Friday, April 23, 2004

Positive living in Costa Rica! Enjoy the beauty of Costa Rica in a positive living environment. Clean rooms, healthy breakfast and lunch, laundry and maid service, weekly events and meditations – it’s all waiting for you! Walking distance to UCR, restaurants, stores. We have it all! Email: for details.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

"(Leftists) love to say things like, 'We're
just asking
everyone to pay their fair share.' But government
is not
about asking. It is about telling. The difference
fundamental. It is the difference between making
love and
being raped, between working for a living and being
a slave."   -- Thomas Sowell

"Today, wanting someone else's money is called
wanting to keep your own money is called 'greed,'
'compassion' is when politicians arrange the
  -- Joseph Sobran

"Government is not beneficence, it is force.
And like fire,
it is a dangerous servant and a fearful
  -- George Washington

  - - - - - - -

1. "Suppose you were an idiot.  And
suppose you were a member of Congress.  But I
repeat myself."  --Mark Twain

2.  "We contend that for a nation to try
to tax itself into prosperity is like a man
standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up
by the handle."  --Winston Churchill

3.  "A government which robs Peter to pay
Paul can always depend on the support of
Paul."  --George Bernard Shaw

4.  "A liberal is someone who feels a
great debt to his fellow man, which debt he
proposes to pay off with your money."  --
G. Gordon Liddy

5.  "Democracy must be something more
than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have
for dinner." --James Bovard, Civil Libertarian

6.  "Foreign aid might be defined as a
transfer from poor people in rich countries to rich
people in poor countries." --Douglas Casey,
Classmate of W. J. Clinton at Georgetown U. 

7.  "Giving money and power to government
is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage
boys."  --P.J.  O'Rourke, Civil

8.  "Government is the great fiction,
through which everybody endeavors to live at the
expense of everybody else." --Frederic
Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)

9.  "Government's view of the economy
could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it
moves, tax it.  If it keeps moving, regulate
it. And if it stops moving, subsidize
it."  -- Ronald Reagan (1986)

10.  I don't make jokes.  I just watch
the government and report the facts." --Will

11.  If you think health care is expensive
now, wait until you see what it costs when it's
free."  --P.J.  O'Rourke

12. If you want government to intervene
domestically, you're a liberal. If you want
government to intervene overseas, you're a
conservative. If you want government to intervene
everywhere, you're a moderate. If you don't want
government to intervene anywhere, you're an
extremist."    --Joseph Sobran, one
time Editor of the National Review (1995)

13.  In general, the art of government
consists in taking as much money as possible from
one party of the citizens to give to the other.
   --Voltaire (1764)

14.  "Just because you do not take an
interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't
take an interest in you."  --Pericles
(430 B.C.)

15.  "No man's life, liberty, or property
are safe while the legislature is in
session."  --Mark Twain (1866)

16.  "Talk is cheap-except when Congress
does it."  --(Unknown)

17.  "The government is like a baby's
alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end
and no responsibility at the other." --Ronald

18.  "The inherent vice of capitalism is
the unequal sharing of the blessings.  The
inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing
of misery."  --Winston Churchill

19.  "The only difference between a tax
man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist
leaves the skin."  --Mark Twain

20.  "The ultimate result of shielding
men from the effects of folly is to fill the world
with fools." -- Herbert Spencer, English
Philosopher (1820-1903)

21.  "There is no distinctly native
American criminal class, save Congress."
--Mark Twain

22.  "What this country needs are more
unemployed politicians."    --
Edward Langley, Artist 1928-1995

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Monday, April 19, 2004

Events like this are one of the reasons the rest of the world hates the US, and for very good reasons.

This article below would be shocking, if it didn't simply reveal an attitude of "more of the same."

Frankly the world is very tired of this, and will no longer tolerate it for long.

This fits in nicely with Noam Chomsky's speech, highlighted in segment 2 of this week's Real Truth webcast block. Chomsky goes into excrutiating deail on this subject.

You may listen to the webcast at:

The webcast is due to change sometime Thursday, so you need to go there in the next few days to hear this important message.

Article below:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [narconews] Gómez: Coup d'Etat Plot, Exposed, Shakes Bolivia
From: "Alberto M. Giordano"
Date: Mon, April 19, 2004 9:23 am

April 19, 2004
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleague,

Another year (Narco News now enters its fifth), and
with it, another coup attempt?

Luis Gómez reports from La Paz, Bolivia, that late
last month a coup d'etat plot, backed by the U.S.
Embassy and the border movements of 21,000 Chilean
Army troops, was launched to remove the government
of President Carlos Mesa, and then aborted when
patriotic officials in the Bolivian Armed Forces
caught wind of it and took action to stop it.

But, according to a confidential report obtained by
Narco News, there are three scenarios being sought
by opponents of democracy to topple the
constitutional government of Bolivia (which has
not, in recent weeks, pleased the U.S. Embassy
because it has attempted to dialogue with coca
growers instead of abiding the US-imposed policy of
total warfare against the country's own people).

Most surprising to many observers is the apparent
willingness of the government of neighboring
Chile, despite its own dark history with military
coup d'etat, to participate in this effort to
destabilize democracy in its neighboring country.

Gómez reports:

"What began here in Bolivia in October 2003 has not
yet finished. Or, as the Bolivian social leaders
claim, 'foreign groups, linked to the banks and oil
companies, are putting together an entire strategy
for a new stage of domination over the Bolivian
people.' And among the ironies of fate, it is
important to remember (and to remind) the current
president of Chile, the 'socialist' Ricardo Lagos,
in whose own country the socialist government of
Salvador Allende was toppled by Augusto Pinochet in
a very similar political project. It is impossible
to know, today, if Lagos remembers the massacres
ordered by the dictator and the exile of many
Chileans, including himself… or whether perhaps
today he has adopted his enemies’ brutal practices
as his own. We will have to be on alert, because
this new attack on democracy and against the
social movements in Latin America is barely
beginning, and, unfortunately, we are going to
have much more to report in that respect…"

To understand the context in which events play out
in the coming weeks, this is a very important and
urgent report:

>From somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
Publisher, Narco News
President, The School of Authentic Journalism

For an application for one of the 37 scholarships
to the Narco News School of Authentic Journalism,
July 30 to August 8, in Cochabamba and the Chapare,
Bolivia, write to:

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The Fund for Authentic Journalism
P.O. Box 71051
Madison Heights, MI 48071 USA

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Wednesday, April 14, 2004

You should read this and digest it. It shows the malfeasance of the current Costa Rican government to investor's rights, along with a little collaboration from the US, Canadian, and British governments thrown in.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hank []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 3:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: The "White Paper" English translation
> Hello Friends!
> This morning, UCCR released the English translation of their
> highly anticipated "White Paper" authored by OUR attorney
> Jose Miguel Villalobos.
> A lengthy read and from what I've been told, the original
> Spanish version will make one appreciate JMV's literary
> skills, pointed expressions and a style that approaches
> brilliant poetry.
> Echoing the sentiments of many, I would like to know how this
> document will be used, how effective it will be in the
> upcoming Legal Procedure, what key figures exactly will read
> this piece and will it be included in the legal documentation
> and evidence to be entered in the pending trial?
> Happy reading!
> Hank
> This document is "our" (the Villalobos Investors) "J'ACCUSE"
> ! Please feel free to forward it to anyone familiar with our
> case and to
> anyone who could influence the outcome.
> It shows very clearly that this "investigation" was organized
> with one
> Thank you for reading it and thank you for forwarding it to others.
> John Manners, president, UCCR
> To our members and all investors,
> We proudly send you the complete translated version of the
> document JUSTICE, UPSIDE DOWN, written by UCCR lawyer, the
> Lic. Jose Miguel Villalobos.
> We apologize for the imperfection of this transmission,
> however, since there will be a two-day delay in posting it on
> our web site, we wanted to get this important information out
> to our members as soon as possible.
> Please take note that this document is more than 40 printed
> pages. We will advise you when the complete formatted
> version is posted to our Web site.
> How the Judicial System of Costa Rica
> Handled the Case of the Villalobos Brothers
> By Lic. Jose Miguel Villalobos
> As Attorney for UCCR
> 25 March, 2004
> During the events that are accounted for in this document,
> hundreds of those affected by the illegitimate closing of the
> businesses of the Villalobos Brothers organized themselves to
> defend their interests. The group called UCCR worked out a
> strategy based on demonstrating the non-guilt of the
> Villalobos Brothers in order to facilitate his return to the
> country and to achieve the reimbursement to investors of
> their legitimate resources. Other sectors have attempted to
> file claims against the Villalobos in spite of the fact that
> don Luis Enrique is not detained, and by doing so have
> facilitated the Prosecutor’s strategy and have affected the
> process for the reimbursement of moneys. However, in the
> end, we all share the same objective, which is the recovery
> of the funds.
> The document you are about to read is not fiction. It is
> rather an elaborate, detailed account of how the Justice
> Department of Costa Rica has acted in the case against two
> citizens of this country, Luis Enrique and Osvaldo Villalobos
> Camacho. Despite the gravity of these denounced actions, all
> protests against them have thus far not merited the attention
> of the authorities for judicial inspection nor even of the
> press. Possibly this is because they think only the interests
> of a group of investors, mostly foreigners, are involved.
> Nonetheless, the issue is much more crucial than that. We
> have a Prosecuting Attorney for Drug Trafficking delving into
> alleged financial crimes and a Judge of Rights who's only
> concern is infringing on the rights of the accused, going so
> far as to violate his own legal resolutions. Ten million
> colones disappear during a seizure of assets and the
> authorities do not even bother to investigate those
> responsible. The operation of the Justice Department is
> public in nature, although privacy might be an issue for
> those who appear before it. Therefore, we do not believe
> these actions should be covered up, because doing so would
> make us accomplices to abuses of power, which weaken the
> credibility of the Supreme Court and its functionaries.
> Actions like these endanger those who properly carry out
> their duties, and undermine the dignity of the
> highest-ranking officials of the Prosecutor’s Office.
> The document that you are receiving is without error. We have
> evidence of its veracity, and we quote the pages of the legal
> record to back up our statements. We trust that, although
> some self-righteous and hypocritical dignitaries might be
> appalled at anyone who would question Prosecutors and Judges,
> the majority is capable of reasoning and defending with
> constructive criticism our legal institutions. Merely
> ignoring an injustice will not make it go away; rather, this
> attitude will cause it to multiply and thus favor the
> impunity of those guilty of committing it. Judicial
> functionaries are our guardians, and therefore their
> malpractice is one of the most dangerous behaviors for all
> citizens, for we are at the mercy of those who defend us.
> If you think it cannot happen to you, remember the words of a
> Nazi concentration camp survivor, Pastor Niemoller, who wrote:
> "In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I didn't
> speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for
> the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
> Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak
> up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for
> the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a
> Protestant. Then they came for me — and by that time no one
> was left to speak up".
> The aggressions that are inflicted on one human being are
> suffered by all. The bells of injustice ring not only for the
> offended; they ring for him, for you, for me, and for all
> people of good faith.
> Prosecutor Espinoza knew about the request from the
> Government of Canada before his ranking superior, and acted
> prior to having official authority to do so.
> The Letter of Request sent by the Canadian Government asking
> for the cooperation of the legal authorities in Costa Rica
> arrived at the Chancellery on June 25, 2002. Action was
> immediately taken on the letter, and July 3 of that same
> year, it was made known to the Attorney General of Costa Rica
> at that time, Lic. Carlos Arias, in whose office the letter
> was received at 10:00 that same day, as recorded in the
> receipt records of that office. By order of the Attorney
> General, the document was handed over to the Narcotics
> Prosecutor’s Office, directed by Prosecutor Walter Espinoza,
> at 10:35 that same July 3, for him to take due action.
> Thus far, the handling of the case appears to be normal.
> However, Prosecutor Espinoza handed the Letter of Request
> from the Canadian Government over to Judge Francisco Sánchez
> at 9:00 that same day; that is, he acted an hour and a half
> before officially receiving the note from the Attorney
> General. Lic. Walter Espinoza therefore had in his hands the
> Letter of Request from the Canadian Government before the
> Secretariat of the Supreme Court of Justice delivered it to
> the Attorney General, thus totally violating the internal
> hierarchy of the Judicial Power and encroaching upon the
> attributes of the highest rank of the Attorney General of Costa Rica.
> We should ask ourselves how Prosecutor Espinoza obtained that
> document before his own superior officially sent it on and
> what the reasons were for such a hasty, abrupt action. For
> now, suffice it to say, that it is clear that Prosecutor
> Espinoza sent the request to Judge Francisco Sánchez before
> receiving the documents from the Attorney General, and it
> must be assumed that, in fact, he had them in his hands
> substantially before then, since he had enough time to read
> them and write up a request dozens of pages long, which could
> not have been done in a just few minutes. At least,
> Prosecutor Espinoza had had access to that documentation
> several days prior to that moment, which would have given him
> time to prepare the request even before his own superior
> learned of it. That can easily be proved, as shown in the
> following point.
> Official authorities from the Government of Canada
> communicated with Prosecutor Espinoza using unofficial
> channels to coordinate collaborative actions before the
> Attorney General had received the Letter of Request for
> Cooperation and those same Canadian authorities delivered
> that document using informal methods and concealing their actions.
> In the Supreme Court file, which refers to the Letter of
> Request sent by the Canadian Government, there is a copy of
> the note sent by Mr. Gustavo Alvarez, a staff member of the
> Canadian Embassy in Bogota, Colombia. Significantly, that
> note is dated June 21, 2000, that is, four days before the
> Chancery of Costa Rica officially received the Letter of
> Request from the Canadian Government. In that mysterious
> letter, Alvarez, the staff member of the Canadian Embassy in
> Colombia, advises Prosecutor Espinoza, bypassing his
> superiors, that two investigators from that country will
> arrive on July 2 to coordinate some operations. Those
> operations, through the indicated date and the sender, refer
> to the Letter of Request, which had not yet been received and
> much less acted upon in Costa Rica.
> In other words, even before the Canadian had officially
> acted, one of its staff members in another country had
> communicated with the legal authorities in Costa Rica for the
> purpose of coordinating what had not yet been requested,
> hence failing to respect his own Embassy in this country and
> the hierarchy of the Judicial Power and the Chancery. But the
> matter went beyond a simple violation of formalities, which
> itself was serious and unusual enough. Staff member Alvarez,
> from Bogota, Colombia, sends out information in Spanish and
> English describing a Legal Mutual Assistence Agreement
> between Canada and Costa Rica for carrying out investigative
> work in this country. That statement is absolutely false, as
> both the Canadian staff member and Prosecutor Espinoza well
> know. That "Agreement" does not exist, not only because it
> has not been signed, but because it refers to the
> participation of the Ministry of Justice of Costa Rica, which
> has no jurisdiction in investigative, police or!
> judicial tasks. Let us analyze the facts that show why the
> Canadian staff member was not telling the truth.
> It is evident that the documentation sent on June 21 was the
> Letter of Request, which had not yet arrived through
> diplomatic channels, but which Prosecutor Espinoza knew about
> before his superiors did. The Canadian staff member is
> untruthful, for which an explanation ought to be extended by
> the Embassy of Canada. But even more grave is the fact that
> Prosecutor Walter Espinoza would receive documents and act
> before being authorized to do so by the Supreme Court of
> Justice and his immediate superior, the Attorney General.
> Since July 21 he had time to prepare the request that was
> received by Judge Sánchez on July 3, all before the Attorney
> General had knowledge of the Canadians' request.
> By his actions Prosecutor Espinoza assumes powers he did not
> possess; he disdains the Supreme Court, by acting before it
> had any knowledge of the Letter of Request; he bypassed the
> Chancery itself by maintaining contact with a friendly
> country through extra-official channels; and he took upon
> himself a case of this magnitude before his own immediate
> superior assigned it to him. Thus, the legal violations
> committed by the Prosecutor are numerous.
> The Canadian Embassy never requested a raid of the offices
> of the Villalobos Brothers, but Prosecutor Espinoza convinced
> the Judge in charge of the case and also the national press,
> that such a request existed.
> Once the Letter of Request was officially received, its
> content was known, and it can be concluded that in no way did
> the request for the cooperation made by the Canadian
> Government involve raiding the Villalobos brothers’ offices.
> Pages 18, 19 and 20 of the Letter containing the cooperation
> requests make absolutely no mention of raiding those offices.
> The request for a raid is limited to the condominium of the
> Canadian citizens, who were staying at Jacó de Garabito, for
> the purpose of seizing documents at that location. Because
> the Canadian authorities were interested in locating any
> information related to the bank accounts those individuals in
> Costa Rica, their requests were not limited to obtaining
> information on possible deposits with the Villalobos
> Brothers; they were asking for all types of reports on any
> transactions made in this country.
> A careful reading of that Letter of Request will show that
> that the Government of Canada never had in mind a raid of the
> Ofinter offices and those of Mr. Luis Enrique Villalobos, but
> rather they were requesting a raid on the condominium of the
> Canadians under investigation in their country, as well as
> information on any relative banking or financial transactions
> in Costa Rica, and not exclusively information on possible
> operations with Luis Enrique Villalobos. Nevertheless,
> Prosecutor Espinoza requested in his written communication,
> received at the Preliminary Criminal Court at 9:00 on July 3,
> 2002, that the Villalobos brothers’ offices be raided and
> that all documents, books, accounting statements, monies and
> other items related to the alleged investigations be seized and held.
> On folio 107 of the court file, Prosecutor Espinosa, in his
> request to the Judge, asks for a raid and search of the
> Ofinter offices and the sequester of any information having
> to do with to the Canadian citizens under investigation, but
> at no time did the Prosecutor manifest the same eagerness in
> soliciting information concerning the financial transactions
> of those Canadians in other Banks or financial establishments
> in the country. This reveals that he used the Letter of
> Request merely as a pretext to target his forces against the
> Villalobos brothers, so he made his actions coincide with the
> Canadian's request and transformed the matter into an
> international issue. With that conduct he has involved the
> Canadian Government in an investigation it did not request,
> and has been untruthful in his written communications to the
> preliminary Judge, by trying to link the Canadian
> investigation of several of its citizens with his own
> criminal vendetta against Osvaldo and Luis Enrique ! Villalobos.
> The Chancellery of Costa Rica altered the essence of the
> request from the Government of Canada and gravely modified
> its contents, and Prosecutor Espinoza hid that information
> from the Penal Judge.
> The Letter of Request sent by the Canadian Government clearly
> establishes that it is a request for cooperation on the part
> of the Judicial Power of Costa Rica in an ongoing police
> investigation in that country, pointing out that at that time
> no charges had been brought against anyone. The Interim
> Juridical Director of the Chancery altered the thrust of the
> note, officiously categorizing it as a request for legal
> cooperation and stating that it was a case against several
> Canadian citizens, even though the note from that country was
> absolutely clear in that it was a simple police
> investigation, that at that time there was no case and that
> no charges had been brought against those individuals.
> Moreover, the Supreme Court repeats the error induced by the
> Chancery, categorizing the Letter of Request in like manner.
> But what is really unacceptable, is that Prosecutor Espinoza,
> who had supposedly read the letter in its entirety, in his
> request of the Criminal Judge, would almost completely
> transcribe the Canandians' request verbatim, except for the
> phrase found on all pages, which explains that it has to do
> with an ongoing investigation and that no charges have been
> leveled against the individuals in question. It is not
> believable that this was just a careless mistake on the part
> of the Prosecutor; rather it is obvious he had intended to
> mislead the Judge and make him believe that the letter was
> about a court case in Canada, which was totally false.
> Prosecutor Espinoza had prior information about the
> operations of the Villalobos Brothers for several years, and
> without new evidence, had the Letter of Request for
> Cooperation coincide with the start of the investigation.
> Since May 11, 2000, Prosecutor Walter Espinoza had knowledge
> of the matter related to the operations of the Villalobos
> brothers. On that date he received official letter
> SUGEF-2310-2000-03 signed by the then General Intendant of
> Financial Entities, Helberth Pineda Solís, notifying him of
> the case referred to as the Villalobos Brothers Case and
> another dated July 20 numbered 3358-2000-03. The
> investigation was initiated by reason of an official letter
> sent by the Banco Crédito Agrícola de Cartago, which informed
> the Superintendence of frequent checks being cashed at that
> bank by the brothers Luis Enrique and Osvaldo
> Villalobos-Camacho. The report mentions possible fund
> gathering in dollars at a business location in San Pedro de
> Montes Oca.
> Time passes with no progress with respect to the Prosecutor's
> concerns, and meanwhile the banking and financial oversight
> authorities repeatedly request information from the Ofinter
> business without establishing any liability on the part of
> any of its representatives. On March 19, 2002 (almost two
> years after the first references to the case), Mr. Adolfo
> Rodríguez-Herrera, General Superintendent of Securities,
> sends to the General Attorney a simple document reporting on
> risky operations being conducted by the stock brokerage,
> Mercado de Valores Puesto de Bolsa, S.A.
> The Superintendent, instead of opening an administrative
> investigation against the mentioned brokerage, orders an
> investigation of the firms that allegedly were investing in
> the brokerages. Surprisingly, the General Attorney Carlos
> Arias, the next day sends the document to the Narcotics
> Prosecutor, Walter Espinoza, and transforms the letter from
> Superintendent Rodríguez into an charge of possible money
> laundering. That is absolutely false, since the note from
> Rodríguez cannot be construed as a charge at all in that
> sense, making the General Attorney General's categorization
> truly astounding. The case is even more absurd considering
> that it cannot be inferred from Prosecutor Arias’s note who
> the possible guilty parties of that alleged money laundering
> could have been.
> Prosecutor Espinoza was so confused by that note that he
> ordered the Rapid Processing Unit of the Public Ministry to
> assign a unique number to the case against “Unknown” and for
> the crime of “Drug Trafficking.” Yes, that’s right. As far as
> Prosecutor Espinoza was concerned, at that time there was no
> evidence whatsoever of any crime committed by Luis Enrique
> and Osvaldo Villalobos-Camacho, so much so that he received
> the note from his superior and for two months thereafter, he
> went about trying to open the case without finding anyone to
> charge. That is how the case began. One can actually read on
> the cover of the file for Case 02-008579-042-PE that it is
> against “Unknown” for the crime of “Money Laundering,” and
> that was a month before the raid and sequester that took
> place at the Villalobos brothers’ offices. It is obvious that
> as of May 27, Prosecutor Espinoza did not so much as suspect
> those men, even though he had been familiar with the case
> since two years prior to that ! that time.
> Prosecutor Espinoza, after learning through unofficial
> channels of the Letter of Request for Cooperation, asks CICAD
> (Joint Center of Anti-Drug Intelligence) to prepare a report
> about the Villalobos Brothers’ case, with the intent to have
> it coincide with the procedural delivery of that Letter.
> In the file there is a note dated July 1, 2002, received in
> Prosecutor Espinoza's office that same date, Official Letter
> UAF-045-02-38-1999, through which the Joint Narcotics
> Intelligence Center (CICAD) submits its findings after
> updating the information on the Villalobos brothers as of
> October 2001. It presents eight conclusions, after 34 pages,
> and none of them even considers a possible relationship to
> the crime of money laundering. CICAD merely presents the list
> of immovable assets belonging to what it calls the Associated
> Enterprises of the Villalobos Brothers, erroneously
> indicating that they cover an area of 7,500 square kilometers
> (which is actually bigger than the area of San Jose Province!).
> It also states that the Villalobos brothers engage in
> financial intermediation, describing the interest rate at
> which funds are gathered, without even mentioning any
> possible illegality. It speaks of a heavy flow of funds,
> without conjecturing as to the possible causes or offering
> any opinions. That report contains no reference to possible
> illicit activities, and much less any having to do with money
> laundering. Neither do the investors ask the Prosecutor for
> more time to finish the work that was assigned to them. Thus,
> as of that date, there was no evidence, nor even suspicions,
> of any criminal activity, despite the fact that CICAD had
> been conducting the corresponding investigations for a long
> time before that.
> In spite of all this, Prosecutor Espinoza, on July 1,
> presents to the Preliminary Criminal Court a request for a
> raid, search, sequester, seizure of items and other things,
> against the Villalobos Brothers' assets. In that petition he
> mixes the contents of the Letter of Request from Canada with
> alleged internal investigations, which he neither describes
> nor details, and information internally gathered, also not
> described, to justify the request. The first 15 pages are
> nothing more than a copy of the Letter of Request, from which
> the Prosecutor omits the Canadians’ clarification that it
> involved no legal cases but rather a police investigation and
> that the individuals under investigation were Canadian
> citizens and not the Villalobos brothers. Starting half way
> down on page 15 until page 32, the document merely
> transcribes the CICAD report mentioned above but indicates no crimes.
> It must be pointed out that Prosecutor Espinoza states that
> the information had come from SUGEF, SUGEVAL and CICAD, when
> actually only the latter is true. The SUGEF had actually
> produced a lengthy file beginning in March 2001, which
> indicates that the Villalobos brothers were not involved in
> financial intermediation activities, according to the
> official letter from SUGEF's Legal Consultancy Office,
> DAJ-074-2002, dated June 12, 2002. In other words, less than
> a month before the Prosecutor’s request for the raid, the
> technical experts in that discipline had stated that they had
> detected no crime of illegal financial intermediation. That
> fact was reiterated before the Prosecutor himself by the
> Superintendent of Financial Entities in April 2003, which
> shows that Walter Espinoza had been untruthful before the
> Criminal Judge. In reference to SUGEVAL, there is only a note
> calling for the investigation of the money movements, which
> had been received by the Prosecutor way back in Mar! ch. The
> part about CICAD is the report we described.
> The only input from Espinoza is the statement that Ofinter
> gathers funds from investors, which had already been said by
> CIDAD and, in and of itself, is not an illegal activity. This
> can be verified by comparing the Prosecutor's report with the
> CICAD report and noting that 99 percent of it is the same
> document, found in the appendix to the copy of the Canadians'
> Letter of Request. Despite such weak justification, the
> Prosecutor requests from the Judge and is granted a raid and
> search of the Ofinter offices, owned by the Villalobos
> Brothers, as well as the sequester of any physical and
> material evidence relevant to the case. He includes in the
> request the confiscation of money found on the premises,
> irrespective of who it belonged to. What is really striking
> about this is that he does not ask the banks for information
> pertaining to the Canadians sought by the Canadian
> Government, even though that is precisely what was requested,
> but rather only seeks information related to the!
> Villalobos brothers.
> The Prosecutor presents no evidence whatsoever to justify his
> requests, and the Judge consents without prior, serious review.
> Judge Francisco Sánchez authorizes the petitions from the
> Prosecutor in record time.
> Judge Sánchez receives Prosecutor Espinoza's request at 9:00
> on July 3, 2002, and by 13:00, he has not only read the
> respective documentation but has issued a resolution. There
> were 70 folios, including the Letter of Request, but with an
> agility worthy of a much more important case, someone read
> all of that information, interpreted it, made a decision on
> it and drafted an entire 13-page resolution concerning it.
> Amazingly, in the heading of that resolution the Judge
> indicates that he has decided on the request after analyzing
> it, which is obviously not true considering material and time
> limitations.
> Of the sums confiscated from the Offices of OFINTER, property
> of the Villalobos Brothers, Ten Million Three Hundred
> Thirty-One Thousand Colones disappeared, without any
> explanations to this day about this situation from Prosecutor
> Espinoza.
> On July 4, 2002, the Ofinter offices were raided,
> confiscating a large sum of cash, which was put in charge of
> the Prosecutor's office. The Judge responsible for the action
> was Licda. Cindy Williams, who had a large number of
> officials from the Judicial Power accompany her. The 16-page
> search warrant was issued at 21:15. Everything that was
> seized is properly documented, except for the sum of
> 10,331,000 colones, which do not appear as deposited in the
> Court accounts, nor is the Prosecutor able to explain the
> whereabouts of that money. Page 10 of the Search Warrant
> mentions that amount of paper money was found in a small
> safe, but no one will assume the responsibility of explaining
> what subsequently happened to the money. The money was lost
> at the time the judicial agents were on the scene and raided
> the offices; there is a record that the money was found at
> the location, but it was evidently not deposited in the
> Judicial Power accounts. This is no small amount, but even if
> i! t were, the Prosecutor and the Judge in charge are
> obligated to explain its whereabouts and divulge who is
> responsible for its disappearance.
> The Prosecutor insists in the Press that all the money is
> located in the accounts of the Judiciary.
> On August 6, 2003, Prosecutor Espinoza publicly referred to
> the complaint about money allegedly disappearing during the
> raid and categorically stated that the amounts of money in
> their entirety are deposited in the Judicial Power accounts,
> producing the respective deposit slips. Once again Prosecutor
> Espinoza is untruthful, being that the amount of 10,331,000
> colones does not appear as deposited in those accounts,
> despite the fact that it does appear as seized in the records
> of the raid.
> Prosecutor Espinoza commits serious errors of addition and
> retracts information he had provided in regards to the
> deposited funds.
> On June 9, 2003, Prosecutor Espinoza responded to an
> investor's request by stating that the entirety of the money
> deposited in the accounts of the Costa Rican Anti-Drug
> Institute (ICD), is US$204,189. Nonetheless, on August 6 he
> had to acknowledge that there were actually 56,000 dollars
> more, since he had had failed to add correctly, and that had
> occurred without the 10,331,000 colones showing up yet. It is
> difficult to trust an office whose calculator works so poorly
> in such sizeable amounts and where those responsible
> constantly change their statements without explaining the
> reasons for their errors.
> The Prosecutor requests and the Judge concedes the holding of
> financial assets and the freezing of accounts of the
> companies related to the Villalobos Brothers, affecting the
> rights and interests of the investors without due process.
> Right from July 3, Prosecutor Espinoza requested the freezing
> of the accounts and the immobilization and sequester of the
> money confiscated from the Villalobos brothers’ offices. The
> raid is supposedly justified by alleged crimes of money
> laundering and illegal financial intermediation. Although no
> legal regulation to back up the action was cited, the Judge
> went right ahead and authorized the confiscation of those
> funds anyway. Sufficient was a reference to an alleged
> operation with some Canadian citizens, under police, not
> judicial, investigation, to freeze the totality of the funds
> of thousands of investors who had nothing at all to do with the case.
> No reference whatsoever was made of the knowledge that the
> Villalobos brothers might have had of the Canadian
> operations, nor was any consideration given to the fact that
> a month earlier the SUGEF itself had established that they
> found no evidence of illegal financial intermediation.
> Nonetheless, a mere invention of the Prosecutor sufficed to
> freeze the funds of third parties. The Prosecutor could have
> requested information concerning the Canadians or
> investigated the destination of the funds gathered, but
> instead, with the help of the Judge, which must have been by
> way of guarantees, he closed a business that had been
> operating smoothly for over 18 years.
> The Prosecutor is arbitrary in the application of the Law,
> because similar cases are handled in a different manner.
> The gathering funds from the public by non-authorized
> entities or individuals in Costa Rica is not a crime. It
> becomes illegal whenever it can be proven that the
> destination of those funds is for money lending or investment
> in stocks and bonds. That is why the SUGEF always deemed that
> the Villalobos brothers had not committed that crime. It is
> well known that the same activity of fund gathering up until
> that time was being conducted publicly by Luis Milanés and
> his firm Savings Unlimited and Vinir, S.A., owned by Vinicio
> Esquivel, who was involved in fund gathering in exchange for
> the payment of interests, without the authorization of the
> government regulatory entity. However, the General Attorney
> at that time had never investigated Milanés, but rather
> allowed him to continue to operate. But with Mr. Esquivel the
> situation is much worse, because he continues to operate in
> the country and openly states to the national press that he
> has been gathering funds for years without l! egal
> authorization, without it concerning the General Attorney in
> the least.
> The law ought to be applied equally to all, regardless of
> whether legal authorities are dealing with friends or
> acquaintances. If the Attorney General considers that mere
> fund gathering without legal authorization is tantamount to
> the crime of illegal financial intermediation, then he should
> have, right from the onset of investigating those who engage
> in such activities, intervened in their operations, raided
> their businesses and possibly pressed criminal charges
> against them. The Attorney General has been arbitrary in
> applying the law, in that he has only exercised his powers
> against the Villalobos brothers, in spite of the fact that he
> had at his disposal that case along with technical reports
> indicating that no crime was being committed. It is even
> worse when a bad government official is also arbitrary, or
> more specifically, the worse government official is not the
> most ignorant but rather the most arbitrary.
> Prosecutor Espinoza processes a criminal accusation of more
> than 127 people in less than three days.
> On Friday, September 26, 2003, the attorney Edwald
> Acuña-Blanco, representing more than 120 people, files a
> lawsuit against the brothers Osvaldo and Luis Enrique
> Villalobos-Camacho for the crime of fraud. The document
> submitted, which is over 70 pages long (although it is
> practically all taken up with lists of the plaintiffs), was
> received in the General Attorney's office at 14:00, as
> indicated by the receipt form of that entity. By the
> following Monday, that is, in less than one half a business
> day, Prosecutor Espinoza had reviewed the entire document,
> verifying compliance with the provisions of the Criminal
> Process Code.
> Believe it or not, by 8:00 a.m. on Monday, September 29, less
> than half a business day after attorney Acuña's request,
> Prosecutor Espinoza ruled to accept the case and proceed with
> the public lawsuit. That is not only impossible; it is also
> objectionable. Lic. Espinoza cannot logically affirm that he
> worked all weekend on a lawsuit filed by private individuals
> for a possible crime of fraud, when he is the Narcotics
> Prosecutor. Such swiftness is uncommon with that Prosecutor
> in particular, and in the Court in general, and reflects an
> absolutely preferential treatment of matters arising from
> those who seek to denounce and sue the Villalobos-Camacho
> brothers. When it comes to defense matters, the decision is
> delayed and normal procedures are affected, but a lawsuit for
> alleged fraud filed by over 120 people is somehow given this
> impressive, speedy treatment.
> The Prosecutor’s Office attempts to intimidate an investor
> who has questioned its action and deprives him of his freedom
> in an arbitrary manner.
> On August 21, 2003, the OIJ supposedly received a complaint
> from Mr. Francisco Sánchez-Fallas against Mr. M. Shizard, for
> alleged threats. The data entry operator of that entity, Mr.
> Marco Andrés Brenes-Durán assigns to the case the unique code
> 03-016146-042-PE, according to him, at the request of Mr.
> Gustavo Porras from the Section of Miscellaneous Crimes of
> the OIJ. He even states that the complaint was filed
> personally by Mr. Sánchez-Fallas at 4:11, understood to be
> a.m. because, if it had been the afternoon, the time would
> have been indicated as 16:11. That same day, OIJ Agent
> Gustavo Porras-González transfers the complaint to the
> Coordinating Prosecutor of the Specialized Unit of
> Miscellaneous Crimes of the Public Ministry, classifying it
> as URGENT. On Friday, August 25, just four days later, Mr.
> Shizard is arrested, taking from him a statement, and he is
> immediately handcuffed and taken to an OIJ jail cell, in
> spite of the fact that he was still recovering from an oper! ation.
> This incident is incredible because Mr. Francisco
> Sánchez-Fallas has never denounced Mr. Shizard and much less
> the on day and hour falsely indicated by Mr. Brenes Durán,
> the OIJ data entry operator. It is certainly preposterous to
> conceive that at four o'clock in the morning Judge Sánchez,
> the judge over the Villalobos brothers case would be there
> filing charges at the OIJ. What Judge Sánchez actually did
> was to send to the Superior Council of the Judicial Power a
> note on August 19, making known several letters sent by Mr.
> Shizard and which did not please him, with the purpose, not
> of criminally indicting anyone, but to make sure that care
> was taken so that those incidents did not happen again in the
> future. The title page of the file of the case against Mr.
> Shizard indicates that the plaintiff is Francisco
> Sánchez-Fallas, although no complaint has been made and the
> record prepared by the OIJ is totally false.
> To this day, the case is dead, and Judge Sánchez has not
> ratified any indictment. This is just one more case of
> arbitrary actions and falsehoods contained in the
> documentation of a legal file. The purpose is clear: to
> intimidate any investor who would even think about vehemently
> defending his or her rights, as Mr. Shizard did before he was
> so barbarously accused. A foreigner still hurting from a
> fresh operation is arrested and held in an OIJ jail cell for
> a nonexistent accusation and a case is initiated against him
> for an act that is no longer a crime. Yes, even that, because
> the criminality for threats had been repealed many years
> before. Ignorance mixed with arbitrariness and the abuse of
> power, are, disgustingly commonplace in the case we have before us.
> The Prosecutor’s case is absolutely weak, for the crime of
> illegal financial intermediation, for fraud, and in regards
> to the freezing of monies.
> As for the Villalobos-Camacho brothers, they are accused of
> committing the crime of illegal financial intermediation,
> contemplated in Article 157, clause a) of the Organic Law of
> the Central Bank of Costa Rica, which relates to Article 116
> of the second paragraph of the same law.
> The mentioned article 157, which prescribes imprisonment of
> three to six years for anyone who “engages in unauthorized
> financial intermediation”, is completed in Article 116 the
> second paragraph, which defines financial intermediation as
> the gathering of financial resources from the public in a
> habitual manner, for the purpose of investing them, at the
> intermediary’s expense and risk, in any type of lending or in
> securities, irrespective of the contractual or legal mode or
> the type of document, electronic record or any similar means
> employed in the transactions.”
> Observe that the legal definitions that apply in this case
> require: Not only is it necessary to engage in habitual fund
> gathering, but also to invest those funds in something
> specific, expressly defined by the legislator –any form of
> money lending or investment in stocks and bonds. It is not
> enough that funds be gathered for the purpose of investing
> them; the legislator stipulates that the investment must be
> made in some form of money lending or be backed by stocks and
> bonds (securities). Any other form of investment made with
> the gathered funds does not constitute financial
> intermediation, and therefore, to engage in those activities
> without legal authorization does not constitute a crime, and
> it is an unsanctionable act from the legal standpoint.
> In the case of the Villalobos brothers, the prosecution has
> been referring to illegal financial intermediation as if it
> meant merely gathering funds and paying interests, in
> flagrant disregard for the rest of the description of the
> criminal type as presented a few lines earlier, and what is
> clearly stated in Article 116 of the Organic Law of the
> Central Bank. In all the cases in which the Public Minister
> and the Criminal Office has cited the crime of illegal
> financial intermediation prior to January 2004, they have
> ignored the legal destination of the funds, acting in total
> negligence with respect to the real legal definition,
> justifying the preventive custody of the accused Osvaldo
> Villalobos-Camacho on the mere grounds of fund gathering from
> the public. We may cite many requests made by the prosecutor
> and judicial resolutions, but all of them are summarized on
> folio 2 of the writ of extension of preventive custody
> dictated by the Criminal Court of San Jose at 13:00 on May !
> 27, 2003:
> “The investigations conducted based on the documentation and
> reports obtained from the raid and search carried out in the
> mentioned month [referring to July 2002], try to demonstrate
> the likelihood that through the OFINTER S.A. firm and other
> related businesses and enterprises, Mr. Osvaldo
> Villalogos-Camacho was involved in the illegal activity of
> financial intermediation, that is, in gathering funds from
> public investors and paying interests in exchange, all
> without such activities being registered with the
> Superintendence of Financial Entities and without the
> oversight of that agency.”
> It is quite evident that the Criminal Court persists in
> interpreting the criminal type with partiality, making legal
> acts illegal, that is, violating the true intent of the law
> and infringing on the personal liberty of the defendants, the
> Villalobos-Camacho brothers. It is impossible that at this
> stage of the game those responsible are incapable of reading
> the law correctly. One can easily deduce from articles 116
> and 157 of the Organic Law of the Central Bank that the
> described conduct requires that the funds gathered be use for
> a particular purpose, that is, money lending or investment in
> securities. To assert, as in the quoted resolution, that the
> mere gathering of funds and payment of interests constitutes
> the crime, is reckless and misleading.
> Delving more deeply into this matter, the General
> Superintendent of Financial Entities, Mr. Bernardo Alfaro,
> testified before Prosecutor Espinoza stating that the actions
> of the Villalobos brothers could not be classified as the
> crime of illegal financial intermediation since the funds
> were not used for the purposes specified in the respective articles.
> Prosecutor Espinoza and the Criminal Justice Office are also
> attempting to classify the Villalobos-Camacho brothers’
> actions as money laundering. The Criminal Justice Office
> asserts in the above-mentioned resolution issued at 13:00
> last May 27 that the accusation “is based on the fact that
> through the structure of financial intermediation established
> through OFINTER, money derived from grave crimes including
> drug trafficking that were mobilized for the purpose of
> covering up their illicit origin and thus favoring those
> involved in such criminal activities . . . , probably
> mobilized funds arising from the drug trafficking of Henry
> St. Onge and Sandra St. Onge, people accused of drug
> trafficking in Canada.”
> These assertions of the Criminal Court are nothing more than
> mechanical repetitions of Prosecutor Espinoza’s flimsy
> arguments, and do not line up with the truth of the
> documentation contained in the legal case file. What gave
> rise to the case in the first place was the request from the
> Canadian Government for international cooperation in ordering
> the intervention and search of the St. Onges’ residences in
> Costa Rica, and the offices of the Villalobos-Camacho
> brothers, supposedly because it was needful for the
> investigation conducted by that country. Surprisingly, the
> letter of request sent by the Canadian Government is not
> included in the file, but rather is transcribed according to
> the interests of the Prosecutor in his request, and
> curiously, the Criminal Justice Office takes it up in the
> same manner. But at the bottom of each page of the actual
> letter of request, one finds the following clarification:
> “All of the information contained in this request is part of
> a police investigation and consists of unproven allegations.”
> Moreover, from the Prosecutor’s petition one gathers that Mr.
> St. Onge has not been accused of any crime in Canada; what it
> states is that he was convicted of a crime in the United
> States in 1976 (!!!), for conspiracy to import marihuana, but
> the sentence was suspended. In other words, the Criminal
> Court is untruthful when it states in its resolution that
> extends the time of preventive custody for Osvaldo Villalobos
> that St. Onge is accused of drug trafficking in Canada, when
> in reality, that man died on March 10 last year, thus making
> it impossible to investigate him. The letter of request
> itself clearly states that what was under police –not
> judicial– investigation was an assumption impossible to prove:
> “The Royal Mounted Police of Canada opines that the money
> will be used in a short while to finance the purchase of a
> large quantity of cocaine to be smuggled into Canada.”
> There is no evidence at all that the St. Onges’ money had
> come from any crime, since no crime had even been proven in
> their country, and therefore it is not possible to charge the
> Villalobos brothers with money laundering when there is no
> money to launder.
> And what is even graver is the fact that after raiding the
> St. Onges’ condominium in Jacó, absolutely no evidence was
> found that would link those Canadians with the business of
> the Villalobos-Camacho brothers. What was actually
> confiscated was a savings passbook and a checkbook which show
> that they managed their funds legally --until the contrary
> can be proven-- through the National Bank of Costa Rica. Thus
> it is truly astounding that Prosecutor Espinoza and the
> Criminal Court have not show the same care, enthusiasm and
> eagerness to place the staff of the national bank under
> preventive custody and freeze the accounts of that banking
> institution. It is clear, then, after 18 months of
> investigation, including raids on the Canadians’ condominium
> and the offices of the Villalobos-Camacho brothers, that
> there is no evidence whatsoever that links them.
> In the above-mentioned judicial resolution, the Criminal
> Court states that monies arising from grave crimes, even drug
> trafficking, have been mobilized, and throughout the case
> file only the St. Onges are mentioned, one of which passed
> away 15 months ago, and who could no longer be the object of
> a police investigation, unless they intend to violate the
> rights of the deceased. What exactly are the other grave
> crimes whose proceeds are mobilized through the Villalobos
> brothers enterprises? Who are the perpetrators of those
> “grave crimes” referred to by the Criminal Justice Office
> citing no more than a dead man and his surviving wife, whose
> savings were mobilized through the a branch of the National
> Bank of Costa Rica in Jacó?
> Of course, the Prosecutor could respond by saying that he has
> other evidence to warrant the continuance of the case under
> investigation, but no such explanation is found in the case
> file. It is evident that his response would be inappropriate
> for a matter of such magnitude. Neither would it be
> appropriate to respond that in order to support the case, he
> is investigating all persons who deposited money through the
> Villalobos brothers, with which it would be found that there
> is no case at all for money laundering, since for this
> criminal charge one must prove the commission of a felony
> that would make it necessary to legitimize that capital with
> the intent of concealing its illegal origin. If by now he has
> not established so much as one felony committed by the over
> 6,000 investors, what is reflected is the reckless and
> arbitrary behavior of the Prosecutor and the Criminal Court
> to the detriment of the Villalobos brothers.
> Fraud is another charge the Prosecutor makes against the
> Villalobos-Camacho brothers. This one is just as ludicrous as
> the others. The Criminal Justice Office asserts in its
> well-known resolution that the fact on which this alleged
> commission of this crime is based is that the brothers
> promised to pay high interests and the investors were given
> as collateral for their investment a check written with
> insufficient funds. In the first place, the interests were
> paid religiously, until the Prosecutor ordered the closing of
> the business and the Judge consented to it; until the
> Prosecutor ordered the freezing of the accounts and the Judge
> consented to it.
> Obviously, with the business shut down and the accounts
> frozen it was materially impossible to pay interests, even
> low interests, and much less return the principal to all of
> the depositors. Secondly, the checks do not have funds
> because they are to be paid only when a bank cashier verifies
> that condition and indicates the corresponding reason on the
> reverse of each check. Before such time, the check can be
> cashed, except in the case before us in which the Judge
> orders the freezing of the accounts, making it impossible,
> funds or not, to cash even one check.
> Weakness of the charges for illegal financial intermediation.
> Article 157, subsection a) of the Organic Law of the Central
> Bank establishes a prison sentence of three to six years for
> anyone involved in unauthorized financial intermediation,
> which is classified as the crime of “illegal financial
> intermediation.” The objective classification is constituted
> by the definition of financial intermediation, which is not
> some abstract or subjective concept to be liberally filled in
> by the judge and much less by the Prosecutor. To even begin a
> case for this crime, one must have a clear understanding of
> the legal definition of financial intervention, because it
> does not suffice to merely engage in financial activities
> without legal authorization, but rather to indict a person
> for this crime, the activities involved in the financial
> intermediation must be precisely those set forth in the law.
> Therefore, it is perfectly possible to engage in financial
> activities without the authorization of the SUGEF and still
> not commit a crime, simply because those do not fall under
> the legal classification of financial intermediation.
> Article 116 of the Organic Law of the Central Bank sets forth
> the precise concept of financial intermediation as follows:
> “…For the purposes of this law, financial intermediation is
> understood to be the habitual gathering of financial
> resources from the public, for the purpose of using them, at
> the expense and risk of the intermediary, in any form of
> money lending or investment in securities, regardless of the
> contractual or legal modality followed or the type of
> document, electronic registration or any similar instrument
> employed to formalize the transactions. . . .”
> This description clearly defines financial intermediation,
> and to classify any action as such, it must meet all of the
> particular criteria set forth. Specifically, the crime
> involves the habitual gathering of resources for the purpose
> of money lending or investment in securities (i.e., stocks
> and bonds). For the classification of this crime, it is not
> enough to engage in fund gathering or to do so habitually,
> for that is only the first part of the definition and does
> not therefore in and of itself, constitute a crime.
> We certainly accept, reiterate and acknowledge in this case
> that Luis Enrique Villalobos did indeed engage in fund
> gathering by receiving checks and cash from banking and other
> financial institutions regulated and monitored both inside
> and outside the country. The investors would deposit their
> money for the purpose of earning interests paid periodically,
> trusting that their money would be returned at the end of the
> agreed term. Mr. Villalobos did not habitually use those
> funds either for money lending or for investment in stocks
> and bonds; he did possibly invest in business activities that
> generated enough profit to pay the agreed interest rates,
> with the additional advantage of having much lower overhead
> than other financial institutions.
> The case file contains the names of the investors and the
> amounts of their investments, but despite having raided the
> offices and confiscated thousands of documents, after a year
> and a half of investigation, there is absolutely no evidence
> that Mr. Villalobos was using the gathered funds for money
> lending or investment in securities. Observe that the
> above-mentioned Article 116 establishes not only the
> criterion of investing the funds but also that of investing
> those funds in securities.
> The most deplorable action on the part of the Prosecutor in
> this case is that he has simply ignored the SUGEF’s technical
> opinion, thus failing to maintain the level of objectivity
> required by articles 6 and 63 of the Criminal Process Code.
> It is truly surprising that, notwithstanding the fact that
> twice (the first time publicly in November 2002 through the
> written press) the responsible State body for determining the
> existence of financial intermediation has indicated that the
> criteria for financial intermediation have not been met in
> Mr. Villalobos’s case, the Prosecutor persists in going on
> with the investigation of the matter.
> In November 2002 the SUGEF published a paid announcement in
> which it clearly indicated that in its opinion, the
> Villalobos brothers and the companies they own had not
> engaged in financial intermediation. Perhaps one could
> hypothesize that the Prosecutor does not read the newspapers
> or that he has not grasped the technical opinion presented in
> the report. What is unacceptable is that since July 2002 and
> for eight months thereafter he did not formally request the
> SUGEF’s opinion, even though it is the technical body with
> the expertise needed to determine the existence of financial
> intermediation. It was not until the defendant
> Villalobos-Camacho demanded it that testimony was heard from
> head of the SUGEF, who in unequivocal clarity stated that no
> financial intermediation had been proven, despite a lengthy
> investigation of the matter in search of evidence.
> In this regard, Dr. Bernardo José Alfaro-Araya, the General
> Superintendent of Financial Entities, in a statement given at
> 10:30 on March 4, 2003 indicated, as recorded in the court
> file: “. . . we could not demonstrate that any financial
> intermediation had taken place. I am a financial
> intermediary, if at my own expense and risk I gather funds
> and I invest them . . . .” Dr. Alfaro adds, “. . .what we did
> verify was that Mr. Villalobos gathered funds from third
> parties, but we could not prove that he invested the money in
> securities or money lending . . . .” Dr. Alfaro further
> stated how the SUGEF itself had never determined that any
> movements of that type had been engaged in, whether
> investments in securities or money lending, with the
> investors monies, but only that the funds had been gathered.
> In this same vein, Dr. Alfaro went on to say: “. . . based on
> the depositions taken from Mr. Nash and Mr. Clinto, we were
> able to verify that the money gathered was from third partie!
> s, but we could not determine that financial intermediation
> was taking place . . . .”
> What was surprising and unacceptable in that statement is the
> fact that Mr. Roldán, apparently from OIJ, asserts that the
> SUGEF cannot say that there was no financial intermediation
> taking place. In a manifestation that was totally partial,
> subjective and unacceptable in a preliminary procedure aimed
> at determining the truth about the facts, the OIJ
> representative expects the SUGEF to prove a negative –that no
> financial intermediation had occurred.
> Dr. Alfaro had already stated clearly that since 1999 they
> had been investigating Mr. Villalobos and that they could not
> prove any engagement in financial intermediation.
> Nonetheless, the Prosecutor and the OIJ wants the SUGEF to
> tell them what they want to hear. But since the SUGEF in its
> capacity as a technical body declares, after four years of
> investigating Mr. Villalobos, that there was no financial
> intermediation, they ask the judge to authorize them to
> continue the investigation, having neither the training nor
> the technical knowledge necessary to determine the existence
> of financial intermediation.
> Since July 2002 they have had access to all of the documents
> concerning Mr. Villalobos. Since January 1999 the SUGEF had
> unsuccessfully attempted to prove that the Villalobos
> brothers were engaging in financial intermediation. To
> attempt now to demonstrate that the case is complex when they
> have at their disposal the studied technical opinion that
> denies the existence of the crime is an abuse of power.
> Certainly the judge ought not contribute to something so
> incongruous: This case is not complex but simple; it is clear
> that no financial intermediation was taking place, as the
> SUGEF has stated and restated. The judge should rather reject
> the case for the charges of illegal financial intermediation
> and request that it be shelved.
> Weakness of the fraud charges.
> Several investors have filed suit for the alleged crime of
> fraud supposedly committed by the defendants in this case.
> All of those suits were filed subsequent to the start of this
> investigation in July 2002, and they demand that the money
> collected by Mr. Villalobos be returned since it is
> impossible for them to cash the checks written out to them
> due to the freezing of the accounts in the banks of the
> National Banking System.
> The crime of fraud is described in Article 216 of the Penal
> Code as follows:
> “Anyone by leading another person into error or causing that
> person to continue in an erroneous course through the
> simulation of false facts or through the distortion and
> concealment of the true facts to obtain illegal patrimonial
> benefits for him/herself or for a third party, who infringes
> on another’s assets, shall be sanctioned in the following manner:
> 1)…
> 2)…
> The preceding prison sentences shall be increased by a third
> whenever the stipulated acts are carried out by any agent or
> administrator of an enterprise that obtains, entirely or
> partially its funds from the savings of the public, or
> obtains them through anyone, who personally or through some
> unregistered entity, of any nature, that has obtained the
> resources either entirely or partially from the savings of
> the public.”
> Fraud is a patrimonial crime, and the criminality of the
> action is derived from a type of deceit categorized as
> defraudation. The Superior Criminal Appellate Tribunal in
> Resolution No. 397 issued at 12:25 on May 12, 1997 conceives
> of it in the same way:
> “Defraudation, understood as any patrimonial harm inflicted
> through deceit, is a generic definition that encompasses
> several types, among which are stellionate and fraud, which
> are, therefore, special forms of defraudation.”
> Plainly, then, fraud has both objective and subjective
> components. Within the objective component there are elements
> of deceit, misleading of a passive subject, a dispositive act
> on the part of the deceived person and some resulting
> economic harm. The subjective component includes the fraud,
> which necessarily must be aimed at the aforementioned
> objective (which may be direct or incidental). Likewise, the
> Court in that same resolution goes on to clarify:
> “The crime of fraud (for the purposes of sentencing) can be
> divided into two major parts, namely the objective and the
> subjective. The objective part of fraud is comprised of four
> elements: (a) Some form of ruse or deceit, defined in the
> text as the simulation of false facts and the distortion or
> concealment of true facts; (b) An error in the passive
> subjective –the deceived person–, whether that person is led
> into error or is kept in it; (c) A dispositive act of the
> deceived; and, (d) Some economic damage. And the subjective
> part of fraud is dolus (ill-intentioned deceit), which must
> necessarily be aimed at the objective part.”
> All of the cases directed against the Villalobos-Camacho
> brothers are flawed by a serious conceptual error, which
> being so obvious ought not have escaped the intelligence of
> the Prosecutor right from the start. In the first place,
> there has been no ruse or deception, that is, a simulation of
> false facts or a distortion or concealment of the true facts.
> For over 15 years Enrique Villalobos ran a system of fund
> gathering with payment of interests to the investors and
> subsequent return of the principal invested at the appointed
> time. There was never any ruse or deceit, nor was there any
> pre-established intent to deceive or entice people into
> handing over their money. In all of the cases known in Costa
> Rica in which funds were not returned by the financial
> agencies and even banks that have shut down their operations,
> complaints are filed when those entities cease paying their
> clients of their own accord and because they are unable to
> honor their obligations. The investors normal! ly arrive
> some Monday only to find that the facilities are closed and
> those responsible for the business are already outside of the
> country without having owned up to their actions. In this
> case the situation is entirely different.
> Mr. Villalobos’s business serving over 6,000 investors was
> totally normal until July 4, 2002. That day the police shut
> down the facilities from which the business operated. They
> seized papers and support documentation and froze the
> accounts of the defendant Villalobos-Camacho. Despite that
> incident, Mr. Villalobos continued to honor his obligations
> to return the gathered funds, until the total shutdown of the
> business made it impossible to continue doing so and the
> unprecedented incarceration of his brother prompted him to
> exit the country. Observe that the closing of his operations
> was not prompted by Mr. Villalobos but rather by a judge’s
> decision. Then, in the face of the freezing and immobilizing
> of his bank accounts, it was materially impossible to return
> the funds gathered, being that no means of transferring funds
> out of those accounts was left. All of this clearly
> demonstrates the non-existence of any fraud aimed at the
> objective parties to their economic detriment.
> It is revealing to observe that all of these fraud
> accusations come about after the operations and accounts are
> shut down by the judicial authorities, which suggests that at
> no time was the economic damage, with which the investors are
> still being inflicted, ever instigated by Mr.
> Villalobo-Camacho’s decision, but rather was produced by an
> external decision beyond the control of the defendant.
> It is quite evident that Mr. Villalobos could not have
> foreseen the closing of his operations and his accounts with
> an eye to reneging on his obligations, since that would mean
> even the Judicial Power and the Prosecutor would have to be
> accomplices of the alleged fraud.
> Neither is it logical to suppose that the Prosecutor would
> claim that the economic damage and the failure to fulfill the
> obligation of returning the money has somehow magically
> transformed a civil offense into a crime punishable by
> something akin to a debtors’ prison.
> One distinguishes no complexity to this case, because there
> is no case. Clearly, there has been no scheme aimed at the
> objective type of fraud, nor any ruse or deceit devised by
> Mr. Villalobos to swindle the investors out of their money.
> It is remarkable that the accusations were not discarded at
> the onset. The crime of fraud could have been alleged, if Mr.
> Villalobos had suddenly and voluntarily shut down his own
> operations and immediately fled the country, which would have
> been indicative of a premeditated ruse or deceit. However, it
> didn’t happen like that; no, the closing was the result of an
> external, uncontrollable action. It is preposterous to
> classify the case as complex merely on the basis of the
> number of victims, when it is clear there was never any
> deception aimed at committing fraud, as was already shown.
> Hence, we see in this specific case there has been absolutely
> no fraud, being that the element of deception is missing,
> because the Villalobos brothers had no intention of deceiving
> or tricking anyone. There never was a single complaint filed
> by any investor until Mr. Villalobos’s accounts were frozen,
> and it obvious that under those conditions it is impossible
> to return the money. It is important to add also that the
> accusations made for the crime of fraud were not initiated
> until after July 3 and 5, 2002, the dates on which the
> Criminal Court of the First Criminal Circuit of San Jose
> ordered the immobilization of the money and the lawsuits were
> filed by Attorney Acuña in September 2003.
> Likewise, it is clear that Mr. Villalobos never had any
> intention of appropriating any money for himself, since the
> freezing of the accounts is the real cause of not returning
> the invested funds.
> Weakness of the resolution related to the freezing of the accounts.
> The Criminal Court’s resolution issued on April 25, 2003
> states that the freezing of the accounts of the defendants
> and their enterprises is based on the application of articles
> 110 of the Penal Code and 198 and 199 of the Criminal Process
> Code. It must be remembered that thus far only charges for
> the crime of illegal financial intermediation have been
> investigated, and that is based on that alleged offense that
> Osvaldo Villalobos-Camacho has been jailed under the pretext
> of preventive custody, raids and seizures have been conducted
> and the application of the procedure of complex process for
> the case has been requested and granted.
> The regulation cited by the Criminal Justice Office is
> totally inapplicable to this case. The aforementioned
> articles establishes the following:
> “Article 110.- Confiscation
> The crime results in a loss in favor of the State of the
> instruments with which the crime was committed and of the
> things and values arising from their use, or which constitute
> for the agent some advantage derived from the crime,
> excepting the right that the offended party or third parties
> may have over those instruments.
> Article 198.- Warrant of seizure
> The judge, the Public Ministry and the police may decide to
> collect and hold the articles related to a crime, both those
> subject to confiscation and those that could serve as
> evidence; for that purpose, whenever necessary, a seizure
> will be ordered. In urgent cases, this measure may be
> delegated to an executive of the judicial police.
> Article 199.- Seizure procedure
> The provisions prescribed for a search shall be applied to a
> seizure. The articles seized shall be inventoried and placed
> in safekeeping.
> Copies or replicas of the objects sequestered may be made
> whenever the originals could disappear or be altered or they
> are difficult keep, or whenever it is advantageous to do so
> for investigation.”
> It is clear, then, that the financial resources collected
> from the investors are not objects related to the crime of
> illegal financial intermediation, and much less instruments
> used to commit the crime, nor are they valuables produced
> through committing the crime. Even if that crime had been
> committed, certainly the frozen funds belong to third
> parties, since the Criminal Justice Office itself permits
> such actions. It is completely illegal to hold those funds
> whenever the conditions of the mentioned regulation are not
> met. Moreover, what the judge concludes, saying that the
> sequestered funds are only a small portion of the total
> amount invested, is totally improper, because that statement
> actually reflects the fact that those resources belong to
> third parties and not the defendants. Purporting that the
> freezing of accounts is justified because of alleged money
> laundering would oblige the Prosecutor and the Judge to
> follow the procedure established in the Narcotics Law in not!
> ifying the possible interested third parties with the
> greatest rights, which has thus far not been done.
> The Court and Appellate Tribunal granted the Prosecutor an
> absolutely inappropriate process of complex procedure, which
> allowed him to lengthen the terms in which to complete the
> investigative phase.
> This type of procedure is regulated by Article 376 and
> articles following of the Criminal Process Code, which states:
> “Whenever the process is complex because of the multiplicity
> of facts, the large number of defendants or victims or with
> any case related to the investigation of any form of
> organized crime, the court, through an official letter o
> request from the Public Ministry shall authorize, by a
> well-founded resolution, the application of special norms
> contemplated under this Title . . . .” (The boldface is ours.)
> For this case, the requirements established in the
> above-cited article are lacking. The wording of the article
> indicates that this has to do with an exception procedure and
> as Lic. Rosario Fernández-Vindas well states in her article
> entitled “Complex Process Matters”, contained in the
> collective work, Reflexiones sobre el Nuevo Proceso Penal
> (Reflections on the New Criminal Process), only in
> exceptional cases, and only with timely notification of those
> affected, is it to be authorized. The interpretation for the
> application of this process is to be restricted, inasmuch as
> the extension of time limits will affect the rights of the
> defendants and the victims, placing at risk the application
> of the right to timely, consistent justice and to be tried in
> a reasonable timeframe, as established by the Political
> Constitution, the San Jose Pact and Article 379 itself of the
> Criminal Process Code.
> It is important to point out that the first thing the
> Prosecutor must prove when he requests the application of
> this procedure is that there indeed exists a clear and
> unmistakable difficulty in processing the case, because first
> the complexity of the case must be established and then the
> reasons for the request studied to ensure that they line up
> with those specifically stipulated in Article 376. It can
> well be that there are a large number of victims without
> there being any difficulty in processing the case, or that
> there are multiple facts involved but which are easy to
> process: The legislator required that first that one
> establish the complexity of the process and that the
> complexity was for one of the cited reasons. Thus, if the
> complexity of the case is due to any of the causes
> enumerated, the procedure may be authorized; on the other
> hand, if there are a large number of defendants or victims,
> or many facts involved, or even if organized crime is
> involved, but, “. . .if!
> there is no complexity or difficulty in the investigation,
> the procedure of complex process shall not be authorized”
> (Fernández, p. 766).
> For the 18 months that the General Attorney has been
> conducting an investigation of the case within the
> preliminary procedure, he has not found any evidence or even
> sufficient indications to transform the charges made into an
> indictment, according to Article 303 of the Criminal Process
> Code. One of those charges has been under investigation since
> 1999 –four years–, and the Prosecutor to date has not been
> able to find enough evidence upon which to base even one indictment.
> It is clear that that the purpose of the preliminary
> procedure is to determine if there are any grounds for a
> trial, through the gathering of information that would make
> it possible to found an indictment and the defense (Article
> 274 of the Criminal Process Code). Nevertheless, it is
> obvious that to begin the preliminary procedure and
> especially when preventive custody, raids and confiscations
> have been ordered, the Prosecutor should have done a prior
> study so as to determine whether there was any fairly sound
> reason for doing so. Otherwise, the Prosecutor would order
> the arrest of people and carry out confiscations and raids
> with the authorization of the Judge with no justification
> whatsoever. We believe that in this case a long enough time
> has elapsed for the completion of the preliminary procedure,
> be it through rejecting the case, dismissal or any other
> conclusive act specified in Article 299 of the Criminal
> Process Code, or else by presenting an indictment requiring the!
> opening of a trial, as stipulated in Article 303 of the same code.
> In this case the Judge has granted all of the Prosecutor’s
> requests: Throughout 18 months the Judge has permitted the
> Prosecutor to raid offices and premises of the defendants,
> confiscate articles they own and even some that belong to the
> depositing investors, access all the papers and supporting
> documents of the companies of the defendants, and since
> November 2002, facilitated by a judicial order, to detain in
> prison one of the defendants under the pretext of preventive
> custody. On the other hand, he has consistently rejected
> requests to cease the preventive custody measures while
> receiving all the technical information from the responsible
> government agency in charge of overseeing financial
> intermediation, such as the General Superintendence of
> Financial Entities. For 18 months the Prosecutor has had
> access to the list of investors and has encouraged the filing
> of criminal charges for fraud in the Victims Protection Office.
> The resolution of the Criminal Court of San Jose issued on
> 16:45 on April 25, 2003, by the Criminal Court of San Jose,
> which declared this case to be of Complex Process is not duly
> founded, contravening the provisions of Article 376 of the
> Criminal Process Code. Observe that to date the only charges
> investigated are those related to the crime of illegal
> financial intermediation allegedly committed by the
> Villalobos brothers, being that the Prosecutor supports his
> request exclusively on that basis. The Judge backs him and
> grants that petition based on a scant 15-line paragraph, in
> which he affirms that the cause is complex due to the
> multiplicity of facts and the large number of victims
> involved. Let us analyze these circumstances.
> The Judge asserts that there are a multiplicity of facts
> involved in the case, because the gathering of funds from the
> public was maintained over the years and generated countless
> facts, which is certainly debatable. The facts pertaining to
> the crime of illegal financial intermediation do not need to
> be investigated with respect to fund gathering, because that
> has been duly proven and accepted. It is not necessary to
> investigate whether there was any fund gathering taking
> place, because that is quite evident, proven in the legal
> file and accepted by the defendants. What does not exist, and
> shall be shown, is any evidence whatsoever of involvement in
> money lending or investment in securities using the financial
> resources gathered. Hence the resolution is improperly supported.
> The other criteria the Judge relies on to establish that the
> case is complex is even weaker. The cited crime is defined in
> the Organic Law of the Central Bank of Costa Rica without
> establishing the legally protected asset, which shows that it
> is dealing with a victimless crime, typically formal and is
> constituted by a fraudulent, objective act. The only thing
> affected by illegal financial intermediation is the legal
> code itself, the law and the SUGEF’s dignity, but the law is
> not established for the purpose of protecting legal
> patrimonial assets. It may well be that a financial
> intermediary acts illegally, but fully honors its obligations
> and the agreed payment of interests, and likewise returns the
> principle upon expiration of the contracted term. This shows
> that this has to do with a formal crime.
> The alleged victims are not victims then because of the
> alleged commission of that crime, but because, it seems, that
> the Prosecutor and the Judge are referring to the accusations
> for fraud. The weakness is evident in the total lack of
> grounds in this sense, which will be dealt with in greater
> depth below.
> Judge Sánchez alters the Prosecutor’s petition and is not
> capable of carrying out his own decisions.
> This past January 22, Prosecutor Walter Espinoza, in charge
> of the Villalobos case requested that Judge Francisco Sánchez
> extend the house arrest order against Osvaldo
> Villalobos-Camacho for another four months, leaving open the
> possibility of requesting new extensions. In other words, the
> Prosecutor was clear in the sense that Osvaldo should stay
> home under a so-called house arrest. At no time did he ask to
> suspend the house arrest nor that the defendant be incarcerated.
> Nonetheless, in a completely inexplicable act, Judge Sánchez
> ruled this past January 27 to rescind the house arrest order
> for Osvaldo Villalobos and dictated his preventive custody
> for a period of three months, expiring in April 27 of this
> year. Even worse, the Judge asserts at the beginning of the
> resolution that the Prosecutor had recommended the preventive
> custody, when in reality it was quite the contrary, as
> pointed out. The judge prevaricates and bases his resolution
> on a falsehood and even states that he is granting the
> Prosecutor’s petition that the house arrest be rescinded and
> preventive custody be dictated, when the truth is the
> Prosecutor had backed the house arrest.
> But the lamentable role of Judge Sánchez does not end there.
> In the last page of the resolution, the Judge establishes
> that Osvaldo must be placed in a Police Force Headquarters
> rather than in the Penitentiary System, citing his health as
> the reason, and nevertheless allows the person whose freedom
> he ought to ensure to be sent to a jail, in stark
> contradiction to his own decision. Since last February 3,
> when the resolution was legally challenged, Judge Sánchez has
> not owned up to his action nor addressed this deplorable
> situation. Perhaps over the next few days the Constitutional
> Court or even the Superior Criminal Court will repeal that
> preventive custody order on Mr. Villalobos. But once again
> Judge Sánchez erroneously interprets and applies the Law and
> in so doing, tramples on the rights of a citizen, when it is
> his duty to defend them.
> The Prosecutor and the Judge are arbitrary in this case and
> omit the investigation of the Banks in which the Canadians
> deposited their monies.
> >From the onset of this case, the Defense has requested
> consideration of
> >the fact that the Canadian Government had solicited reports
> of all of
> >the financial entities in which the Canadians citizens under
> >investigation had deposited funds. Thus far, from at least
> two banks,
> >deposit records were found pertaining to those two Canadians
> and, yet,
> >the Prosecutor does not apply the same criteria and zeal in
> the process
> >and opens no case against the people in charge of those entities. He
> >takes note of this fact, but he shirks his duties, thus
> causing one to
> >believe that he must have a persecutory attitude against the
> Villalobos
> >brothers. It does not concern him that the Canadians opened
> accounts in
> >Costa Rica, but only that they might have had investments with the
> >Ofinter firm, Luis Enrique or Osvaldo Villalobos.
> The Prosecutor recognizes that there is no evidence as to the
> existence of accounts of the Canadians with the Villalobos
> Brothers, yet he continues with the case.
> The origin of the case against the Villalobos brothers, as
> indicated earlier, was the Letter of Request sent by the
> Canadian Government in June 2002. The letter alleged that the
> Canadians had deposits with the Villalobos brothers and that
> could possibly evidence the Villalobos brothers’
> participation in the crime of money laundering. Believe it or
> not, after 18 months of investigation, the Prosecutor only
> manages to write on January 22, 2004, in a communication
> addressed to Judge Sánchez, folio 1961 of the file, that the
> only evidence of the value of the account is a promissory
> note presently located at the condominium in Playa Jacó,
> Costa Rica, which was not found during the initial raid of
> the condominium on July 4, 2002.
> This sentence is transcribed verbatim from the Prosecutor’s
> record. Incredible indeed that after 18 months of
> investigation, the Prosecutor would acknowledge that there is
> absolutely no proof that the Canadians had any accounts with
> the Villalobos brothers --because the alleged promissory note
> was not found in July 2002, 18 months before. I hope
> Prosecutor Espinoza does not expect us to believe that the
> promissory note that supposedly exists could somehow appear
> two years after the raid, considering that the place has not
> been under any kind of surveillance or care.
> The Prosecutor’s phrase is a monument to ignorance and
> ill-will. To assert that a promissory note would be found in
> a place 18 months after the first fruitless search, is
> characteristic of a negligent, careless official, to say the
> least. But it seems rather the result of a desperate person
> who has made irresponsible statements, which now he is unable
> to prove. If the promissory note is the only evidence of the
> alleged investment, and it did not show up in the raid of the
> condominium in July 2002, it simply does not exist, and even
> it were found there and was not seized, after so many months
> the sudden appearance of such a document would be absolutely
> spurious. A responsible Prosecutor should admit that he has
> no evidence at all of the existence of the Canadians’
> investment with the Villalobos brothers, other than the
> statements made in Canada without the oversight of the
> Defense and with no investigative findings to back them up.
> The Prosecutor falsifies the truth in relation to the
> accusation against Sandra Kerwin St. Onge in Canada.
> On folio 1960 of the case file, the Prosecutor states that
> the Ms. Kerwin-St. Onge was accused of the crime of “profit
> derived from a crime related to assets in Costa Rica.” That
> accusation did not exist, and it is from such statements
> about that woman that leads to the deduction concerning the
> existence of the aforementioned promissory note. The only
> assets referred to in the Canadians’ case is the condominium
> purchased in Jacó and the Canadian Judge’s request to claim
> the money allegedly deposited with the Villalobos brothers.
> But since the request was signed on March 10, 2003, no formal
> steps have been taken in Costa Rica nor does there exit any
> proof that it was ever sent to this country through the
> corresponding channels.
> The Prosecutor again alters the facts and makes statements
> that he knows are untrue, with the intent to confuse the
> Judge and public opinion.
> The Prosecutor has improved his knowledge in the criminal
> matter of illegal financial intermediation but still does not
> understand it.
> Throughout the process of the investigation, the Prosecutor
> has insisted that the criminal classification of financial
> intermediation was constituted by mere fund gathering without
> authorization. After repeated arguments making it very plain
> that it is was also necessary to demonstrate that those
> habitually gathered funds needed to be used for money lending
> or investment in securities, possibly he finally read the
> legal criminal description and became concerned enough to
> investigate whether or not the funds gathered were being used
> for money lending or investments in securities.
> In that remarkable communication of January 22, he continues
> to repeat something no one is denying, namely, that the
> Villalobos brothers were engaged in habitual fund gathering
> activities. Now, however, he states that “a substantial
> portion” of the money collected was invested in stocks and
> bonds (securities). After asking the OIJ and other agencies
> for reports, he found only one alleged investment, which he
> also fails to demonstrate. On folio 1916, he says that on
> March 18, 2002, Mr. Osvaldo Villalobos signed a contract with
> the Banco Popular to participate in an investment fund and
> that on June 19 he authorized the purchase of Costa Rican
> external debt bonds for the amount of three million dollars
> and for that purpose he used checks written by the investors.
> Frankly, the Prosecutor’s conclusion is astonishing. First of
> all, since there is no record anywhere of the Mr.
> Villalobos’s signed authorization for this investment, it
> cannot be stated that it even occurred. Secondly, after 18
> months of investigation and showing that the Villalobos
> brothers collected hundreds of millions of dollars, there
> appears only that one alleged investment, in absolutely
> secure bonds pertaining to this country’s own external debt.
> No one in his right mind would consider that just one
> investment reflects a habitual practice and much less would
> think that the purpose of money gathered to pay the rate of
> interest that was actually paid to the investors would have
> come from those securities because their rate of interest is
> substantially less. In that unproven alleged investment there
> was no risk, being that it had to do with external debt
> securities issued by the government of this country.
> The other alleged investments that the Prosecutor tries to
> show were made are nothing of the kind. What was occurring,
> rather, was the cashing of checks by a stockbroker, as
> indicated in folio 1917. To cash a check is definitely not an
> investment in securities, even though the stockbroker may do
> it, and if that firm is not authorized to engage in the
> activity, that is not the responsibility of the Villalobos brothers.
> The Prosecutor’s document dated 22 January, 2004 is
> incorrectly collated and in that manner was supposedly read
> by Judge Sánchez.
> Starting at folio 1921 of the file, the data entry operator
> who typed the document, working at the Prosecutor’s office,
> erred in his work, and from folio 1922 to 1935 the document
> is repeated, without anyone having noticed it, much less
> Prosecutor Espinoza, who is the one who signed it. With this
> error, the document is practically incomprehensible, but that
> is no problem for a person who receives it without reading it.
> A mysterious document appears named Alternative Emergency
> System that for the Prosecutor represents proof that the
> Villalobos Brothers intended to evade their legal
> responsibilities to the investors, a totally unacceptable
> interpretation.
> >From folio 1962 and following, Prosecutor Espinosa refers to a
> >mysterious document that he found 18 months after the
> initial sequester
> >and which bears no signature of the person responsible. From
> its text,
> >one gathers that there supposedly was a meeting of attorneys
> to review
> >a case of a possible criminal accusation by the investors. The
> >Prosecutor assumes that is proof of an alleged fraud,
> because according
> >to him, they were preparing to cease payment of the investors, which
> >would have adversely affected their patrimonial rights. That
> estimation
> >is totally unacceptable.
> If the Villalobos brothers had devised some type of fraud,
> they would not have left a written record of their
> intentions. If they had done that, they would have fled the
> country long ago, taking with them the money of the
> investors, especially when we realize that the alleged
> minutes are from a meeting that took place on May 12, 1999,
> over three months before the beginning of the criminal case,
> the sequester of the documents and the freezing of the
> accounts. The records reveal that at no time were the
> Villalobos brothers planning to leave the country, and much
> less were they preparing to stop paying the investors. They
> were simply referring to the appropriate document to give as
> a guarantee to the investors, and it was suggested that they
> use a bill of exchange instead of a check, because that would
> be more appropriate.
> To deduce that an unsigned document dated three years before
> the onset of the case and that in this way the alleged fraud
> was being planned, is entirely consistent with the arbitrary,
> slipshod manner in which the Prosecutor has conducted this
> whole process of investigation, infringing on the rights of
> thousands of investors, with absolutely no grounds.
> (end)
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----- New Investment Opportunities ------
----> Encryption Services, Relocation Services to
----> Costa Rica, and Elsewhere Privacy/Offshore Consultations
----> Send email to: for info.
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