, that these nasty rumors to spark this banking crisis may have
eminated from some of the Yahoo newsgroups, and other internet chat
What is not commonly known, is that the US Government commonly uses
shills placed on all kinds of internet newsgroups, to forward their
party line, and to shut up the opposition.
They seem to have invested a tremendous amount of resources in this
Just this morning, we received an anonymous email discussing this very
subject, and I include it below for your interest:
Shills from varies UK, US and Canadan Groups
once they were done with the Brothers, are
now moving onto bigger fish like the banks
of Central America, to repeat what happened in
If they still had the Brothers around, it would be
far more difficult to deal with bring down a country.
This latest panic run on the bank which turned out to
be a false alarm looks to of been orginiated in part
due to the IMF recent visit and the Internet Chatter
coming from the economic terrorists.
These people are hell bent on keeping the people of the
world under their control.
As a closing note, I would like to identify one potential shill on this
newsgroup. You can review the archives, see his tactics, and thus be
better able to spot these shills wherever they might be, and shut down
their idiotic rhetoric.
I will point out that some of the simpler shills will use sarcastic
remarks, belittling statements, and other attacks against posters they
don't like to embarrass them and make them lose credibility in the
groups, so that no one pays any attention to them anymore, and the shill
becomes the one to listen to.
They will belittle talk of the New World Order, they will attack
vehemently anyone who dares to mention the truth about the IMF or World
Bank, or other globalist institutions. The sarcastic put down is their
main tool.
But, when this doesn't work, they will resort to blatant character
assasination, and frontal assaults, hoping to cow their target into
A perfect example of this on this very news group were the outrageous
attacks made by a Jim Peck against Destiny Worldwide.
Destiny Worldwide made a few challenges to statements Peck made
condeming and trashing the Costa Rican government, its lawyers, etc.
If one will take careful notice, this Peck joined the IRCCR group on
July 18 of this year, just about the same time that the negative chatter
about the solvency of the entire Costa Rican banking system was
beginning to be aired on other newsgroups.
There is no doubt in my mind that Peck intended to sow such division on
the IRCCR group as well, as he thought that the people on this list have
money invested in this country, so he could get more "bang for his buck"
by scaring these people with money away from investing further here, and
sending what money they do have out of the country, which is the exact
tone of posts on other groups, most notably Costa Rica Living.
Peck has an interesting background to say the least. He is a former
commission salesman for a scam operation called The Vault, and worked
closely with its owner, Roy Taylor, who committed suicide rather than be
taken into custody by Costa Rican authorities. Or, was it a suicide, or
an assasination? We will never know.
Never the less, informed sources in the Costa Rican legal community have
informed us that Taylor is suspected of having major mafia connections.
The interesting question is "What was a licensed PI (we have not been
able to confirm his license status by the way, and it may just be a
figment of his overblown imagination)doing selling scam investments and
working for a suspected organized crime figure?"
As the Vault began to get into trouble, at that very moment, in fact,
our fearless PI, whom some have called Baretta in this group, Peck
decided to open an office to "help" Brothers investors track down
Enrique Villalobos. He said that he expected "quick success," when he
opened his doors on June 12 of 2003, but he had closed his doors and
refused to answer emails by as early as Sept. 11, 2003, according to
So what was Peck really doing in his offer to "help" the Brother's
investors? Was he in fact taking names for a government shit list? Or,
did he just set up shop to take in some fun money, and then quickly
close up shop and take these advance fees with him, knowing that most
Brother's investors valued their privacy, and wouldn't be willing to sue
to get the money back?
In other words, this could have either been a spy operation on behalf of
some US government agency, and / or it could have been an attempt to
bilk already strapped investors out of hundreds of thousands of dollars
more, and then close up shop and leave with the loot.
Unfortunatey, we will probably never know for sure, but his posting
pattern to this group seems to indicate that at the very least he was a
government shill sent to this group to foment more panic among already
shell shocked investors, knowing that many of them had accounts with
Banco BAC, and thus adding fuel to yesterday's fire, in their misguided
attempt to close down the bank.
As to Peck's claims against Destiny Worldwide, it would appear that
those attacks were launched to discredit that orgnization and blacken
its reputation in the public eye, so that their contradictions of Pecks
posts and motivations would be ignored by the group. He used extreme
hardball tactics, including attempting to get their website taken down,
yahoo ID cancelled, etc., as well as recently issuing a totally
laughable "e-commerce alert" against that organization, which totally
ignores the facts about that organization.
But, his tactics backfired on him, and Peck only succeeded in making a
complete ass out of himself in public, losing any shred of credibility
this former scam salesman might have had to those ignorant of his
In fact, every indication points to the idea that Peck is indeed a
government agent, and may have been instructed to assist in the
operation for the destruction of the Costa Rican economy.
It is hoped that this expose and analysis of of the government shill
process will help people to identify these creeps wherever they might
be. And Peck's postings are a prime example of what one should look
If Peck wants to threaten us with a lawsuit too, he can be our guest.
It will get him absolutely nowhere, and our suggestion to him is that he
leave his present position and find honest employment with someone who
is not trying to screw people's lives over on a daily basis.
This has been a presentation of ................ LUNAR NEWS
Date Sent:
11-Aug-2004 21:19:47 +0200
No attachments...
It has become pretty clear to this reporter, and has been mentioned
widely in the Costa Rican press in the last 24 hours by high ranking
officials, that these nasty rumors to spark this banking crisis may have
eminated from some of the Yahoo newsgroups, and other internet chat
What is not commonly known, is that the US Government commonly uses
shills placed on all kinds of internet newsgroups, to forward their
party line, and to shut up the opposition.
They seem to have invested a tremendous amount of resources in this
Just this morning, we received an anonymous email discussing this very
subject, and I include it below for your interest:
Shills from varies UK, US and Canadan Groups
once they were done with the Brothers, are
now moving onto bigger fish like the banks
of Central America, to repeat what happened in
If they still had the Brothers around, it would be
far more difficult to deal with bring down a country.
This latest panic run on the bank which turned out to
be a false alarm looks to of been orginiated in part
due to the IMF recent visit and the Internet Chatter
coming from the economic terrorists.
These people are hell bent on keeping the people of the
world under their control.
As a closing note, I would like to identify one potential shill on this
newsgroup. You can review the archives, see his tactics, and thus be
better able to spot these shills wherever they might be, and shut down
their idiotic rhetoric.
I will point out that some of the simpler shills will use sarcastic
remarks, belittling statements, and other attacks against posters they
don't like to embarrass them and make them lose credibility in the
groups, so that no one pays any attention to them anymore, and the shill
becomes the one to listen to.
They will belittle talk of the New World Order, they will attack
vehemently anyone who dares to mention the truth about the IMF or World
Bank, or other globalist institutions. The sarcastic put down is their
main tool.
But, when this doesn't work, they will resort to blatant character
assasination, and frontal assaults, hoping to cow their target into
A perfect example of this on this very news group were the outrageous
attacks made by a Jim Peck against Destiny Worldwide.
Destiny Worldwide made a few challenges to statements Peck made
condeming and trashing the Costa Rican government, its lawyers, etc.
If one will take careful notice, this Peck joined the IRCCR group on
July 18 of this year, just about the same time that the negative chatter
about the solvency of the entire Costa Rican banking system was
beginning to be aired on other newsgroups.
There is no doubt in my mind that Peck intended to sow such division on
the IRCCR group as well, as he thought that the people on this list have
money invested in this country, so he could get more "bang for his buck"
by scaring these people with money away from investing further here, and
sending what money they do have out of the country, which is the exact
tone of posts on other groups, most notably Costa Rica Living.
Peck has an interesting background to say the least. He is a former
commission salesman for a scam operation called The Vault, and worked
closely with its owner, Roy Taylor, who committed suicide rather than be
taken into custody by Costa Rican authorities. Or, was it a suicide, or
an assasination? We will never know.
Never the less, informed sources in the Costa Rican legal community have
informed us that Taylor is suspected of having major mafia connections.
The interesting question is "What was a licensed PI (we have not been
able to confirm his license status by the way, and it may just be a
figment of his overblown imagination)doing selling scam investments and
working for a suspected organized crime figure?"
As the Vault began to get into trouble, at that very moment, in fact,
our fearless PI, whom some have called Baretta in this group, Peck
decided to open an office to "help" Brothers investors track down
Enrique Villalobos. He said that he expected "quick success," when he
opened his doors on June 12 of 2003, but he had closed his doors and
refused to answer emails by as early as Sept. 11, 2003, according to
So what was Peck really doing in his offer to "help" the Brother's
investors? Was he in fact taking names for a government shit list? Or,
did he just set up shop to take in some fun money, and then quickly
close up shop and take these advance fees with him, knowing that most
Brother's investors valued their privacy, and wouldn't be willing to sue
to get the money back?
In other words, this could have either been a spy operation on behalf of
some US government agency, and / or it could have been an attempt to
bilk already strapped investors out of hundreds of thousands of dollars
more, and then close up shop and leave with the loot.
Unfortunatey, we will probably never know for sure, but his posting
pattern to this group seems to indicate that at the very least he was a
government shill sent to this group to foment more panic among already
shell shocked investors, knowing that many of them had accounts with
Banco BAC, and thus adding fuel to yesterday's fire, in their misguided
attempt to close down the bank.
As to Peck's claims against Destiny Worldwide, it would appear that
those attacks were launched to discredit that orgnization and blacken
its reputation in the public eye, so that their contradictions of Pecks
posts and motivations would be ignored by the group. He used extreme
hardball tactics, including attempting to get their website taken down,
yahoo ID cancelled, etc., as well as recently issuing a totally
laughable "e-commerce alert" against that organization, which totally
ignores the facts about that organization.
But, his tactics backfired on him, and Peck only succeeded in making a
complete ass out of himself in public, losing any shred of credibility
this former scam salesman might have had to those ignorant of his
In fact, every indication points to the idea that Peck is indeed a
government agent, and may have been instructed to assist in the
operation for the destruction of the Costa Rican economy.
It is hoped that this expose and analysis of of the government shill
process will help people to identify these creeps wherever they might
be. And Peck's postings are a prime example of what one should look
If Peck wants to threaten us with a lawsuit too, he can be our guest.
It will get him absolutely nowhere, and our suggestion to him is that he
leave his present position and find honest employment with someone who
is not trying to screw people's lives over on a daily basis.
This has been a presentation of ................ LUNAR NEWS
I am posting two articles below from today's edition of AM Costa Rica about the banking crisis that has recently hit Costa Rica, starting with rumors on certain Yahoo groups, notably Costa Rica Living, but I am sure there are others.
These rumors have been circulating for a month now, but hit a crescendo Monday and Tuesday, sparking many depositors to panic and to attempt to withdraw money from the bank anyway they can.
However, they apparantly have nothing to fear, as it is reported that at least in the Moravia and Pavas branches, the bank was open until 11 PM last night, and was paying people off.
The BAC banking group has banks throughout Central America, and also a bank in Florida. They also own and operate the Credomatic credit card issuing and merchant processing service, which probably has about 60-70% of the merchants and consumers in these countries using their service. They are the main affiliate for MasterCard in Costa Rica, and, I understand, the ONLY processor for MasterCard in some of the other countries they are in.
Several years ago, Visa allegedly attempted to blackmail Credomatic to force them to quite issuing and processing MasterCard charges. They reportedly threatened to revoke their Visa lincense if they didn't drop MasterCard and American Express.
Rather than give into Visa's demands, Credomatic reportedly told Visa that they would prefer to keep MasterCard and AMEX, and told them to go ahead and cancel their Visa license if they wanted to. Apparantly, after a year or so, Visa backed off on this, its apparent attempt to gain a monopoly in the credit card business in Central America sent down in flames. Credomatic made the right choice, and became after this the largest credit card processor in the region.
It should also be noted that the BAC group is considered to be an offshore banking group, and we have mentioned before how the British, US and Canadian governments have a hidden agenda called Project Victory to crush all offshore banks and offshore countries.
A move such as spreading false rumors against a major banking group they didn't like would thus be in character with what the US, IMF, World Bank, and UK use as terror tactics against countries who do not behave themselves.
Costa Rica should take note of the IMF track record, and should ask Nauru and The Bahamas whether cooperation is a workable strategy for their countries, or whether following their recommendations and demands is instead turning these and many other countries in the world into economic basket cases.
Then, for the biggest example recently of what happens to countries that do what they are told by the bullies, all they have to do is look to Argentina, which still has not recovered from their "IMF riots."
Recently, the Costa Rican government appears to have done several things to upset the IMF and the US. They are on the verge of taking their name off of Bush's ludicrous mis named "coalition" in the war of aggression in Iraq, which Bush lied with every breath he took to bring about, meaning that he and the US government now have zero credibility in everything they say. They have taken Hitler's BIG LIE principle to lengths that would have even made Hitler blush!
And last week, the National Assembly denied landing rights to US aircraft pursuing their phoney "war on drugs," which is nothing more than a war on the people of this world, as is the contrived "war on terror," holding up a CIA operative, Osama bin Laden, as public enemy #1 while doing cozey deals with his family in Saudi Arabia.
So, it would appear that this viscious rumor most likely eminated from none other than the US Embassy, as did a previous rumor about 2 years ago that failed to spark a crisis.
Costa Rica is in this mess because they have followed US policies to a certain extent, and Project Victory in particular, causing them to shut down The Brothers investment firm, which had been pumping over $400 million per year into the Costa Rican economy, which is almost the exact amount that Costa Rica has had to borrow from the banking cartel ever since.
However, all indications are that this plot will not succeed, BAC San Jose will survive, and so will Costa Rica.
If we might make a suggestion to Costa Rica, we would simply say that this shows what happens when you cooperate with these gangsters. Doing what they tell you only destroys your country. So, what you need to do is the EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY ARE TELLING YOU TO DO! That is the road out of this mess.
Your first order of business should be to immediately cease your witch hunt against the Brothers, drop all charges, and welcome them back into business with open arms, to conduct business as usual, and start bringing the capital back into this country every year for free that you are now borrowing from the IMF, World Bank, and other criminal organizations.
Don't pass any of the ridiculous "reforms" that the IMF has insisted on, and instead maybe a TAX CUT combined with the return of the Brothers would put Costa Rica back on the solid footing it has been for so many years. Strengthening your offshore status, combined with changes to ecnourage Las Vegas style gambling would also do a lot of good for the country.
It needs to be remembered that Nevada at one time was the poorest state in the US, with almost no resources, and nothing but dry, barren desert wilderness. By simply changing their laws to do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the other states were doing, made all of the difference in the world, and now Nevada is one of the most prosperous states in the US, and STILL HAS NO INCOME TAX, and the lowest overall taxes in the nation!
And they did this by going AGAINST the practices of the Federal government and all other states at the time. They legalized gambling and prostitution, they don't have any income taxes [but they do tax the casinos and hotels a lot, and these are what pays most of the bills], and in many counties in Nevada to this day, you STILL DON'T EVEN NEED A BUSINESS LICENSE UNLESS YOU ARE IN THE GAMBLING OR PROSTITUTION BUSINESS! Laissez Faire capitalism works for Nevada, and it will work for ANY COUNTRY that wants to put the Free Market to a test!
Turning San Jose into Las Vegas South would work wounders, guarantee full employment for all, and attract more tourists than Costa Rica would know what to do with. Maybe they should import some advisors from the state of Nevada to show them how to do it.
At the same time, Costa Rica could use its new found advantages to attract the entertainment industry to the country, as that industry is not happy at all with the restrictive laws and high taxes of Southern California, and some producers, actors, musicians, etc., are already making moves here, and just need a little encouragement to turn Costa Rica into the motion picture capital of the world! Costa Rica is very close to this dream already, and the changes suggested above would pretty much GUARANTEE that this happened.
This would be so much better than adopting the policies of the failed European welfare states that the IMF, USA, and EU are trying to make them do. That road will only lead to disaster, permanent debt, and poverty.
Doing the OPPOSITE of what these turkeys want is the ONLY HOPE for the people of Costa Rica and their economic prosperity. Just tell these snakes to BUZZ OFF!
Here is the news article:
Rumors cause a run on major San José bank
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff
BAC San José, one of the country’s strongest private banks, is in the midst of a run that officials think was sparked by rumors fabricated in bad faith.
The bank, based downtown, has about 20 branches around the country and is popularly considered a customer service-oriented organization for businessmen.
The rumor started Monday afternoon and by Tuesday crowds of depositors were at the various branches at least in the Central Valley seeking return of their money. When the banks closed at 7 p.m., some depositors tried to withdraw money via automatic teller machines. Others camped in front of the bank so they would be near the head of the line when offices open at 8 a.m. today.
A.M. Costa Rica became aware of the rumor about midday Tuesday. A number of expats prefer the institution, formerly called Banco de San José, over the national banks.
By 7 p.m. the manager of the bank, Gerardo Corrales Breñes, took to the television to assure depositors that there was no reason for the
bank run and that there was no open investigation of the bank. Curiously, the bank did not post anything to its overworked Web page to assure depositors.
Costa Ricans seem to be engaged in the bank run because they fear another collapse. Bantec and more recently Banco Elka were shut down by the Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras, the government oversight agency.
In addition, there is a general fear of the economy and distrust in the government’s ability to protect citizens from economic woes.
Luis Diego Vargas, president of the Consejo Nacional de Supervisión del Sistema Financiero, called operations at BAC San José absolutely normal in a television interview. It was he who cited the bad faith aspects of the rumor.
Oscar Rodriguez of the Superintendencia, said in the same segment that BAC San José is a very strong institution. He and Vargas agreed that deliberately circulating rumors to harm a business was a crime in Costa Rica.
Alfonso Rodriquez was not overly concerned.
A.M. Costa Rica/José Pablo Ramírez Vindas
A fast food worker and friends seeks her pay
Teller machines were out of service for evening withdrawals
By Saray Ramírez Vindas
of the A.M. Costa Rica staff
Automatic tellers of BAC San José were out of service last night. Some depositors went through the downtown unsuccessfully seeking a machine that would return them some of their money.
Some were unhappy, including one employee of Kentucky Fried Chicken on Paseo Colón who said her employer had just deposited salaries into
the bank. She was unable to make a withdrawal.
Even as late as 10:30 p.m. depositors were trying to make withdrawals.
Bank officials had posted a message from Gerardo Corrales Breñes, the general manager. But it said little more than he had said on a television show. Officials also posted in one place a page of the La Nación Web site that said the bank panic was without foundation.
---->Gaming solutions, and Ecurrency systems and usages !
----- New Investment Opportunities ------
----> Encryption Services, Relocation Services to
----> Costa Rica, and Elsewhere Privacy/Offshore Consultations
----> Send email to: porongo@safe-mail.net for info.
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----> Become the Success You Deserve in Life!
----> Visit Destiny Central http://www.destiny-worldwide.net <---
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Get Spiritual Refreshment. Restore your soul.
----> http://www.destiny-worldwide.net/rcg/ <-----------------
----> Discover the mystery of Costa Rica!
----> http://www.destiny-worldwide.net/costa-rica/ <---------------
--<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>--
-----------------> Visit our New Blogs! <-----------------
----> SuccessQuest http://successquest.blogspot.com/
----> The Real Truth http://destiny-worldwide.blogspot.com/
----> Costa Rica News http://costa-rica-news.blogspot.com/
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These rumors have been circulating for a month now, but hit a crescendo Monday and Tuesday, sparking many depositors to panic and to attempt to withdraw money from the bank anyway they can.
However, they apparantly have nothing to fear, as it is reported that at least in the Moravia and Pavas branches, the bank was open until 11 PM last night, and was paying people off.
The BAC banking group has banks throughout Central America, and also a bank in Florida. They also own and operate the Credomatic credit card issuing and merchant processing service, which probably has about 60-70% of the merchants and consumers in these countries using their service. They are the main affiliate for MasterCard in Costa Rica, and, I understand, the ONLY processor for MasterCard in some of the other countries they are in.
Several years ago, Visa allegedly attempted to blackmail Credomatic to force them to quite issuing and processing MasterCard charges. They reportedly threatened to revoke their Visa lincense if they didn't drop MasterCard and American Express.
Rather than give into Visa's demands, Credomatic reportedly told Visa that they would prefer to keep MasterCard and AMEX, and told them to go ahead and cancel their Visa license if they wanted to. Apparantly, after a year or so, Visa backed off on this, its apparent attempt to gain a monopoly in the credit card business in Central America sent down in flames. Credomatic made the right choice, and became after this the largest credit card processor in the region.
It should also be noted that the BAC group is considered to be an offshore banking group, and we have mentioned before how the British, US and Canadian governments have a hidden agenda called Project Victory to crush all offshore banks and offshore countries.
A move such as spreading false rumors against a major banking group they didn't like would thus be in character with what the US, IMF, World Bank, and UK use as terror tactics against countries who do not behave themselves.
Costa Rica should take note of the IMF track record, and should ask Nauru and The Bahamas whether cooperation is a workable strategy for their countries, or whether following their recommendations and demands is instead turning these and many other countries in the world into economic basket cases.
Then, for the biggest example recently of what happens to countries that do what they are told by the bullies, all they have to do is look to Argentina, which still has not recovered from their "IMF riots."
Recently, the Costa Rican government appears to have done several things to upset the IMF and the US. They are on the verge of taking their name off of Bush's ludicrous mis named "coalition" in the war of aggression in Iraq, which Bush lied with every breath he took to bring about, meaning that he and the US government now have zero credibility in everything they say. They have taken Hitler's BIG LIE principle to lengths that would have even made Hitler blush!
And last week, the National Assembly denied landing rights to US aircraft pursuing their phoney "war on drugs," which is nothing more than a war on the people of this world, as is the contrived "war on terror," holding up a CIA operative, Osama bin Laden, as public enemy #1 while doing cozey deals with his family in Saudi Arabia.
So, it would appear that this viscious rumor most likely eminated from none other than the US Embassy, as did a previous rumor about 2 years ago that failed to spark a crisis.
Costa Rica is in this mess because they have followed US policies to a certain extent, and Project Victory in particular, causing them to shut down The Brothers investment firm, which had been pumping over $400 million per year into the Costa Rican economy, which is almost the exact amount that Costa Rica has had to borrow from the banking cartel ever since.
However, all indications are that this plot will not succeed, BAC San Jose will survive, and so will Costa Rica.
If we might make a suggestion to Costa Rica, we would simply say that this shows what happens when you cooperate with these gangsters. Doing what they tell you only destroys your country. So, what you need to do is the EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY ARE TELLING YOU TO DO! That is the road out of this mess.
Your first order of business should be to immediately cease your witch hunt against the Brothers, drop all charges, and welcome them back into business with open arms, to conduct business as usual, and start bringing the capital back into this country every year for free that you are now borrowing from the IMF, World Bank, and other criminal organizations.
Don't pass any of the ridiculous "reforms" that the IMF has insisted on, and instead maybe a TAX CUT combined with the return of the Brothers would put Costa Rica back on the solid footing it has been for so many years. Strengthening your offshore status, combined with changes to ecnourage Las Vegas style gambling would also do a lot of good for the country.
It needs to be remembered that Nevada at one time was the poorest state in the US, with almost no resources, and nothing but dry, barren desert wilderness. By simply changing their laws to do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the other states were doing, made all of the difference in the world, and now Nevada is one of the most prosperous states in the US, and STILL HAS NO INCOME TAX, and the lowest overall taxes in the nation!
And they did this by going AGAINST the practices of the Federal government and all other states at the time. They legalized gambling and prostitution, they don't have any income taxes [but they do tax the casinos and hotels a lot, and these are what pays most of the bills], and in many counties in Nevada to this day, you STILL DON'T EVEN NEED A BUSINESS LICENSE UNLESS YOU ARE IN THE GAMBLING OR PROSTITUTION BUSINESS! Laissez Faire capitalism works for Nevada, and it will work for ANY COUNTRY that wants to put the Free Market to a test!
Turning San Jose into Las Vegas South would work wounders, guarantee full employment for all, and attract more tourists than Costa Rica would know what to do with. Maybe they should import some advisors from the state of Nevada to show them how to do it.
At the same time, Costa Rica could use its new found advantages to attract the entertainment industry to the country, as that industry is not happy at all with the restrictive laws and high taxes of Southern California, and some producers, actors, musicians, etc., are already making moves here, and just need a little encouragement to turn Costa Rica into the motion picture capital of the world! Costa Rica is very close to this dream already, and the changes suggested above would pretty much GUARANTEE that this happened.
This would be so much better than adopting the policies of the failed European welfare states that the IMF, USA, and EU are trying to make them do. That road will only lead to disaster, permanent debt, and poverty.
Doing the OPPOSITE of what these turkeys want is the ONLY HOPE for the people of Costa Rica and their economic prosperity. Just tell these snakes to BUZZ OFF!
Here is the news article:
Rumors cause a run on major San José bank
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff
BAC San José, one of the country’s strongest private banks, is in the midst of a run that officials think was sparked by rumors fabricated in bad faith.
The bank, based downtown, has about 20 branches around the country and is popularly considered a customer service-oriented organization for businessmen.
The rumor started Monday afternoon and by Tuesday crowds of depositors were at the various branches at least in the Central Valley seeking return of their money. When the banks closed at 7 p.m., some depositors tried to withdraw money via automatic teller machines. Others camped in front of the bank so they would be near the head of the line when offices open at 8 a.m. today.
A.M. Costa Rica became aware of the rumor about midday Tuesday. A number of expats prefer the institution, formerly called Banco de San José, over the national banks.
By 7 p.m. the manager of the bank, Gerardo Corrales Breñes, took to the television to assure depositors that there was no reason for the
bank run and that there was no open investigation of the bank. Curiously, the bank did not post anything to its overworked Web page to assure depositors.
Costa Ricans seem to be engaged in the bank run because they fear another collapse. Bantec and more recently Banco Elka were shut down by the Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras, the government oversight agency.
In addition, there is a general fear of the economy and distrust in the government’s ability to protect citizens from economic woes.
Luis Diego Vargas, president of the Consejo Nacional de Supervisión del Sistema Financiero, called operations at BAC San José absolutely normal in a television interview. It was he who cited the bad faith aspects of the rumor.
Oscar Rodriguez of the Superintendencia, said in the same segment that BAC San José is a very strong institution. He and Vargas agreed that deliberately circulating rumors to harm a business was a crime in Costa Rica.
Alfonso Rodriquez was not overly concerned.
A.M. Costa Rica/José Pablo Ramírez Vindas
A fast food worker and friends seeks her pay
Teller machines were out of service for evening withdrawals
By Saray Ramírez Vindas
of the A.M. Costa Rica staff
Automatic tellers of BAC San José were out of service last night. Some depositors went through the downtown unsuccessfully seeking a machine that would return them some of their money.
Some were unhappy, including one employee of Kentucky Fried Chicken on Paseo Colón who said her employer had just deposited salaries into
the bank. She was unable to make a withdrawal.
Even as late as 10:30 p.m. depositors were trying to make withdrawals.
Bank officials had posted a message from Gerardo Corrales Breñes, the general manager. But it said little more than he had said on a television show. Officials also posted in one place a page of the La Nación Web site that said the bank panic was without foundation.
---->Gaming solutions, and Ecurrency systems and usages !
----- New Investment Opportunities ------
----> Encryption Services, Relocation Services to
----> Costa Rica, and Elsewhere Privacy/Offshore Consultations
----> Send email to: porongo@safe-mail.net for info.
--<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>--
----> Become the Success You Deserve in Life!
----> Visit Destiny Central http://www.destiny-worldwide.net <---
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Get Spiritual Refreshment. Restore your soul.
----> http://www.destiny-worldwide.net/rcg/ <-----------------
----> Discover the mystery of Costa Rica!
----> http://www.destiny-worldwide.net/costa-rica/ <---------------
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-----------------> Visit our New Blogs! <-----------------
----> SuccessQuest http://successquest.blogspot.com/
----> The Real Truth http://destiny-worldwide.blogspot.com/
----> Costa Rica News http://costa-rica-news.blogspot.com/
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Version: 6.0.734 / Virus Database: 488 - Release Date: 8/4/2004
Monday, August 09, 2004
This is an emergency open letter to the AALPI, and a posting to all Destiny Worldwide Net Newsgroups and blogs, the IRCCR yahoo group, and the AALPI. This Church and its related organization has come under attack by Satan, in a most vicious and hateful way. This is the FIRST such alert we have EVER published, and we ask for members and friends to pray earnestly in this matter, that God will stay the hand of Satan, and rebuke him, throwing him back into the pit where he belongs. We further appeal to members and friends, that they contact whatever legal help they can in their own community, and give a generous donation to keep this organization going in this time of distressing need. We will prevail. God is not mocked! We are sending this to ALL of our outlets, in case Satan temporarily succeeds in his vile campaign to silence our communications.
To Whom It May Concern:
I have been a church pastor for over 12 years now, and a man of God all my life. As you can understand, in my profession, I seek to help people, not to hurt them.
However, this organization has recently come under attack by a PI from the State of Arizona, a James B. Peck. We are appealing to your Association to intervene in this situation before it becomes a public embarrassment to the entire Private Investigations profession in the State of Arizona.
But, before we get into what he has done, and how he has attacked us, perhaps you would like to know about James B. Peck’s interesting activities in Costa Rica. I believe this will cast this matter into a light that Mr. Peck would rather not discuss. However, since he has attacked us, we have no choice but to set the record straight as to who is behind the vicious, untrue, and Satanic accusations he has made against us.
Here is some background you may not be aware of concerning this PI.
This information comes from published sources at http://www.amcostarica.com
Once there, you just need to enter the name James Peck, and three results will pop up from your search. If you prefer not to do the search, or the articles have been taken down for some reason, we have archived them and can email them to you as file attachments should that be more convenient for you.
I think you will find these stories to be of interest:
1. Some time ago, James Peck worked for a company in Costa Rica called The Vault. He was a salesman for their high interest investment scheme, which later turned out to be a gigantic scam. Roy Taylor, the owner of the Vault, shot himself rather than face the police when they raided his office. One of our members was told a few years back by his attorney that Roy Taylor had “mafia connections,” and warned him to stay away from him or his business. So, the question is, what was a licensed PI doing working for an alleged gangster and / or con artist, earning money from selling the scams for a commission?
2. It is curious that the announcement of Peck’s Operation Recovery Task Force appears in the same issue of this online newspaper that covers the growing scandal at the Vault. Did he switch right from being a salesman for the Vault to his new venture “helping” Brothers Investors?
3. It is further stated in the press that Mr. Peck also had an investment with another high yield loan outfit called The Brothers. We wonder whether Mr. Peck has reported his earnings in either venture to the IRS? We are reporting this matter to the IRS’s office of criminal investigations, as well as the following piece of information:
4. Concerning the office Mr. Peck opened up in Costa Rica some time ago, to “help” investors recover their funds. The Sept. 11, 2003, edition of AMCOSTARICA.com, had this to say about it:
Others, number unknown, have contracted with Jim Peck, a former investigator from Arizona and commission salesman for The Vault. Peck, a Villalobos creditor himself, said June 12 that he had set up an "Operation Recovery Task Force" to find Luis Enrique Villalobos and force him to pay back money owed to those who join the task force. He predicted quick success, but nothing has been heard from him since and he has not responded to e-mail messages.
I find this very curious. What happened to the money he collected from those who signed up with his “Recovery Task Force?”
The June 13 AMCOSTARICA of the same year says that he was charging an up front fee of 5% of the face value of investor’s investments in The Brothers to help them “recover” their losses, but, by Sept. 11 of the same year, according to the account above, he had closed up shop and left Costa Rica. Did he pay these advance fees back? Can he prove it? Did he pay taxes on it if he didn’t give it back?
This is of interest, because the AVERAGE investment with The Brothers is reported to have been $100,000.00 – with some having invested SUBSTANTIALLY MORE! So there is simply no way to tell how many tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars Peck took in with this operation before he closed up shop and left town.
So, far from having the moral high ground here, James B. Peck, PI, has a lot of suspicious things in HIS background, and I am sure the IRS, the Arizona Department of Safety, and other agencies would be interested in hearing of Peck’s offshore adventures with alleged gangsters, etc.! I am sure your association would not want this mess to explode into the headlines of your local newspapers soon, but that is EXACTLY what will happen unless he immediately ceases from his persecution of this Church!
Dealing with issues involving carnal and unsightly behavior, gangsters, theft, revenge, back stabbing, slander, libel, witch hunts, etc., are not things that I care to deal with at any time. However, when I find my church and its work under attack, I have no choice but to speak out, especially when such attacks are mean spirited, malicious, slanderous, and libelous. The Bible teaches us that these are the works of Satan, not of God.
I founded the Restoration Church of God, and its outreach ministry, Destiny Worldwide Associates, back in 1992, to show a ray of light in an evil, Satanic, and hate filled world.
Jesus Christ taught us that we should live in peace with every man, holding malice towards none, and charity towards all. We are also instructed to turn the other cheek when attacked, but we believe that this does not mean we are to be a doormat for Satan to wipe his feet on our backs.
Therefore, it pained me very greatly to learn upon entering my office this morning that a vitriolic, mean spirited, Satan inspired attack had been unjustly launched against our organization and website by a man by the name of James B. Peck, who claims to be a licensed PI in your state of Arizona, giving his license number as “Licensed with Arizona Dept. of Public Safety, 00378135,” at the end of one of his viscous and spiteful hate emails. We have no way of knowing if this information is true or false, but we are requesting that you follow through on this matter, verify the license data, and see what you can do in this matter with the State of Arizona, as I am sure that your profession would rather clean its own house than have dirty laundry aired in public.
Just relating this matter brings me a great deal of pain and suffering, and has caused me immense emotional distress. I am very distraught that Satan has inspired this misguided man to launch such an attack upon our organization on the flimsiest of pretexts.
I have been praying for him on an hourly basis since learning of this fiasco, and had hoped that the Lord would lay it on his heart to cease and desist in his foaming rage and evil diatribes. But, sadly, this has been to no avail.
I do not wish to make this letter over long, as I am sure that you are quite busy and would quickly become bored with the horrid, lurid, twisted details, so I will summarize this for you briefly. If you have any further questions, or need further information from me in the investigation that I am sure you will wish to conduct, then I would be happy to answer whatever questions you might have pertaining to this matter at the email address this email is being sent from, which is our Church email address rather than one of the general office addresses.
After all, I know that most of the members of your organization are hard working, honest, professional men and women who would never dream of launching vicious and unfounded attacks on innocent Christian people, and I am sure that you would not want this matter to go into the news media or the general internet community, to tarnish the image of your hard working, decent, honest, members. I think that the fact that James Peck has chosen not to join your organization is a red flag already that something is not right with this man, and I ask that you do something about this matter immediately to stop this nonsense, or we will be forced to issue news releases, press kits, etc. to worldwide media which could do damage to the image of your entire profession.
We will, if necessary, insure that the public integrity and reputation of this organization is not tarnished by an individual seeking Satanic revenge for who knows what purpose. Please do not confuse our Christian character with being a doormat, nor allowing such outrages to continue.
This whole stupid thing started on a yahoo newsgroup, called IRCCR. It is my understanding that one of our email addresses is subscribed to this group, and since much of his character assassination and slander has taken place there, I have no choice but to CC that group.
Anyway, someone using that address at the time allegedly made a remark that James Peck was a “fraud and an arrogant SOB,” from what I have been able to gather. We still do not know, and may never know, if that post originated in our office or not, but, one of our volunteer staff on duty over the weekend, on God’s Sabbath, no less, encountered a sudden vitriolic attack from Mr. Peck against Destiny Worldwide, asking for “an immediate retraction of this slanderous, libelous spam.”
Apparently, this man has no respect for Jewish, Jewish Christian or regular Christian days of rest, as he continued his diatribes and threats all weekend. One wonders if he harbors anti Semitic or anti Christian views. It would not surprise me to learn that he does, but that is a matter between him and God.
To set the record straight, whether or not the statement in question was indeed slanderous or libelous would be for a court of law to decide, and, considering the sickening nature of this newsgroup, and the gratuitous insults found there, such a statement is indeed in character with the tone of that group.
I am shocked, therefore, to discover that one of our email accounts is even subscribed to a group so filled with hate, slander, and libel on a daily basis. And it most certainly was not spam, as Mr. Peck claims, because he subscribed to said group, and should have understood the low tone and nature of the posters there, and, if he did not accept that situation of opening himself up to public criticism, he should have unsubscribed himself from that group immediately, rather than continue to subject himself to unwanted criticism. So his ridiculous claim that he was “slandered by spam” reveals itself for what it is: totally false, misleading, malicious, and vituperative in the extreme.
You can be sure that as soon as this matter is resolved, I have given instructions to unsubscribe any and all of our organizational email addresses from this revolting group, but, unfortunately, we need to monitor and reply in this forum as needed.
It has been reported to me by the staff member on duty over the weekend that they issued statements in keeping with our general guidelines, and have disavowed all knowledge of said incident, and promised to get to the bottom of this. But this was not enough for Mr. Peck, who insisted that we admit that said email came from this organization, or someone within it, and that we admit that, and publicly apologize.
As you can well understand, this organization most certainly will not admit to having issued any posting unless we can prove that it did indeed originate in one of our offices, pending a complete investigation into the matter, starting today, Monday. Further, the staff member theorized that perhaps a hacker had hacked into the web based account in question, and posted this message to that group. This was simply a guess made by this staffer, and the matter remains under investigation here.
The staffer then issued a formal apology to Mr. Peck, but that was not good enough for him. Instead of waiting on the beginning of the work week for us to study this matter and get back to him as promised, he took it upon himself to start a vituperative war of aggression against us, sending hateful, slanderous accusations to Yahoo, our ISP, our administrative contact, and the entire world through this despicable IRCCR yahoo group.
The Bible teaches us that to rush to judgment is unwise, and a way of fools. It further states that “he who answers a matter before he hears the facts is a fool.” Unfortunately, we are dealing here with a rash, judgmental, angry, hate filled, and spiteful man who violates all of the principles of balance and prudence taught throughout the pages of the Bible.
Just to give you an understanding of the character of this individual, let me quote some brief excerpts from his recent emails, as well as some things published in the press about him. I am sure you will find this interesting.
> If I don't get an appology from you or whoever is
> responsible within 48 hours, I will be having your
> ISP investigate this matter and my legal team will
> be getting a court order to seize all your
> computers, examine your ISP's server and records,
> scan all hard
> drives, evaluate the evidence and take appropriate
> civil action,
> providing you have any assets. I will also
> seek Attorney fees.
To which our staffer answered with an apology and a promise to look into the matter further come Monday morning, when our offices opened.
He stated this to us:
As you are aware, your ISP has a zero tolerance for
spam and would
Note, the issue of spam in this instance is debatable, to say the least, to any rational mind.
probably shut your website down with the
physical evidence that I will be providing.
You could also loose all Yahoo privilages.
If the evidence supports legal liability, I will
also log your name,
Corporations, email address/s and domain
address/s on a worldwide spam registry. Your organization will be linked
to spam and no ISP will touch you in the future.
So, our volunteer did issue the demanded apology, but the attacks continue unabated, not waiting for the results of our own investigation into this matter.
Instead, he has done us much further damage today.
Peck is not a patient man, but rather very imprudent and prone to rush to judgment, not to mention extremely arrogant, as he himself admits.
The person responsible for the spam message in> question has not> begun to see arrogance!>> Jim Peck, P.I.> James B. Peck & Associates> Scottsdale, AZ 85254> >
I am sure this is not the image of the professional PI that you would like to present to the world!
But today, not wishing to wait on my reply as promised, he got even more ridiculous and defamatory:
At this time, I wish to issue an ecommerce
warning with regard to the Destiny-Worldwide.net web site.
In my opinion they have violated numerous FTC laws and
I am currently checking Costa Rican laws.
Those are ridiculous fabrications, and the ecommerce warning is also ridiculous, as we offer almost nothing for sale at our site, although we do gratefully take donations and attempt to help people in their daily lives! I don’t have the faintest idea what “FTC LAWS AND REGULATIONS” could apply to a CHURCH anyway, as we are a religious organization, which Mr. Peck COULD have discovered upon a further examination of the Restoration Website, which takes up the majority of the disk space on the domain.
We are taking Mr. Peck’s “warning” very seriously, and the question to you is, do you REALLY want such a person of this caliber representing the PI’s of Arizona to the world? Well, he IS, sad to say, unless you can help rectify this situation even though he is not a member.
But his vicious attacks and spurious accusations didn’t stop there. Further down in his most recent email of today, he writes:
When I wrote to the registrant of the domain and
asked a few questions, he continued to send spam
What a ridiculous and untrue statement, and he knows it! Our address is subscribed to the list in question and so is his. Therefore, he has GIVEN HIS PERMISSION TO RECEIVE ANY EMAIL SENT TO THIS GROUP, AND HE KNOWS IT! If he doesn’t like the messages he receives from the list, he can unsubscribe himself, as we plan to do the moment these attacks on us stop and he issues an apology to EVERYONE he has contacted in this matter.
Also, since when are our representative’s explanations spam? In what warped, perverted, sick, mind can they be construed so?
Only Satan can be responsible for such horrendous and downright evil behavior.
in the forum. He never listed his name in the
message. This is very suspious to me.
Really, since when is not revealing one’s name and preserving one’s privacy “suspicious?” Especially when the “requests” are barked out as orders by some master to a slave. We will NOT tolerate your tone and attitude any further, Mr. Peck. How DARE you make such ridiculous and outrageous claims and insinuations? You should be glad that we have commissioned this matter to GOD, Mr. Peck, and are praying for your enlightenment, and that you will see the light of truth, love, joy, peace, and brotherhood, and will stop breathing forthe hate, envy, Satanic anger and spite!
OF COURSE the old lady who volunteered to answer our email over the weekend refused to give her name to a loud mouthed Satan inspired man breathing threats against her and her Church! As a pastor, I cannot call you what you should be called. All I can say is “Get thee behind me Satan!”
And I have given instructions to EVERYONE HERE not to give out their names to you, nor to anyone you are working with, as a precaution against who knows what further abuse you might subject them to personally!
In view of the foregoing, I am focusing my
investigation toward the domain, the registrant and the ISP.
You are hereby demanded to cease all of your perverted postings, slander, and mud slinging immediately!
I am sorry, but I had to take a few moments to address myself to Mr. Peck, as he will be reading this message, in order to give him one last chance at repentance before we take this issue to its next level, which will be the worldwide media, the preparation of press kits, etc., etc..
As I said, this is weighing heavily upon my soul, and we need to have closure of this immediately, or we will next be contacting all media.
We appeal to you to mediate in this sordid affair, and to also report the suspicious activities and egregious behavior of James Peck to the appropriate regulatory authorities in your state, before reporters show up at both of your offices demanding answers in this matter.
We pray that God will give you enlightenment, grace, and wisdom in this serious matter that neither one of us enjoys.
As stated, it is our Church policy not to publicize names, so I simply sign this as:
Pastor General, Restoration Church of God
cc: IRCCR, all Destiny Worldwide Newsgroups and Blogs, AALPI
To Whom It May Concern:
I have been a church pastor for over 12 years now, and a man of God all my life. As you can understand, in my profession, I seek to help people, not to hurt them.
However, this organization has recently come under attack by a PI from the State of Arizona, a James B. Peck. We are appealing to your Association to intervene in this situation before it becomes a public embarrassment to the entire Private Investigations profession in the State of Arizona.
But, before we get into what he has done, and how he has attacked us, perhaps you would like to know about James B. Peck’s interesting activities in Costa Rica. I believe this will cast this matter into a light that Mr. Peck would rather not discuss. However, since he has attacked us, we have no choice but to set the record straight as to who is behind the vicious, untrue, and Satanic accusations he has made against us.
Here is some background you may not be aware of concerning this PI.
This information comes from published sources at http://www.amcostarica.com
Once there, you just need to enter the name James Peck, and three results will pop up from your search. If you prefer not to do the search, or the articles have been taken down for some reason, we have archived them and can email them to you as file attachments should that be more convenient for you.
I think you will find these stories to be of interest:
1. Some time ago, James Peck worked for a company in Costa Rica called The Vault. He was a salesman for their high interest investment scheme, which later turned out to be a gigantic scam. Roy Taylor, the owner of the Vault, shot himself rather than face the police when they raided his office. One of our members was told a few years back by his attorney that Roy Taylor had “mafia connections,” and warned him to stay away from him or his business. So, the question is, what was a licensed PI doing working for an alleged gangster and / or con artist, earning money from selling the scams for a commission?
2. It is curious that the announcement of Peck’s Operation Recovery Task Force appears in the same issue of this online newspaper that covers the growing scandal at the Vault. Did he switch right from being a salesman for the Vault to his new venture “helping” Brothers Investors?
3. It is further stated in the press that Mr. Peck also had an investment with another high yield loan outfit called The Brothers. We wonder whether Mr. Peck has reported his earnings in either venture to the IRS? We are reporting this matter to the IRS’s office of criminal investigations, as well as the following piece of information:
4. Concerning the office Mr. Peck opened up in Costa Rica some time ago, to “help” investors recover their funds. The Sept. 11, 2003, edition of AMCOSTARICA.com, had this to say about it:
Others, number unknown, have contracted with Jim Peck, a former investigator from Arizona and commission salesman for The Vault. Peck, a Villalobos creditor himself, said June 12 that he had set up an "Operation Recovery Task Force" to find Luis Enrique Villalobos and force him to pay back money owed to those who join the task force. He predicted quick success, but nothing has been heard from him since and he has not responded to e-mail messages.
I find this very curious. What happened to the money he collected from those who signed up with his “Recovery Task Force?”
The June 13 AMCOSTARICA of the same year says that he was charging an up front fee of 5% of the face value of investor’s investments in The Brothers to help them “recover” their losses, but, by Sept. 11 of the same year, according to the account above, he had closed up shop and left Costa Rica. Did he pay these advance fees back? Can he prove it? Did he pay taxes on it if he didn’t give it back?
This is of interest, because the AVERAGE investment with The Brothers is reported to have been $100,000.00 – with some having invested SUBSTANTIALLY MORE! So there is simply no way to tell how many tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars Peck took in with this operation before he closed up shop and left town.
So, far from having the moral high ground here, James B. Peck, PI, has a lot of suspicious things in HIS background, and I am sure the IRS, the Arizona Department of Safety, and other agencies would be interested in hearing of Peck’s offshore adventures with alleged gangsters, etc.! I am sure your association would not want this mess to explode into the headlines of your local newspapers soon, but that is EXACTLY what will happen unless he immediately ceases from his persecution of this Church!
Dealing with issues involving carnal and unsightly behavior, gangsters, theft, revenge, back stabbing, slander, libel, witch hunts, etc., are not things that I care to deal with at any time. However, when I find my church and its work under attack, I have no choice but to speak out, especially when such attacks are mean spirited, malicious, slanderous, and libelous. The Bible teaches us that these are the works of Satan, not of God.
I founded the Restoration Church of God, and its outreach ministry, Destiny Worldwide Associates, back in 1992, to show a ray of light in an evil, Satanic, and hate filled world.
Jesus Christ taught us that we should live in peace with every man, holding malice towards none, and charity towards all. We are also instructed to turn the other cheek when attacked, but we believe that this does not mean we are to be a doormat for Satan to wipe his feet on our backs.
Therefore, it pained me very greatly to learn upon entering my office this morning that a vitriolic, mean spirited, Satan inspired attack had been unjustly launched against our organization and website by a man by the name of James B. Peck, who claims to be a licensed PI in your state of Arizona, giving his license number as “Licensed with Arizona Dept. of Public Safety, 00378135,” at the end of one of his viscous and spiteful hate emails. We have no way of knowing if this information is true or false, but we are requesting that you follow through on this matter, verify the license data, and see what you can do in this matter with the State of Arizona, as I am sure that your profession would rather clean its own house than have dirty laundry aired in public.
Just relating this matter brings me a great deal of pain and suffering, and has caused me immense emotional distress. I am very distraught that Satan has inspired this misguided man to launch such an attack upon our organization on the flimsiest of pretexts.
I have been praying for him on an hourly basis since learning of this fiasco, and had hoped that the Lord would lay it on his heart to cease and desist in his foaming rage and evil diatribes. But, sadly, this has been to no avail.
I do not wish to make this letter over long, as I am sure that you are quite busy and would quickly become bored with the horrid, lurid, twisted details, so I will summarize this for you briefly. If you have any further questions, or need further information from me in the investigation that I am sure you will wish to conduct, then I would be happy to answer whatever questions you might have pertaining to this matter at the email address this email is being sent from, which is our Church email address rather than one of the general office addresses.
After all, I know that most of the members of your organization are hard working, honest, professional men and women who would never dream of launching vicious and unfounded attacks on innocent Christian people, and I am sure that you would not want this matter to go into the news media or the general internet community, to tarnish the image of your hard working, decent, honest, members. I think that the fact that James Peck has chosen not to join your organization is a red flag already that something is not right with this man, and I ask that you do something about this matter immediately to stop this nonsense, or we will be forced to issue news releases, press kits, etc. to worldwide media which could do damage to the image of your entire profession.
We will, if necessary, insure that the public integrity and reputation of this organization is not tarnished by an individual seeking Satanic revenge for who knows what purpose. Please do not confuse our Christian character with being a doormat, nor allowing such outrages to continue.
This whole stupid thing started on a yahoo newsgroup, called IRCCR. It is my understanding that one of our email addresses is subscribed to this group, and since much of his character assassination and slander has taken place there, I have no choice but to CC that group.
Anyway, someone using that address at the time allegedly made a remark that James Peck was a “fraud and an arrogant SOB,” from what I have been able to gather. We still do not know, and may never know, if that post originated in our office or not, but, one of our volunteer staff on duty over the weekend, on God’s Sabbath, no less, encountered a sudden vitriolic attack from Mr. Peck against Destiny Worldwide, asking for “an immediate retraction of this slanderous, libelous spam.”
Apparently, this man has no respect for Jewish, Jewish Christian or regular Christian days of rest, as he continued his diatribes and threats all weekend. One wonders if he harbors anti Semitic or anti Christian views. It would not surprise me to learn that he does, but that is a matter between him and God.
To set the record straight, whether or not the statement in question was indeed slanderous or libelous would be for a court of law to decide, and, considering the sickening nature of this newsgroup, and the gratuitous insults found there, such a statement is indeed in character with the tone of that group.
I am shocked, therefore, to discover that one of our email accounts is even subscribed to a group so filled with hate, slander, and libel on a daily basis. And it most certainly was not spam, as Mr. Peck claims, because he subscribed to said group, and should have understood the low tone and nature of the posters there, and, if he did not accept that situation of opening himself up to public criticism, he should have unsubscribed himself from that group immediately, rather than continue to subject himself to unwanted criticism. So his ridiculous claim that he was “slandered by spam” reveals itself for what it is: totally false, misleading, malicious, and vituperative in the extreme.
You can be sure that as soon as this matter is resolved, I have given instructions to unsubscribe any and all of our organizational email addresses from this revolting group, but, unfortunately, we need to monitor and reply in this forum as needed.
It has been reported to me by the staff member on duty over the weekend that they issued statements in keeping with our general guidelines, and have disavowed all knowledge of said incident, and promised to get to the bottom of this. But this was not enough for Mr. Peck, who insisted that we admit that said email came from this organization, or someone within it, and that we admit that, and publicly apologize.
As you can well understand, this organization most certainly will not admit to having issued any posting unless we can prove that it did indeed originate in one of our offices, pending a complete investigation into the matter, starting today, Monday. Further, the staff member theorized that perhaps a hacker had hacked into the web based account in question, and posted this message to that group. This was simply a guess made by this staffer, and the matter remains under investigation here.
The staffer then issued a formal apology to Mr. Peck, but that was not good enough for him. Instead of waiting on the beginning of the work week for us to study this matter and get back to him as promised, he took it upon himself to start a vituperative war of aggression against us, sending hateful, slanderous accusations to Yahoo, our ISP, our administrative contact, and the entire world through this despicable IRCCR yahoo group.
The Bible teaches us that to rush to judgment is unwise, and a way of fools. It further states that “he who answers a matter before he hears the facts is a fool.” Unfortunately, we are dealing here with a rash, judgmental, angry, hate filled, and spiteful man who violates all of the principles of balance and prudence taught throughout the pages of the Bible.
Just to give you an understanding of the character of this individual, let me quote some brief excerpts from his recent emails, as well as some things published in the press about him. I am sure you will find this interesting.
> If I don't get an appology from you or whoever is
> responsible within 48 hours, I will be having your
> ISP investigate this matter and my legal team will
> be getting a court order to seize all your
> computers, examine your ISP's server and records,
> scan all hard
> drives, evaluate the evidence and take appropriate
> civil action,
> providing you have any assets. I will also
> seek Attorney fees.
To which our staffer answered with an apology and a promise to look into the matter further come Monday morning, when our offices opened.
He stated this to us:
As you are aware, your ISP has a zero tolerance for
spam and would
Note, the issue of spam in this instance is debatable, to say the least, to any rational mind.
probably shut your website down with the
physical evidence that I will be providing.
You could also loose all Yahoo privilages.
If the evidence supports legal liability, I will
also log your name,
Corporations, email address/s and domain
address/s on a worldwide spam registry. Your organization will be linked
to spam and no ISP will touch you in the future.
So, our volunteer did issue the demanded apology, but the attacks continue unabated, not waiting for the results of our own investigation into this matter.
Instead, he has done us much further damage today.
Peck is not a patient man, but rather very imprudent and prone to rush to judgment, not to mention extremely arrogant, as he himself admits.
The person responsible for the spam message in> question has not> begun to see arrogance!>> Jim Peck, P.I.> James B. Peck & Associates> Scottsdale, AZ 85254> >
I am sure this is not the image of the professional PI that you would like to present to the world!
But today, not wishing to wait on my reply as promised, he got even more ridiculous and defamatory:
At this time, I wish to issue an ecommerce
warning with regard to the Destiny-Worldwide.net web site.
In my opinion they have violated numerous FTC laws and
I am currently checking Costa Rican laws.
Those are ridiculous fabrications, and the ecommerce warning is also ridiculous, as we offer almost nothing for sale at our site, although we do gratefully take donations and attempt to help people in their daily lives! I don’t have the faintest idea what “FTC LAWS AND REGULATIONS” could apply to a CHURCH anyway, as we are a religious organization, which Mr. Peck COULD have discovered upon a further examination of the Restoration Website, which takes up the majority of the disk space on the domain.
We are taking Mr. Peck’s “warning” very seriously, and the question to you is, do you REALLY want such a person of this caliber representing the PI’s of Arizona to the world? Well, he IS, sad to say, unless you can help rectify this situation even though he is not a member.
But his vicious attacks and spurious accusations didn’t stop there. Further down in his most recent email of today, he writes:
When I wrote to the registrant of the domain and
asked a few questions, he continued to send spam
What a ridiculous and untrue statement, and he knows it! Our address is subscribed to the list in question and so is his. Therefore, he has GIVEN HIS PERMISSION TO RECEIVE ANY EMAIL SENT TO THIS GROUP, AND HE KNOWS IT! If he doesn’t like the messages he receives from the list, he can unsubscribe himself, as we plan to do the moment these attacks on us stop and he issues an apology to EVERYONE he has contacted in this matter.
Also, since when are our representative’s explanations spam? In what warped, perverted, sick, mind can they be construed so?
Only Satan can be responsible for such horrendous and downright evil behavior.
in the forum. He never listed his name in the
message. This is very suspious to me.
Really, since when is not revealing one’s name and preserving one’s privacy “suspicious?” Especially when the “requests” are barked out as orders by some master to a slave. We will NOT tolerate your tone and attitude any further, Mr. Peck. How DARE you make such ridiculous and outrageous claims and insinuations? You should be glad that we have commissioned this matter to GOD, Mr. Peck, and are praying for your enlightenment, and that you will see the light of truth, love, joy, peace, and brotherhood, and will stop breathing forthe hate, envy, Satanic anger and spite!
OF COURSE the old lady who volunteered to answer our email over the weekend refused to give her name to a loud mouthed Satan inspired man breathing threats against her and her Church! As a pastor, I cannot call you what you should be called. All I can say is “Get thee behind me Satan!”
And I have given instructions to EVERYONE HERE not to give out their names to you, nor to anyone you are working with, as a precaution against who knows what further abuse you might subject them to personally!
In view of the foregoing, I am focusing my
investigation toward the domain, the registrant and the ISP.
You are hereby demanded to cease all of your perverted postings, slander, and mud slinging immediately!
I am sorry, but I had to take a few moments to address myself to Mr. Peck, as he will be reading this message, in order to give him one last chance at repentance before we take this issue to its next level, which will be the worldwide media, the preparation of press kits, etc., etc..
As I said, this is weighing heavily upon my soul, and we need to have closure of this immediately, or we will next be contacting all media.
We appeal to you to mediate in this sordid affair, and to also report the suspicious activities and egregious behavior of James Peck to the appropriate regulatory authorities in your state, before reporters show up at both of your offices demanding answers in this matter.
We pray that God will give you enlightenment, grace, and wisdom in this serious matter that neither one of us enjoys.
As stated, it is our Church policy not to publicize names, so I simply sign this as:
Pastor General, Restoration Church of God
cc: IRCCR, all Destiny Worldwide Newsgroups and Blogs, AALPI
Monday, August 02, 2004
Hello all!
Apparantly, the present excreble Costa Rican
government doesn't like some of the news and
commentary we have recently posted.
Apparantly, they don't like their buddies at the
to be exposed for what they are.
They apparantly don't like the fact that this
network, almost alone in the world, provides the
truth about what is going on, not only in Costa
but also in the world.
We tell the TRUTH about the idiotic war in Iraq,
which this limp wristed government signed up to and
supported, at least until the people of Costa Rica
stood up and let themselves be counted.
Apparantly they don't like the exposure of the
Rican government's grab for gringo dollars,
in their largest attempted theft, associated
with the
Villobos Brothers fiasco, was never consumated
because Enrique WAS conducting an honest
business and
our money WAS working for us, and was not idling
in some bank account locally where the government
could just grab it by using their new powers
to them in the new drug and anti money laundering
laws, which gives them the power of asset
This is like giving candy to a baby, or drugs to a
drug addict or vodka to a drunk. They couldn't
handle it, and neither can they. They couldn't
but abuse it, and so have they. They have
proven, in
the first case, right out of the stall, that
they are
patterned after their evil puppet masters in
Washington D.C., and when Washington says jump,
are ready to ask "how high."
What a horrible shame and affrotnt this so called
"anti corruption" administration is,
with more
scandals unleashing themselves each week than some
administrations had during their entire
One wonders just whose payroll these people are
We know for a fact that almost one entire
is on the payroll of the US puppet regime in
So, if you want to view destiny-worldwide.net, and
you live in Costa Rica, you will have to do it
through what is called a "proxy server."
This server will allow you to bypass the Costa
government's imbicilic blockage on our domain, so
that you can view our website, and others they
rather you did not see.
To learn about this, go to this url BEFORE THEY
IT TOO, and save the information to your local
computer. If you find this site blocked, go to
google and enter the words "anonymous
proxy" or some
such language and it should give you such a large
number that these goons can't block them all.
So, tell this present regime, which attempts to
up criticism and dissent, to go straight to hell,
learn how to hook up a proxy server, and give BB
---->Gaming solutions, and Ecurrency systems and
usages !
----- New Investment Opportunities ------
----> Encryption Services, Relocation Services to
----> Costa Rica, and Elsewhere Privacy/Offshore
----> Send email to: porongo@safe-mail.net for
---- ---- ----
----> Become the Success You Deserve in Life!
----> Visit Destiny Central
Discover the mystery of Costa Rica!
----> http://www.destiny-worldwide.net/costa-rica/
Visit our New Blogs!
SuccessQuest http://successquest.blogspot.com/
----> The Real Truth
----> Costa Rica News
Please be sure to visit
Apparantly, the present excreble Costa Rican
government doesn't like some of the news and
commentary we have recently posted.
Apparantly, they don't like their buddies at the
to be exposed for what they are.
They apparantly don't like the fact that this
network, almost alone in the world, provides the
truth about what is going on, not only in Costa
but also in the world.
We tell the TRUTH about the idiotic war in Iraq,
which this limp wristed government signed up to and
supported, at least until the people of Costa Rica
stood up and let themselves be counted.
Apparantly they don't like the exposure of the
Rican government's grab for gringo dollars,
in their largest attempted theft, associated
with the
Villobos Brothers fiasco, was never consumated
because Enrique WAS conducting an honest
business and
our money WAS working for us, and was not idling
in some bank account locally where the government
could just grab it by using their new powers
to them in the new drug and anti money laundering
laws, which gives them the power of asset
This is like giving candy to a baby, or drugs to a
drug addict or vodka to a drunk. They couldn't
handle it, and neither can they. They couldn't
but abuse it, and so have they. They have
proven, in
the first case, right out of the stall, that
they are
patterned after their evil puppet masters in
Washington D.C., and when Washington says jump,
are ready to ask "how high."
What a horrible shame and affrotnt this so called
"anti corruption" administration is,
with more
scandals unleashing themselves each week than some
administrations had during their entire
One wonders just whose payroll these people are
We know for a fact that almost one entire
is on the payroll of the US puppet regime in
So, if you want to view destiny-worldwide.net, and
you live in Costa Rica, you will have to do it
through what is called a "proxy server."
This server will allow you to bypass the Costa
government's imbicilic blockage on our domain, so
that you can view our website, and others they
rather you did not see.
To learn about this, go to this url BEFORE THEY
IT TOO, and save the information to your local
computer. If you find this site blocked, go to
google and enter the words "anonymous
proxy" or some
such language and it should give you such a large
number that these goons can't block them all.
So, tell this present regime, which attempts to
up criticism and dissent, to go straight to hell,
learn how to hook up a proxy server, and give BB
---->Gaming solutions, and Ecurrency systems and
usages !
----- New Investment Opportunities ------
----> Encryption Services, Relocation Services to
----> Costa Rica, and Elsewhere Privacy/Offshore
----> Send email to: porongo@safe-mail.net for
---- ---- ----
----> Become the Success You Deserve in Life!
----> Visit Destiny Central
Discover the mystery of Costa Rica!
----> http://www.destiny-worldwide.net/costa-rica/
Visit our New Blogs!
SuccessQuest http://successquest.blogspot.com/
----> The Real Truth
----> Costa Rica News
Please be sure to visit
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